get_manager() can be used to get a Manager instance.Managers will only display output when the output stream, sys.__stdout__ by default,is attached to a TTY. If the stream is not attached to a TTY, the manager instance returned will bedisabled.

Status bars, like other bars can be pinned. To pin a status bar to the top of all other bars,initialize it before any other bars. To pin a bar to the bottom of the screen, useposition=1 when initializing.

Download Enlighten Manager

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One use case for multicolored progress bars is recording the status of a series of tests.In this example, Failures are red, errors are white, and successes are green. The count of each islisted in the progress bar.

A more complicated example is recording process start-up. In this case, all items will start red,transition to yellow, and eventually all will be green. The count, percentage, rate, and eta fieldsare all derived from the second subcounter added.

get_manager can be used to get a Manager instance.Managers will only display output when the output stream, sys.__stdout__ by default,is attached to a TTY. If the stream is not attached to a TTY, the manager instance returned will bedisabled.

basic - Basic progress barcontext manager - Managers and counters as context managersfloats - Support totals and counts that are floatsmulticolored - Multicolored progress barsmultiple with logging - Nested progress bars and loggingFTP downloader - Show progress downloading files from FTPCustomizationEnlighten is highly configurable. For information on modifying the output, see theSeries and Format sections of the Counter documentation.

I mentioned the Enphase monitoring system 10 months ago when I wrote about the Enphase AC battery. But there is not a lot of information about it there, apart from the fact that the warranty on the Envoy monitoring hardware is only 5 years.

We began our solar journey looking at lots of things. As we have moving shade issues due to trees on a neighbouring property we ended up selecting the Enphase microinverter based system. I always planned to use panel monitoring to decide their ideal placement over the course of a year.

After two false starts we found what we thought was a good company to install the panels and microinverters as we wanted. We discussed the fact that we wanted to monitor at an individual panel level they told me this was possible with extra software which would be installed later.

But after a month I still had not heard from the installers about the software upgrade to monitor individual panels. They tried to put me off by offering to generate reports when I wanted them. They then told me Enphase preferred not to sell the additional software for fear of silly warranty claims such as bird poop on a panel etc.

I persisted for about 6 months and with no result was quite annoyed. I then took the matter up with Enphase in Australia and their technical people were sympathetic but not much help, suggesting I go back to the installer or try another installer. Arrrgh!

I then managed to find a contact at Enphase in the US and asked a lot of questions and got mostly useful technical responses but no software. I then embarked on a campaign to call Enphase agents in WA starting with those closest to me.

It seems that the Enphase systems are very sensitive to the signal quality of the Wi-Fi connection particularly when using the Enlighten management software. An investigation followed and the company that fitted the stuff recommended we:

As we have a business we got our normal IT contractor to undertake this work as we find a single supplier works best in these situations. We were also advised that it was possible that Wi-Fi may not work at all and that we may have to install comms cable in the house. In the end relocating the Wi-Fi, replacing the Wi-Fi base station and adding line filters worked.

I should add that the normal Enphase system operates by communicating using the 240 volt wiring in the house. This is ok if you do not have a UPS and line filter in front of the power supply to your computer/Wi-Fi system. If you do then the system may not work well or will work slowly forcing you to use either Wi-Fi or cables. Just something to keep in mind..

Now we come to the individual panel performance. Enphase has the data side well sorted. I can move the cursor to see all the panels on the system you can also see that there are many different reports and some excellent analysis tools.

Please note our system was operating for sometime before the metering software and hardware being added hence the total usage figures are quite low compared to total production.

My guess is that it will take Enphase 12 months or more to drop their battery pricing and I also suspect that consumer demand for backup will drive them into some sort of upgrade or option to accommodate this. Otherwise they risk another smart operator coming up with a simple AC coupled system that will work with Enphase micro inverters4.

So would I do it again? The quality of the Enphase data management and products to date has been excellent. They manage shading issues well and enable (after some aggravation) individual panel level monitoring as well as detailed system analysis. I also like the modular nature of the entire Enphase systems, as one defective microinverter or battery does not knock the system over.

As panel level monitoring is one of the advertised benefits of Enphase microinverter systems, I think people are entitled to it if they ask for it. Enphase should take steps to make it available to everyone who wants it.

In the meantime, anyone buying Enphase who wants panel level monitoring should make that clear to the installer at the quote stage, and ensure it is a line item on any quote. Some installers have a policy of not enabling it for customers, others are happy to, and it is best to learn of this before the quote.

Joining SolarQuotes in 2015, Ronald has a knack for reading those tediously long documents put out by solar manufacturers and translating their contents into something consumers might find interesting. Master of heavily researched deep-dive blog posts, his relentless consumer advocacy has ruffled more than a few manufacturer's feathers over the years. Read Ronald's full bio.

Very unfortunate. I (in my last solar company) designed/sold/installed several Enphase systems and none of them experienced any of the above problems. We initially had some communications issues, but being reasonably smart, overcame those quite easily (by reading the instructions).

I always avoid panel level monitoring if possible for a good reason (commercial being the exception).

There is little direct communication about upgrades and known issues between Enphase Australia and New Zealand and persons who have purchased their system. They do not have a telephone support centre even though their website gives the impression that one on one support is available. If you ring the published number you are simply message directed to use their email support client. If you use the email support client you get an automated advise of receipt followed by a long period of silence cumulating on occasions in no response at all. When it comes to the MyEnlighten reporting system as to functionality you would be forgiven for believing that there is a disconnect between the technical department how the system actually works and those that write the MyEnlighten software. I have written to Enphase [Facebook Messenger] set out what I believe needs to be resolved in relation to report generation including that which is being reported as battery charging and discharging watt-hour values. Having said that from a production point of view I have never had an issue with the System and more than happy with its performance.

I had an Enphase micro-inverter system installed in mid July 2016. Enlighten worked from day 1 and individual panel access was paid for, implemented and working well by the end of that month. Very smooth process. Well done Envirogroup, Martyn Solier (actual installer) and Enphase.

My understanding is there are two versions of MyEnlighten. One intended for use by domestic users and a version for installers which has more functionality. My understanding is the Installer version can report on individual panels. You can purchase the Installer version.

Here in the US MyEnlighten, which is system-level monitoring, is the standard customer view of their system production. As has been stated, a customer can purchase Enlighten Manager, the panel-level monitoring, for a one-time fee of $249, which they would do through their system installer.

Early on Enphase charged an annual subscription fee for Enlighten, which was by default the panel-level monitoring. At least here in the US. Then for a few years they moved to panel-level monitoring at no cost. But since the release of MyEnlighten that has been the default customer view, with the panel-level view available for that one-time cost.

That is correct As an enphase installer in the USA the module level monitoring is extra cost to the customer. We charge $299 for a lifetime of module level monitoring. Nothing has to be added physically if they have the envoy.

For me to upgrade to MyEnlighten [the name of the user interface] involved an Envoy hardware upgrade [an new wall mounted interface] between the PV system and the in the cloud server that supports the Enphase user interface and data base]. The Envoy WiFi answering point is your WiFi router connected to your always on Internet service. The user interface is a client server html style webpage with individual logon. Including with the Envoy hardware upgrade were couplings in the meter box that read power from the grid and what was being exported [Feed in]. As far as the MyEnlighten software is concerned your client is a web browser that logs on to a client server [where ever that may be located] that provides you with access to your individual webpage user interface. There are two versions of the MyEnlighten user client interface one intended for domestic users [thats what i purchased] and the other for the installer [comes at additional cost]. Users can purchase the installer version which has more comprehensive reporting. 152ee80cbc

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