All evian bottles bearing the Carbon Trust logo have been produced during a period with  Carbon neutral  certification by the Carbon Trust. However, it may be possible that some of the labels still appear on products in the market after this date.

To celebrate the 2023 National Bank Open, evian tapped Toronto-based creative agency Mint to create an immersive experience that offered attendees an escape to the French Alps, a stunning glimpse at its natural source for water, and the refreshing world of evian.

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From August 5th-13th, 2023, the activation welcomed and refreshed over 11,000 guests. Mint and the evian team also invited top-tier creators including Olivia Dipede and Aleeya Hutchins to attend the Open and experience the uniquely hydrating properties of evian water first-hand.

We're are a boutique composed of delicately curated collections from all of the big upscale activewear brands. Athleisure is the staple to everyday wear, our mission is bringing in pieces that elevate your high performance activewear sets from 'the barre to the bar'. Styled for every occasion.

Objective:  An important pending question is whether temporary highly active antiretroviral therapy during primary HIV infection can influence viral rebound dynamics and the subsequently established viral setpoint, through preservation and enhancement of HIV-1-specific immune responses, or through other mechanisms.

Methods:  We included all patients from two prospective studies who underwent a single treatment interruption while being well suppressed on highly active antiretroviral therapy. One group started highly active antiretroviral therapy during primary HIV infection, and the other group started it during chronic HIV infection with CD4 cell counts above 350 cells/microl. Data were collected up to 48 weeks from treatment interruption. The median time to viral rebound was analysed for three levels of viraemia: 50, 500 and 5000 copies HIV-RNA/ml plasma.

Conclusion:  Plasma viral load and CD4 dynamics after a single interruption of highly active antiretroviral therapy were different for primary HIV infection and chronic HIV infection patients. Viral rebound is delayed or absent and early CD4 cell count decline after treatment interruption is less pronounced in primary HIV infection patients.

Kicking off timed to music's most celebrated desert festival in the Coachella Valley, evian's Club Hydration will debut at TAO Desert Nights on Friday, April 14th, transporting guests to evian's origins in the French Alps as they enjoy the refreshing sensation of evian Sparkling carbonated water to help maintain their sparkle and keep the celebration going all night long through the following touchpoints:

Following its debut in the desert, evian's Club Hydration will pop up at select events across the country throughout the year to ensure that everyone can maintain their sparkle by staying hydrated with the effervescent and refreshing taste of evian Sparkling carbonated water.

"We're thrilled to introduce evian's Club Hydration to offer innovative ways to experience and reinforce healthy hydrating during some of the most sought-after events," said Leeni Hmlinen Marketing Director, evian, at Danone North America. "evian Sparkling carbonated water has exceptional mineral quality and fine bubbles, allowing people to maintain their sparkle and keep the celebrations going."

evian Sparkling carbonated water aims to awaken the senses through a unique and refreshing sparkling sensation resulting in something dazzling, effervescent, and refreshingly light. evian Sparkling carbonated water is available in 330ml and 750ml glass bottles at select retailers nationwide and at all Tao Group Hospitality properties.

About evian:evian natural spring water comes from the heart of the French Alps, a unique geological site in the world. For more than 15 years, it travels through the rocks, where it picks up minerals. The brand has been working for over 25 years to preserve natural surroundings of the source, in an effort to preserve evian natural spring water's exceptional quality for generations to come. Natural and uniquely balanced, evian natural spring water is a healthy choice throughout the day.

evian, a Danone brand, embraces the company's One Planet. One Health vision that the health of the people and the health of the planet are interconnected and therefore seeks to protect and nourish both.

To enhance your stay in our haven of peace on the shores of Lake Geneva, we have a fitness room for your daily workout, whether intense or less active. Our machines adapt to your level and your expectations and are available from 7h to 23h.

