DMARC ensures the destination email systems trust messages sent from your domain. Using DMARC with SPF and DKIM gives organizations more protection against spoofing and phishing email. DMARC helps receiving mail systems decide what to do with messages from your domain that fail SPF or DKIM checks.

"Mail From" address: Identifies the sender and says where to send return notices if any problems occur with the delivery of the message (such as non-delivery notices). Mail From address appears in the envelope portion of an email message and isn't displayed by your email application, and is sometimes called the 5321.MailFrom address or the reverse-path address.

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"From" address: The address displayed as the From address by your mail application. From address identifies the author of the email. That is, the mailbox of the person or system responsible for writing the message. The From address is sometimes called the 5322.From address.

If you configured SPF, then the receiving server does a check against the Mail from address If the message came from a valid source for the domain, then the SPF check passes. Since the email client only displays the From address, the user sees this message came from With SPF alone, the validity of was never authenticated.

Like the DNS records for SPF, the record for DMARC is a DNS text (TXT) record that helps prevent spoofing and phishing. You publish DMARC TXT records in DNS. DMARC TXT records validate the origin of email messages by verifying the IP address of an email's author against the alleged owner of the sending domain. The DMARC TXT record identifies authorized outbound email servers. Destination email systems can then verify that messages they receive originate from authorized outbound email servers.

You don't have to do a thing to set up DMARC for mail that you receive in Microsoft 365. It's all taken care of. If you want to learn what happens to mail that fails to pass our DMARC checks, see How Microsoft 365 handles inbound email that fails DMARC.

Once you've set up SPF, you need to set up DKIM. DKIM lets you add a digital signature to email messages in the message header. If you don't set up DKIM and instead allow Microsoft 365 to use the default DKIM configuration for your domain, DMARC may fail. This failure can happen because the default DKIM configuration uses your original domain as the 5321.MailFrom address, not your custom domain. This creates a mismatch between the 5321.MailFrom and the 5322.From addresses in all the email sent from your domain.

If you have third-party senders that send mail on your behalf and the mail they send has mismatched 5321.MailFrom and 5322.From addresses, DMARC will fail for that email. To avoid this, you need to set up DKIM for your domain specifically with that third-party sender. This allows Microsoft 365 to authenticate email from this 3rd-party service. However, it also allows others, for example, Yahoo, Gmail, and Comcast, to verify email sent to them by the third-party as if it was email sent by you. This is beneficial because it allows your customers to build trust with your domain no matter where their mailbox is located, and at the same time Microsoft 365 won't mark a message as spam due to spoofing because it passes authentication checks for your domain.

For instructions on setting up DKIM for your domain, including how to set up DKIM for third-party senders so they can spoof your domain, see Use DKIM to validate outbound email sent from your custom domain.

Start with a simple monitoring-mode record for a sub-domain or domain that requests that DMARC receivers send you statistics about messages that they see using that domain. A monitoring-mode record is a DMARC TXT record that has its policy set to none (p=none). Many companies publish a DMARC TXT record with p=none because they're unsure about how much email they may lose by publishing a more restrictive DMARC policy.

It came about because when OReject is set as the default, rejected email was sent to quarantine in Enterprise, and to the Junk Email folder in Consumer (due to lack of quarantine in Consumer). However, with DMARC p=reject, the email is rejected.

If a message is outbound from Microsoft 365 and fails DMARC, and you have set the policy to p=quarantine or p=reject, the message is routed through the High-risk delivery pool for outbound messages. There's no override for outbound email.

If you publish a DMARC reject policy (p=reject), no other customer in Microsoft 365 can spoof your domain because messages won't be able to pass SPF or DKIM for your domain when relaying a message outbound through the service. However, if you do publish a DMARC reject policy but don't have all of your email authenticated through Microsoft 365, some of it may be marked as spam for inbound email (as described above), or it will be rejected if you don't publish SPF and try to relay it outbound through the service. This happens, for example, if you forget to include some of the IP addresses for servers and apps that send mail on behalf of your domain when you form your DMARC TXT record.

