I want to play some old rpg and heard exagear could be used to play it. Unfortunately I have not been able to find any reliable place to download it. Could somebody link me or at least point me in the right direction?

Ok, i will try that, thank you peba.

I just ordered another jetson tk1. I will give it another try on that one.

I asked exagear if the licence key can used on the new device:

"Yes you can but with limitations. You should follow the rules. You should uninstall ExaGear from old device first and then install on new device. Also you can do that only twice i.e. you can use not more than 3 device with one key.

Thx peba.

Download Exagear

Download File 🔥 https://urlin.us/2y3hWB 🔥

N3FJP's logging software seems to run a little slow, but otherwise works. I'm not super familiar with it, so you may have to check and see if it's missing any functionality, but everything I've tested seems to work so far.

I've been doing a lot of tinkering and need to test all this with a fresh exagear install at some point, but I made more progress and believe I have the lines of code that were responsible for the fixes.

I bought Exagear Desktop for my Pi 3 this weekend. I payed for it and was emailed the licence key. I first attempted to install exagear via the Add/Remove Software program in the Pi's start menu. I did update my packages before hand, if that helps. I ran all the commands in the email that the licence key was sent on, but I got a error message "actool: The server has failed to process the request; HTTP status is 500." when I attempted to run the command "sudo -E /opt/exagear/bin/actool" I double check to see if the licence key is in the /opt/exagear/bin/actool directory and it is. But when I reboot, the key disappears.

So I followed the 'purge' commands listed at the end of the user-guide.pdf in the /opt/exagear/share/doc directory then reinstall by reupdating the packages and using the 'sudo apt-get install exagear-desktop' command, which is successfull, but still won't activate and I cant even run the lousy trial version.

I saw a tutorial on pimylifeup.com and was going to try that when I relized that it was from 2016 and that I cant find out the newest version number off of eltechs' website or anywhere in the .pdf, so I can't do that, unless exagear is still at version 1.5.

So what can I do? The ativation troubleshooting section of docs.eltechs.com said that, if I understood it right, can be redownload and used again on the same Pi system. I tried this 2 times, fyi. Could I maybe try to update actool or update the instance of the actool that is residing in the /opt/exagear/bin directory? ff782bc1db

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