I have other virus programs that have issue with Eset virus Free program. I need to uninstall Eset virus program, but it doesn't show up in control panel programs, or setting apps to be removed. ( I have Windows 10 ) The program is NOD32 Antivirus & Cyber-Security but comes up as Eset

@Lightning As @itman pointed out, there's no such thing as what you're explaining That said, if you indeed have an ESET product installed and need to remove it but cannot go about removing it by traditional means, you may use the ESET Uninstaller tool: _apps_remover/latest/esetuninstaller.exe

Download Eset Nod32

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Thanks for reply. When I got home I fired up my windows 10 Eset had a pop-up in lower right bottom saying an error had happened at loading. The attached screen is what I have on my screen. It has cleaned up files before several times.

I open this program by clicking windows icon on task bar & program list comes up & I choose ESET Security & this opens. When starting computer it normally doesn't have a loading error. If itman is correct that mac program works on windows too.

Thanks BaldNerd for your input. I checked out the links you sent & they look promising, but above my compute ability comfort zone, so i will take your info to a computer repair guy to try your suggestion. Attached is eset error message & AVG report

Yeah as someone has mentioned - running two AVs is always risky as both will be trying to do stuff - this is especially risky if both are realtime AVs - some users have extra non realtime avs e.g. you need to load and run a scan manually but it looks like both of yours are real time so will be conflicting.

Also you mentioned the mac version - this will not work on windows - the one you have installed is eset nod32 which is esets antivirus - eset also has internet security which includes firewall and other stuff and then a premium version which has a password manager and encryption tool.

I noticed you mentioned eset free - the only thing I can think of is you are running a trial - it's a while since I have ran a trial of eset but I believe it is 30 days. There is no free version, just the 30 day trial.

First, multiple AV/anti-malware solutions can be installed. However only one should have its real-time protection enabled to avoid conflicts. The other solutions should have their real-time protection option disabled. Some solutions will run just fine in this status. Others might constantly complain via internal status display or alerting about their real-time protection being disabled.

The interesting point posted is AVG's detection of an Eset protection module. Granted it was a "suspicious" detection but I would assume AVG is capable of detecting known safe processes/dll's. So let's get back to the original posting where you stated you installed a free version of NOD32. Do you mean that you installed it in trial license mode? Did you download NOD32 installer from the official Eset web site?

Finally, to avoid conflicts with multiple AV solutions installed, the main engine component of each should be excluded from the other solution. For example in AVG, ekrn.exe needs to be excluded from AVG's real-time scanning, behavior monitoring component, web access protection component, etc.. Likewise in Eset, the above AVG protection components need to be excluded from Eset's real-time scanning, HIPS, and Web Access protection components.

Bottom line and again - it is best to only use one AV solution. If others are used, you must disabled all their related real-time and behavioral/HIPS components and only use these solution as on-demand scanners.

So after that i went on computer services and noticed that ESET Service is Disabled so naturally i tried setting it as Automatic when booting the computer but it won't let me, it says access denied. I also tried running services as admin and doesn't work either.

You should have received the key in an e-mail from whomever you purchased it from. If you purchased a boxed version of Eset, the key is shown on an insert within the CD case. Otherwise, post your Eset public license ID as shown below and hopefully @Marcos can PM you your license key

I had exactly the same issue on two my computers. The latest ESET was unable to start with multiple critical errors. I've tried to reinstall, reinstall in safe mode, use uninstall tool. Nothing helped. After multiple attempts, ESET support was able to install version from offline package with no issues. I was told to wait for the next application update and do not upgrade from version 12 for now.

Please uninstall v12 and install v13.2 from scratch. Should you encounter issues, open a new topic and provide also logs collected with ESET Log Collector as well as a screen shot of the error you get.