All hosted mailboxes in Microsoft 365 will now gain the benefit of ARC with improved deliverability of messages and enhanced anti-spoofing protection. ARC preserves the email authentication results from all participating intermediaries, or hops, when an email is routed from the originating server to the recipient mailbox. Before ARC, modifications performed by intermediaries in email routing, like forwarding rules or automatic signatures, could cause DMARC failures by the time the email reached the recipient mailbox. With ARC, the cryptographic preservation of the authentication results allows Microsoft 365 to verify the authenticity of an email's sender.

If you're a customer, and your domain's primary MX record doesn't point to EOP, you won't get the benefits of DMARC. For example, DMARC won't work if you point the MX record to your on-premises mail server and then route email to EOP by using a connector. In this scenario, the receiving domain is one of your Accepted-Domains but EOP isn't the primary MX. For example, suppose points its MX at itself and uses EOP as a secondary MX record,'s MX record looks like the following:

All, or most, email will first be routed to since it's the primary MX, and then mail will get routed to EOP. In some cases, you might not even list EOP as an MX record at all and simply hook up connectors to route your email. EOP doesn't have to be the first entry for DMARC validation to be done. It just ensures the validation, to be certain that all on-premise/non-O365 servers will do DMARC checks. DMARC is eligible to be enforced for a customer's domain (not server) when you set up the DMARC TXT record, but it's up to the receiving server to actually do the enforcement. If you set up EOP as the receiving server, then EOP does the DMARC enforcement.

DKIM lets you add a digital signature to outbound email messages in the message header. When you configure DKIM, you authorize your domain to associate, or sign, its name to an email message using cryptographic authentication. Email systems that get email from your domain can use this digital signature to help verify whether incoming email is legitimate.

In basic, a private key encrypts the header in a domain's outgoing email. The public key is published in the domain's DNS records, and receiving servers can use that key to decode the signature. DKIM verification helps the receiving servers confirm the mail is really coming from your domain and not someone spoofing your domain.

SPF adds information to a message envelope but DKIM encrypts a signature within the message header. When you forward a message, portions of that message's envelope can be stripped away by the forwarding server. Since the digital signature stays with the email message because it's part of the email header, DKIM works even when a message has been forwarded as shown in the following example.

In this example, if you had only published an SPF TXT record for your domain, the recipient's mail server could have marked your email as spam and generated a false positive result. The addition of DKIM in this scenario reduces false positive spam reporting. Because DKIM relies on public key cryptography to authenticate and not just IP addresses, DKIM is considered a much stronger form of authentication than SPF. We recommend using both SPF and DKIM, as well as DMARC in your deployment.

This new 2048-bit key takes effect on the RotateOnDate, and will send emails with the 1024-bit key in the interim. After four days, you can test again with the 2048-bit key (that is, once the rotation takes effect to the second selector).

In the following example, suppose that DKIM for was enabled by Microsoft 365, not by the administrator of the domain. This means that the required CNAMEs do not exist in DNS. DKIM signatures for email from this domain will look something like this:

Some bulk email service providers, or software-as-a-service providers, let you set up DKIM keys for email that originates from their service. This requires coordination between yourself and the third-party in order to set up the necessary DNS records. Some third-party servers can have their own CNAME records with different selectors. No two organizations do it exactly the same way. Instead, the process depends entirely on the organization.

Organizations should explicitly state if a domain does not send email by specifying v=DKIM1; p= in the DKIM record for those domains. This advises receiving email servers that there are no valid public keys for the domain, and any email claiming to be from that domain should be rejected. You should do this for each domain and subdomain using a wildcard DKIM.

Each device or application must be able to authenticate with Microsoft 365 or Office 365. The email address of the account that's used to authenticate with Microsoft 365 or Office 365 will appear as the sender of messages from the device or application. ff782bc1db

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