It's often used to comfort people, but when you really think about it from that perspective it's even worse. This phrase is less comforting when you really follow that line of reasoning out to its logical end.

The inherent ambiguity in the meaning of "reason" leads to questioning whether the statement is about cause or purpose. Its interpersonal use emphasizes purpose. The implication of a superior intelligence may intuitively trouble those who do not believe in fate or God or the Universe. For those who do believe in a higher intelligence, the statement can be comforting and reassuring that everything will turn out well. For those who wish to exercise their own resilience through personal agency, the statement encourages them to believe in their own ability to create a beneficial future.

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I got thousands of letters and emails. I still get them every day. I think it is because of the questions I asked. I asked: How do you live without quite so many reasons for the bad things that happen? I asked: Would it be better to live without outrageous formulas for why people deserve what they get? And what was so funny and so terrible was, of course, I thought I asked people to simmer down on needing an explanation for the bad things that happened. So what did thousands of readers do? Yeah, they wrote to defend the idea that there had to be a reason for what happened to me. And they really want me to understand the reason. People want me to reassure them that my cancer is all part of a plan. A few letters even suggested it was God's plan that I get cancer so I could help people by writing about it. People are certain it is a test of my character or proof of something terrible I've done. They want me to know without a doubt that there is a hidden logic to this seeming chaos. They tell my husband, while I'm still in the hospital, that everything happens for a reason, and then stammer awkwardly when he says, "I'd love to hear it. I'd love to hear the reason my wife is dying."

And I get it. We all want reasons. We want formulas to predict whether our hard work will pay off, whether our love and support will always make our partners happy and our kids love us. We want to live in a world in which not one ounce of our hard work or our pain or our deepest hopes will be for nothing. We want to live in a world in which nothing is lost.

Today, I am doing quite well. The immunotherapy drugs appear to be working, and we are watching and waiting with scans. I hope I will live a long time. I hope I will live long enough to embarrass my son and to watch my husband lose his beautiful hair. And I think I might. But I am learning to live and to love without counting the cost, without reasons and assurances that nothing will be lost.

Life will break your heart, and life may take everything you have and everything you hope for. But there is one kind of prosperity gospel that I believe in. I believe that in the darkness, even there, there will be beauty, and there will be love. And every now and then, it will feel like more than enough.

My depression seemed to spiral out of control the summer before my freshman year of high school. That summer I was dealing with severe health complications and was uncertain about my chances of survival. I was left with many unanswered questions, became attached to seclusion, and came to believe hope was merely a hoax. I lost complete faith and trust in God during that period of my life and doubted the purpose of my life, of depression, of everything.

Grief is woven into the fabric of the human experience. If it is not permitted to occur, its absence pillages everything that remains: the fragile, vulnerable shell you might become in the face of catastrophe.

I believed that everything that happened to me had a reason for it and if God is sovereign then He must be the one causing these traumatic circumstances to happen. It was easy to blame God for everything.

Do children believe that "everything happens for a reason?" That is, do children endorse purpose-based, teleological explanations for significant life events, as they do for social behavior, artifacts, biological properties, and natural kinds? Across three experiments, 5- to 7-year-olds (N = 80), 8- to 10-year-olds (N = 72), and adults (N = 91) chose between teleological and nonteleological accounts of significant life events and judged how helpful those accounts were for understanding an event's cause. Five- to 7-year-olds favored teleological explanations, but this preference diminished with age. Five- to 7-year-olds and 8- to 10-year-olds also found teleological explanations more helpful than did adults. Perceiving purpose in life events may therefore have roots in childhood, potentially reflecting a more general sensitivity to purpose in the social and natural worlds.

However, there are many verses in the Quran that repeatedly confirm the context of the above statement. These contexts refer to the sovereignty of our creator, Almighty God, His knowledge of all that is seen and concealed. He does whatever He chooses to, and all this takes precedence over reasoning.

There are verses in other scriptures, including the Quran, that clearly show that nothing is in our control. Almighty Creator is the Sovereign. Nothing happens without His approval, knowing and will. Anything good or bad happens with His permission, and we should accept it as a blessing in disguise, since we cannot see or know what will happen from one moment to another in our lives. This leaves the burden of reasoning both on the faith and the faithful.

Things happens to us in life and in that particular moment, we do not know why they happened. But the notion that it happened for a reason empowers us in our lives, and how we react to them and create meaning out of all of this is what matters most. We seek closures, though mostly in cases of loss, and knowing the reasons satisfy us. But sometimes, when in search of closures, faith and consolation of knowing there must be a reason behind the loss helps us move forward.

I\u2019m not a religious person, but I do believe in divine intervention/things happening for a reason/fated encounters/and so on and so forth. Personally, I feel the need to believe in the magic of the universe otherwise nothing makes sense and the idea of complete chaos and randomness makes me nauseous.

When you embrace the belief that everything happens for a reason, it is wise to stay aware that when the things that occur are positive, it is much easier to take in the deeper spiritual lesson for the occurrence.

Unfortunately, in these painful moments, one stands to learn and grow the most as a person. In these difficult moments, believing that everything happens for a reason often gives us the strength to move forward in a meaningful manner.

This faith gives us hope that, no matter what obstacles come our way, everything in our lives works out to give us something meaningful and worthwhile, and something good will eventually arise from this challenging period in our lives.

When it comes to the idea that everything happens for a reason, many proponents believe strongly in this idea. They argue that even though things may appear random, they are actually part of a larger plan and that by paying attention, we can see how all of the pieces fit together.

Our mindset is a powerful thing, and believing things happen for a reason may create a positive movement in us. This will allow us to work towards the things that will add to our lives. We can do this by being open and willing to take risks.

For whatever reason, being at the right place at the right time is something we can all appreciate. Maybe you were the one that got the upgrade at the hotel, or you happened to make a connection that led to a future opportunity at work.

Our growth and evolution are our purpose here on earth, so everything that takes place is to lead you forward toward achieving your potential. It is often through anger or turmoil that our inner fire is ignited, and we then take action that propels us forward toward something better.

I suspect that many of those people, even those who lived in substandard housing, actually liked their homes, neighbors, and neighborhoods. So while the forced move to Houston ultimately did prove beneficial to some of them, for many others, they lost everything, including a sense of place and belonging.

Why do some people die in a hurricane and others live? Why does a tornado takeout one house on a street but leave the others intact? Why do some people survive a plane crash or ship sinking while their fellow passengers perish? The only reason is chance or luck.

But when we believe that nothing is happening for a reason and that it is all up to us, we recognize our own power and potential. We become empowered to make decisions and take action that will shape our lives in positive ways.

Why was this young girl, no older than 12, given a death sentence at such an early age? There seems to be no rhyme or reason for why bad things happen to good people. This leads me to think that not everything has to happen for a reason.

Maybe those difficult coding classes led me to my marketing degree, which helped me find the job I have and love today. When I experience things like this, I start to think that maybe, just maybe, things happen for a reason.

However, from the time we got pregnant until I gave birth, everything in our lives lined up so we would be able to move to a bigger place and have enough income to live comfortably while I was on maternity leave for one year.

One interpretation of this concept is that everything occurs due to some predetermined external plan. This view tends to be adopted by individuals with religious beliefs, who may attribute this plan to a higher power or divine being.

On the opposite end, everything that occurs happens as a result of a purely random series of events. This view could be adopted by those who demonstrate more scientific rationale and attribute the outcomes of all events to the cause-and-effect relationship of all preceding events. e24fc04721

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