We use technologies such as cookies to keep reliable and secure, for analysis in order to improve our service for you, providing social media features and personalizing content and ads. In this context, personal data may also be transferred to and processed by third-party providers outside the EEA.

evian has been supporting sport for many years, sponsoring major international tennis events such as The Championships Wimbledon and the US Open, or golf tournaments like The Amundi Evian Championship and promoting the importance of hydration as essential for a healthy, authentic and balanced lifestyle.

Long-standing partner since its creation in 1994, it is with great pride and pleasure that evian keeps up this iconic women golf tournament so dear to the brand. Beyond being one of the sponsors, evian is delighted to support this sport event at its heartland, showcasing the pristine, unadulterated beauty of its source at Evian-les-Bains.

Fighting Corruption/Improving Transparency

 Last year in Evian we committed ourselves to act together, and withdeveloping country partners and the international community, to fightcorruption and improve transparency. We will do still more to help cutaway the burden of corruption on economic growth. What follows is areport on follow-up to the commitments we made in Evian. Country-led Transparency Compacts Launched G-8 governments are working with a number of developing countrieswith a view toward building voluntary partnerships to assist theirefforts to increase transparency and thereby to use public resourceswisely. These efforts will focus on transparency in public budgets,including revenues and expenditures, government procurement, theletting of public concessions and the granting of licenses. Specialemphasis will be given to cooperation with countries with largeextractive industries sectors. These partnerships will be put inplace through voluntary compacts that lay out commitments on both sidesin support of country-owned strategies and in full complementarity withongoing initiatives and programs.  The Governments of Georgia,Nicaragua, Nigeria and Peru have come forward with the first suchcompacts to achieve these important goals. Other interested countriesare actively pursuing compacts. We task our relevant ministries todevelop in partnership with these countries implementation plans.Partner governments have specified, in concrete terms, what theyintend to do to bring greater transparency and accountability to themanagement of public resources. Participating G-8 countrieswill support them by providing bilateral technical assistance andpolitical support. With each compact partner, participants willdevelop action plans that set forth our joint efforts to achievemeasurable improvements in these areas. Participating G-8governments will work with partner countries to enlist the support andengagement of private companies, organizations and civil society, aswell as international institutions. For partner countries richin oil, natural gas, and mineral resources, the compacts will payparticular attention to the transparency of revenue flows and paymentsin these sectors, while protecting the necessary confidentiality ofbusiness operations. Our shared goal is to help combat the harmfuleffects on development when national resources and revenues aremisused. Complementary efforts to promote transparency are also takenforward by countries participating in the Extractives IndustryTransparency Initiative.  UN Convention Against Corruption Agreed G-8 governments met their Evian goal of seeing conclusion of the UNConvention Against Corruption, which establishes high internationalstandards of public integrity, transparency and accountability, andfacilitates the recovery of illicitly acquired assets that have beentransferred abroad. To ensure that this important new internationalagreement is implemented effectively, we will:  Remaincommitted to become parties to the Convention and call for rapidsignature and completion of all necessary steps to ratify and implementthe Convention, and support the convening in Vienna of a multilateral"Friends of the Convention" process for promoting active and effectiveimplementation. We are committed to translating the words of thisConvention into effective actions and assisting third countries,particularly developing countries, in accomplishing the objectives ofthe Convention. We welcome the agreement of Justice and HomeAffairs Ministers on recovering proceeds of corruption. We supportour Ministers' determination to detect, recover and return theseillicitly acquired assets, including by: establishing G-8accelerated response teams; enhancing G-8 asset recovery casecoordination; and holding G-8 asset recoveryworkshops. To meet these goals, we will ensurethat: each of our countries has rules in place by Summer 2005,where possible, to require due diligence for "politically exposedpersons" accounts; each of our countries has rules in place,preferably by 12/31/04, to require wire transfer originatorinformation; we create G-8 best practices for modalities ofdisposition and return; and we explore effective measures torecover assets in corruption cases.  