All needs to be done is setup a switch in evenghost app on hubitat. Eventghost on your pc will react this and run your script directly. You just need to look at the various plugins available in eventghost. One of the things it can do is execute something from the command line. The webserver is setup to simply listen to the events sent over by the eventghost app.

Warning: It is not a good idea to associate common keystrokes with eventghost commands, especially with QWERTY remotes. You may get collisions and key interceptions which are hard to diagnose (See last section of this document for details). I suggest leaving most keys unprogrammed, and only map the special 4-button combination keystrokes for those keys you want to remap.

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I found the Rest API really simple to use through tasker and I think its the best option for this application but when I search how to do a http post with eventghost I found nothing about openhab and the one I attempted to alter didnt work for me.

Last step is to add the events to each macro. The easiest way to do this is to just press a botton on the remote you want to assign to the macro. The event appears in the left pane when you press it. You can then drag this event to the macro you want to assign it to. For most commands, I have two events, one for each remote (some of the ATI commands don't need eventghost, such as the button keys, etc). 2351a5e196

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