The tutorial explains the Excel charts basics and provides the detailed guidance on how to make a graph in Excel. You will also learn how to combine two chart types, save a graph as chart template, change the default chart type, resize and move the graph.

Everyone needs to create graphs in Excel to visualize data or check on the latest trends. Microsoft Excel provides a wealth of powerful chart features, but it may be challenging to locate the necessary options. Unless you have a good understanding of various chart types and data types they are appropriate for, you may spend hours fiddling with different chart elements and yet end up creating a graph that bears only remote resemblance to what you've pictured in your mind.

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This chart tutorial starts with the basics and walks you through the process of making a chart in Excel step-by-step. And even if you are a beginner with little to no experience, you will be able to create your first Excel graph in minutes and make it look exactly the way you want it to look.

A chart, also known as graph, is a graphical representation of numeric data where the data is represented by symbols such as bars, columns, lines, slices, and so on. It is common to make graphs in Excel to better understand large amounts of data or relationship between different data subsets.

Microsoft Excel lets you create a great lot of different graph types such as Column chart, Bar chart, Line chart, Pie chart, Area chart, Bubble chart, Stock, Surface, Radar charts, and PivotChart.

How to make a graph in ExcelWhen creating graphs in Excel, you can select from a variety of chart types to present your data in the way most meaningful to your users. You can also make a combination graph by using several chart types.

For most Excel charts, such as bar charts or column charts, no special data arrangement is required. You can organize the data in rows or columns, and Microsoft Excel will automatically determine the best way to plot the data in your graph (you will be able to change this later).

In this example, we are going to make a graph based on the following table.

2. Select data to include in the chartSelect all the data you want to include in your Excel graph. Be sure to select the column headings if you want them to appear either in the chart legend or axis labels.

Tip. To immediately see all available chart types, click the Dialog Box Launcher next to Charts.

Well, basically, you are done. The graph is placed on your current worksheet as an embedded chart. Here's the 3-D Column chart created by Excel for our data:

If you want to compare different data types in your Excel graph, creating a combo chart is the right way to go. For example, you can combine a column or area chart with a line chart to present dissimilar data, for instance an overall revenue and the number of items sold.

At the top of the dialog, you will see a few pre-defined combo charts to get you started quickly. You can click on each of them to see the chart preview, and there's a good chance that you will find the chart to your liking. Yep, the second graph - Clustered Column and Line on Secondary Axis - will do nicely for our data.

Given that our data series (Amount and Price) have different scales, we do need a secondary axis in one of them to clearly see the values for both series in the graph. If none of the predefined combo charts Excel displays to you has a secondary axis, then simply select the one you like the most, and check the Secondary Axis box for one of the data series.

Click the OK button to get the combo chart inserted in your Excel sheet. Done!Finally, you may want to add some finishing touches, such as typing your chart title and adding axis titles. The completed combination chart may look similar to this:

Customizing Excel chartsAs you have just seen, making a chart in Excel is easy. But after you've added a chart, you may want to modify some of the default elements to create an exquisite eye-catching graph.

Chart Elements button. It launches the checklist of all the elements you can modify or add to your graph, and it only shows those elements that are applicable to the selected chart type. The Chart Elements button supports Live Preview, so if you are not sure what a certain element is, hover the mouse on it and you will see what your graph would look like if you select that option.

Hopefully, this quick overview of the chart customization features has helped you to get the general idea of how you can modify graphs in Excel. In the next tutorial, we will have an in-depth look at how to customize different chart elements, such as:

By default, the newly created chart template is saved to the special Charts folder. All chart templates stored to this folder are automatically added to the Templates folder that appears in the Insert Chart and Change Chart Type dialogs when you create a new or modify an existing graph in Excel.

Please keep in mind that only the templates that were saved to the Charts folder appear in the Templates folder in Excel. So, make sure you don't change the default destination folder when saving a template.

To apply the chart template to an existing graph, right click on the graph and choose Change Chart Type from the context menu. Or, go to the Design tab and click Change Chart Type in the Type group.

Either way, the Change Chart Type dialog will open, you find the desired template in the Templates folder and click on it.

