EES (pronounced 'ease') is a general equation-solving program that can numerically solve thousands of coupled non-linear algebraic and differential equations. The program can also be used to solve differential and integral equations, do optimization, provide uncertainty analyses, perform linear and non-linear regression, convert units, check unit consistency, and generate publication-quality plots. A major feature of EES is the high accuracy thermodynamic and transport property database that is provided for hundreds of substances in a manner that allows it to be used with the equation solving capability.

Annual, Commercial, Professional and 64-bit Professional licenses of EES are available. The Annual and Commercial licenses provide many basic features such as curve-fitting, linear regression, property plots, contour plots, uncertainty analyses, solutions to complex and differential equations and others. A partial list of additional capabilities provided with a Professional license follows.

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A Diagram window is provided in the Commercial version in which a picture can be imported and drawing objects, text, input variables, and calculated variables may be superimposed in this window. The capabilities of the Diagram Window are greatly expanded with the Professional license to define 'hot areas' in the Diagram Window which, when clicked, bring up Child Diagram windows. The Child Diagram Window has all of the capabilities of a Diagram Window including the ability to launch other Child Diagram Windows. Numerical values can be input with slider controls as well as with edit boxes. The edit boxes can be configured to accept equations involving EES variables and/or numerical values. Radio button and check box groups can be positioned on the Diagram or child Diagram windows to run specific EES code depending on which button is clicked. Link buttons may be placed on any of the Diagram windows to start external programs, run a macro, show a movie, start another EES file or other tasks.

A Make Distributable command is provided with the Professional license to create a special purpose version of EES that will run up to 100 preselected problems. EES, the problems, and supporting files are placed in a single executable file that can be freely distributed to others. The end user does not need to own EES to run the calculations or create/change/view the plots and tables. The equations can be securely hidden from the user, if desired.

The Professional license provide the ability to create and execute Macros. A Macro is a series of EES instructions, i.e., a script, written with a large set of Macro commands that allow looping and logic in addition to all other EES operations. Virtually anything that can be done with the EES menus and commands can be entered into a Macro. The Macro can be automatically recorded with the Build Macro command in the File menu. EES can later be started from the Windows Run command or from a different program to replay all of the instructions in the Macro file. Used in this manner, EES can be directed to solve a set of equations in a specified text or EES file and to put the solution into another specified text file without ever appearing on the screen. Alternatively, the macro can be 'played' from within EES to automate a sequential set of commands, eliminating the need to enter them from the menus. A large set of macro commands is supported that allow looping and logic. Macro commands can be used to interact with Microsoft EXCEL and Word, MATLAB, and LabView. In addition, macro commands are provided to read and write to the serial port, thereby allowing two-way communications with any device that interacts through the serial port.

A Report Window is provided with the Professional license. The Report Window operates just like a word processor offering the usual choice of fonts, font sizes, text style, sub and superscripts, color, tabs, left and right indents, etc. Graphics can be pasted into the window. The graphics can be equations copied from the Formatted Equations window, a plot from the Plot window, or any graphics in the Diagram window. Graphics can also be pasted from other applications. In addition, the Report Window can include EES variables and plots that are automatically updated as their values change.

One or more selected equations in the Formatted Equations window can be automatically converted to LaTeX or MathType format with the Professional license. The MathType equations can be pasted directly into Microsoft Word. Double-clicking on an equation in Word starts MathType allowing the equation to be further edited.

The Lookup tables in EES are designed to hold tabular data, such as that taken experimentally. Clicking on the triangular icon at the upper right of each column allows the data in one column of the table to be entered with an equation that uses data in other cells, EES variables, or EES functions. with the Professional license, the calculated data can be automatically updated making the Lookup table in EES function operate similar to a spreadsheet program.

The LinearRegression procedure available with the Professional license allows the parameters and statistics of the curve fitting process to be determined programmatically and thus they can be directly used in subsequent equations within the Equations window.

A single academic license can be used only by one department at an educational institution in one physical location. Access to students and faculty outside of the adopting department must be restricted. If two departments within a college or equivalent both obtain a license of the same type, then F-Chart Software will provide a license for the whole college of engineering or equivalent. An Academic license is for instructional use only. A separate non-academic license is required if the product is used for sponsored research or other activities that are not part of a student's graduation requirement. Thesis research that is directly related to an advanced degree is considered an academic activity and is allowed under the license agreement.

Engineering Equation Solver (EES) is a commercial software package used for solution of systems of simultaneous non-linear equations. It provides many useful specialized functions and equations for the solution of thermodynamics and heat transfer problems, making it a useful and widely used program for mechanical engineers working in these fields. EES stores thermodynamic properties, which eliminates iterative problem solving by hand through the use of code that calls properties at the specified thermodynamic properties. EES performs the iterative solving, eliminating the tedious and time-consuming task of acquiring thermodynamic properties with its built-in functions.

EES also includes parametric tables that allow the user to compare a number of variables at a time. Parametric tables can also be used to generate plots. EES can also integrate, both as a command in code and in tables. EES also provides optimization tools that minimize or maximize a chosen variable by varying a number of other variables. Lookup tables can be created to store information that can be accessed by a call in the code. EES code allows the user to input equations in any order and obtain a solution, but also can contain if-then statements, which can also be nested within each other to create if-then-else statements. Users can write functions for use in their code, and also procedures, which are functions with multiple outputs.

The Tables menu contains commands to set up and alter the contents of the Parametric and Lookup Tables and to do linear regression on the data in these tables. The Parametric Table, similar to a spreadsheet, allows the equation set to be solved repeatedly while varying the values of one or more variables. The Lookup table holds user-supplied data which can be interpolated and used in the solution of the equation set.

The basic capability provided by EES is the solution of a set of non-linear algebraic equations. To demonstrate this capability, start EES and enter this simple example problem in the Equations window. Note that EES makes no distinction between upper and lower case letters and the ^ sign (or **) is used to signify raising to a power.

A simple thermodynamics problem will be set up and solved in this section to illustrate the property function access and equation solving capability of EES. The problem, typical of that which may be encountered in an undergraduate thermodynamics course, is as follows.

The values of T1, P1, A1, Vel1 and P2 are known. There are nine unknowns: A2, m1, m2, Vel2, h1, v1, h2, v2, T2. Since there are 9 equations, the solution to the problem is defined. It is now only necessary to solve the equations. This is where EES can help.

Start EES and select the New command from the File menu. A blank Equations window will appear. Before entering the equations, however, set the unit system for the built-in thermophysical properties functions. To view or change the unit system, select Unit System from the Options menu.

After entering the equations for this problem and (optionally) checking the syntax using the Check/Format command in the Calculate menu, the Equations window will appear as shown. Comments are normally displayed in blue on a color monitor. Other formatting options are set with the Preferences command in the Options menu.

EES will check the unit consistency of the equations that you enter. The units of numerical constants can be entered directly after the value. The units of variables can be entered in the Solution window, in the Variable Information dialog and in several other places. Note the use of the Convert function in this example to convert the units of the specific kinetic energy [m^2/s^2] to the units used for specific enthalpy [kJ/kg]. The Convert function is most useful in these problems.

It is usually a good idea to set the guess values and (possibly) the lower and upper bounds for the variables before attempting to solve the equations. This is done with the Variable Information command in the Options menu. Before displaying the Variable Information dialog, EES checks syntax and compiles newly entered and/or changed equations, and then solves all equations with one unknown. The Variable Information dialog will then appear. 2351a5e196

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