Denying Safe Haven to Officials Guilty of Corruption We reaffirm our commitment at Evian to seek in accordance withnational laws to deny safe haven to public officials guilty ofcorruption, by denying them entry, when appropriate. We will direct ourexperts to examine and improve efforts to achieve this objective andreview progress at our next Summit. Public Financial Management and Accountability Strengthened We welcome the real progress to strengthen public financialmanagement and accountability programs in the International FinancialInstitutions (IFIs). The IMF agreed to publish its program documentsand surveillance reports effective July 2004. The Inter-American Development Bank also agreed on an improveddisclosure policy. We will encourage countries to meet the highdisclosure and transparency standards set by the IFIs and to: Achieve agreement on full disclosure of the World BankInternational Development Association's (IDA) Country Policy andInstitutional Assessment results, with disclosure to start with the2005 ratings; Seek full disclosure of performance evaluationsin the regional development banks;  Maintain solid G-8support for mandatory publication of country assistance strategies atthe World Bank and the Asian Development Bank this year, and at otherregional banks in the future. Encourage IMF members tocomplete and publish IMF reports/diagnostics that examine eachcountry's budget procedures to determine the level of transparency andaccountability;  Support the efforts of the Public Expenditureand Financial Accountability (PEFA) program at the World Bank to helpdeveloping countries achieve accountability in public finance andexpenditure and to extend harmonized approaches to the assessment andreform of their public financial and accountability systems;procurement should follow a strong, parallel track to ensure that it isnot subsumed or marginalized by the streamlining; and  Invitedeveloping countries to prepare anti-corruption action plans toimplement their commitments in regional and internationalconventions.  OECD Anti-Bribery Convention Reviews Accelerated and CorporateCompliance Programs Encouraged We made good progress to fulfill the G-8's Evian pledge tostrengthen OECD monitoring of the Anti-Bribery Convention. The OECDCouncil approved a reform package on in February, 2004, including amechanism to fund the Working Group on Bribery (WGB). It achievesstable funding through 2007 to complete a full round of important peerreviews that examine member country's enforcement track record. We will adhere rigorously to our updated 2004-2007 enforcementreview schedule, honour our pledges to serve as lead examiners orexaminees, and send our prosecutors and other law enforcement officialsto participate in peer reviews. We will encourage efforts ofour private sectors to develop and implement corporate complianceprograms to promote adherence to laws against foreign bribery, andwelcome the positive steps already taken by certain industries todevelop specific principles relevant to their specific activities topromote such compliance.   Framework Strengthened for Fighting Financial Crimes, MoneyLaundering and the Financing of Terrorism All G-8 countries committed to implement the Financial Action TaskForce (FATF) revised 40 recommendations adopted in June 2003. We are promoting implementation of the UN Transnational OrganizedCrime (TOC) Convention. We will develop a diplomatic strategy to urgespeedy consideration of ratification of the TOC Convention andcoordinate with others, including donors to the UN Office on Drugs andCrime, to provide technical assistance to promote implementation of theConvention. We strongly support the broad international effort undertaken bythe IMF/World Bank, the FATF and other international organizations toassess jurisdictions' compliance with the anti-money laundering andcombating of the financing of terrorist (AML/CFT) standard. We urgeall jurisdictions to move with dispatch to address shortcomings intheir regimes. As part of the international effort, we look forward todelivery of technical assistance to help jurisdictions addressidentified shortfalls in their AML/CFT regimes. Transparency Focus in Trade Agreements Reaffirmed  We reaffirm our pledge at Evian to "work towards including in ourregional and bilateral trade agreements provisions requiringtransparency in government procurement, the awarding of concessions, aswell as provisions on trade facilitation." Review of Off-Shore Financial Centers Continues We reaffirm our commitment to further enhance transparency andsupervisory standards in financial markets in particular non-compliantoff-shore centers. We ask our Finance Ministers to carry this workforward. In this regard, we welcome the IMF's regular monitoring andassessment of offshore financial centers' compliance with internationalstandards. We also urge all financial centers, both off-shore andon-shore, to adopt high standards of transparency and exchange ofinformation in all tax matters.### 006ab0faaa

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