How to delete a chart template in ExcelTo delete a graph template, open the Insert Chart dialog, go to the Templates folder and click the Manage Templates button in the bottom left corner.

Clicking the Manage Templates button will open the Charts folder with all existing templates. Right click on the template you want to remove and choose Delete in the context menu.

Using the default chart in ExcelExcel's default chart is a real time-saver. Whenever you need a graph in a hurry or just want to have a quick look on certain trends in your data, you can make a chart in Excel with a single keystroke! Simply select the data to be included in the graph and press one of the following shortcuts:

For more options, click the Dialog Box Launcher next to Size and configure the needed parameters on the pane.

Moving the chart in ExcelWhen you create a graph in Excel, it is automatically embedded on the same worksheet as the source data. You can move the chart to any location on the sheet by dragging it with the mouse.

To export the chart somewhere outside of Excel, right-click on the chart border and click Copy. Then open another program or application and paste the graph there. You can find a few other chart saving techniques in the following tutorial: How to save Excel chart as image.

This is how you make charts in Excel. Hopefully, this overview of the basic chart features has helped you get off on the right foot. In the next tutorial, we will provide the detailed guidance on customizing different chart elements such as chart title, axes, data labels and so on. In the meantime, you may want to review other chart tutorials that we have (the links are at the end of this article). I thank you for reading and look forward to seeing you on our blog next week!

I am trying to create simple line graphs using columns of data that are not adjacent. I want to be able to add new data to the table columns and have the graphs automatically update. I can build the graphs just fine but do not know how to get them to do the automatic updating. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

I have an issue.

I have two line graphs in a single chart in excel 2013. I Want one line graph in any colour and the second one to have no outline .when i save the document the line graph with no outline does not save the change(s) and keeps re appearing yet i dont want it to be visible.

However i need the one with no outline because i need a trendline for the graph.Please assist.

I am trying to build software in excel that can help keep my renovation companies accounts etc in order. I have student version of office 2007 that I bought brand new unopened recently at a garage sale for 5$.

I have some experience in excel from back in college. I can and have built invoice sheet no problem. I have also built a sheet that handles my business expenses/tax return database etc. I have also built a customer profile page.

When you create a document in Excel, you can choose "New From Template" from the "File" menu and you can browse the options Microsoft gives you. For more options, HubSpot and other sites offer free Excel templates for almost any purpose you can think of.

You can get more free templates for Excel on the Microsoft Office website, from HubSpot's Resource Library or Business Templates Library, or on many other websites that offer specific types of templates for different uses.

You can download templates for Excel from by following the instructions. Many other sites like (like ourselves, Hubspot) offer free excel templates for everything from invoices to budgets to charts or timelines in our Business Templates Library.


Trying to get some custom Excel reports out the door, but I'm running into brick walls.

After reviewing various documents I found on, such as the "LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office User Guide" March 2004, 323805A-01 and "Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office User Manual" April 2001, 322880A-01, I decided that it would be best to proceed by creating an Excel template.

On page 4-3, the User manual states that "if you need to format your graph in a way that is not supported by the formatting VIs, you can insert the graph in a template, format the graph the way you want, and use the [Excel Update Graph] VI to fill the graph with data."

Seemed very straight forward, so I spent some time formatting an xy-graph in Excel (see attached template).

When I went to fill the graph from LabVIEW, I keep getting an error code, and even looking online I can't pinpoint if the data is in the wrong format, length, orientation or what. I've tried the obvious permutations of data alignment, with and without row/column string arrays and with -1 as well as 0 as the indexes but with the same error as results. I noticed the help-file for the "Excel Update Graph VI" has the following note:

"Note The Excel Update Graph VI only updates graphs you create using the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office. The VI does not update graphs you create in Excel manually."

The way I read the note is in direct contradiction to the user manual, but seems consistent with the error I keep getting.

Creating a graph from within LabVIEW does not allow me to quickly and easily configure the chart to the size/setup that I want to use, and several options are not exposed by the VI framework, or if they are, I have not found them. I also have not found a way to apply an Excel "chart template" style via LabVIEW. e24fc04721

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