My problem is a bit different, I have openSUSE 15.2 installed on both the PC and laptop. The PC is fine but the laptop is a bit flakey. Since I installed virtualbox (through YAST2 so it should be the correct version for 15.2) the NOD32 icon isn't visible on the taskbar, it does virus updates automatically in the background, so I know it's running but I can't select it and do virus checks when I want. Now the strange thing is if I restart the laptop, then NOD32 appears and runs as normal. The product version is:

The eset icon is now visible, every time I start the laptop. What I did was right click at the very bottom of the panel, on the right hand side under the widgets (software update, volume, etc.) and selected configure system tray.

Just to give an update after a while it became obvious that the solution above only worked intermittently and on occasion the eset icon wouldn't be visible. In the end I bit the bullet and did a reinstall, it's been a couple of days and so far the eset icon continues to be accessible on the panel.

- run as admin

- disable zone alarm firewall

- disable AV

- activate windows to have permission to all folders

- Hkey sys6432 node has full permission for admin so no clue

restarted after each of those. I did get the eset log collector done in a zip file attached hope that helps. Thank you all in advance for all of your help with this.

Excellent. Thank you Marcos. I have used the uninstaller tools which of course only listed an option to purge eset security leftovers which I selected and completed no issues there. Then removed ZA and turned windows firewall on just in case prior to reinstalling ESET which completed the process successfully on its own, self updated and it is all good.

One last question before this topic is closed. When using the uninstaller, eset listed my OS as Win 10 pro x64AMD ? I have Intel 11 x64 processor. I think win 10 pro usb installation was automatic I didn't select which architecture to apply for the OS installation. Have I possibly done something wrong during OS install? any thoughts? Thanks again.

Although ESET should not interfere with browsers on Linux in any way, if you are positive that the issue go away after uninstalling EAV I'd recommend opening a support ticket with customer care and providing them also logs collected as per the KB -the-info-getcommand-on-a-linux-virtual-machine-and-send-the-logs-to-eset-technical-support.

I used to run Chromium with the --use-gl=osmesa flag because otherwise it would crash for some reason (different from the crash discussed on this topic). I now simply stopped using --use-gl=osmesa and it doesn't crash any more. Seems Chromium fixed the original rendering bug I had.

I can confirm that running Chromium as a snap fixes the issue. Considering that Chromium has a long history of tripping over GPU related issues on Linux, and that the issue is new in Chromium 79, I'm loath to put the blame solely on ESET here.

Hello, ESET licenses are not version-specific. Meaning any customer using currently V4 on linux, can use any other available version on any of the platforms. V4 is a very old code-base, meaning addressing compatibility issues with newer browsers will be targeted towards the next major release of the V7 Linux Endpoint.

@Kirill Licenses for ESET products are not sold for a specific product version. Meaning, that with your current license you will be eligible to use the new V7 as well. Linux Endpoint product is the last one running the old version of architecture / scanning core, and it will be updated to V7 soon. We are already running a beta program (available here), V7 should not have this issue at all.

My ESET antivirus has seemingly uninstalled itself, it doesn't show up in the hidden icons tray and I can't find the ESET GUI anywhere however when I try to reinstall it, it just says I have the most up to date version installed and when I try to uninstall it using the AV Remover it says that there is no antivirus installed so I'm really confused.

Using Windows task manager, verify if these two processes are running; Eset service and Eset Main GUI. Appears some type of corruption may have occurred to the Eset GUI process, equi.exe, and it terminated itself. Did you try a reboot to see if the Eset GUI reestablishes itself as a desktop toolbar icon?

I guess that if you password protect your settings in ESET it will prompt you to put your password once you try to uninstall it, it's my guessing , I don't know I might be wrong , correct me if I am wrong

If your PC is accepting RDP connection from outside without any rules for access then it's open for anyone to try and attack it , so once the person who is brute forcing the RDP got access , then he is the admin just like you (assuming that you do have an admin account) , so he has the ability to do whatever he pleases in your system, it's not ESET fault. 152ee80cbc

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