Use the People page in to view, create, and edit contacts and contact lists. Create new contacts from scratch, or add someone as a contact from an email message. You can also create a contact list for sending email to a group of people.

New contacts are saved in your default Contacts folder, and you will also see them under All contacts. If you want to save the contact in a different folder, select the folder before creating the contact.

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For example, create a contact list named My book club and add all the members of your book club to it. When you want to send an email message to everyone in the club, just add My book club in the To line of the email.

You can add people (email addresses) to a contact list in two ways: By editing a contact list and adding people to it from within the list, or by selecting one or more contacts and adding them to a list from the Add to list option on the toolbar.

You can remove people (email addresses) from a contact list in two ways: By editing the contact list, or by selecting a contact and removing them from a list using the Add to list option on the toolbar.

If you email someone but you haven't added them as a contact, Google Contacts automatically saves their email address in your "Other contacts" group. Their email address will show up the next time you email them.

I would like to include in a list contacts that haven't received a specific marketing email. Seems it's not possible right now in a "straight" way.

I know a workaround but that's not easy to use.

(create a list with contacts to which email has been sent + create other list excluding this first list).

I see what you mean. Simply put the reason why it's not easy to have a list of people who haven't received an email is that HubSpot doesn't tag all contacts that don't receive an email but rather records associated email activities of those that have been sent a particular email.

Generally, the email address is the unique identifier in HubSpot. That means that if it is available, HubSpot will automatically update existing contacts in place and deduplicate them by email address. If it's not available, HubSpot will create another contact record.

Hey, you could import your database without email, but it's more difficult to find a contact duplicate because you don't have the key field. So you need to find a key field like phone number o the same name or something like this.

@LINCScott To clarify on @JuanGomez0818's note above: 

His proposed solution will NOT merge to existing contacts in the CRM. Uploading the data like that will create a net new contact record for each row as his screenshot states. The best way to do this would likely be through the API as it can bypass the native unique identifier of email address. 

If this post helped to solve what you were looking for, please mark this as an accepted solution. Happy HubSpotting!

Each contact in your database should be organized based on why they expressed interest in receiving marketing emails from you. You can refer to this data to ensure that your marketing email content is right for your audience.

Email engagement also improves your inbox placement rates. Email senders with high rates of opens and clicks look more trustworthy to email security filters. And most email accounts, including Gmail, automatically filter out emails that recipients aren't opening or clicking.

If you send an email from HubSpot that results in a high rate of negative engagement (e.g. bounces, spam reports), your email account will be placed in a suspension state. To resolve the issue, create lists to segment your contacts based on their interests and original source. Then suppress or delete any outdated or unengaged contacts from your account.

Without taking action, low open rates of your marketing emails can often worsen over time. Email service providers like Gmail or Outlook will move emails with low engagement to the spam folder, which can lead to open rates dropping further, since fewer users will see your emails once they're filtered out of their inbox.

When you block a phone number or contact, they can still leave a voicemail, but you won't get a notification. Messages that are sent or received won't be delivered. Also, the contact won't get a notification that the call or message was blocked. When you block an email address from Mail, it goes to the trash folder. Email blocking works across all your Apple devices.

It seems I can go into each entry and delete the name field and this "fixes" the issue leaving me with the email address but is a second step for each entry that has a name assigned in my account smartsheet contacts.

Ideally it would be good to be able to use a contact list and specify the display format in the column type - otherwise I seem to have to enter the email address again next to the contact row and manage a separate column for Surname, First Name then email (for e.g.). Even then I seem to get results that convert the email to the name and others where it does not - especially if I have retyped the email.

I believe I may have found a workaround for this. I often want to use an email column for automation contacts and to display to others outside our company and smartsheet system. The problem is that once a column is designated as a Contact column, only the person's name is displayed. That doesn't help when you want to list the person's email address in public-facing reports. Today I devised this solution.

My sheet is populated by form input. I ask people to input their email address in a Text/Number column named Email Address. On the sheet, I added a Contact column named Email Contact. In the Email Contact column I entered this simple column formula: =[Email Address]@row. The address is converted to a contact address.

I am new here, so I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question. I have an email list created and I have now created the email campaign (flyer) to send. However, the group I have created appears, but I can't check the box to send the email to it. I have tried no permission, then I went in and said "implied permission" to the entire group and I still can't select the group. HELP please!

Thank you for reaching out to the Community! I'm sorry to hear you aren't able to schedule your email out to your new contact list. We can definitely look into this for you! Please email us at social_support(at)constantcontact(dot)com with your username, the name of your new email list, the name of your email campaign and a reference to this post and we will investigate further!

Hi @JacquelineM442! I see that you have a trial account with us. Welcome! During the 60 day trial period, you can send to a maximum of 100 unique contacts. Since you are attempting to send to a larger list, you will need to upgrade to a paid account in order to send to that contact list. Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

Hey there! It would be great to have an efficient way to create exclusion lists. The tag system is a cumbersome process to go through when the goal is to simply send an email to List A, but exclude anyone who is also on List B. If a checkbox-to-exclude feature became a reality, you'd have a lot of happy customers! (I did search the "Constant Contact Community" when trying to find out how to exclude a list BTW.)

I'm tired of time-wasting clunky work-arounds. The capacity to compile a mailing by subtracting lists as well as adding them is a common practice in many CRM-systems, and I want to see it included within CC.

Please create a function for list suppression. For example, I would like to be able to upload a list of all donors who contributed to my nonprofit in November. When sending a solicitional email in December, I need to be able to suppress the list of November donors.

There needs to be a way to enter just ONE name in to send an email. I have a referral program and personalize a thank you to them. I don't want to create a list for every note I send out. I am a small business and it is important for me to personalize information to my existing clients.

In this post, discover high-quality strategies to help you grow your email list to ensure that you have a large audience of subscribers eager to hear what you have to say and likely to make purchases and contribute to your business growth.

Want to retain your current subscribers and have them help you grow your list? Create unique email content. If your emails are entertaining, informative, and valuable, recipients will always look forward to receiving them and will be more likely to forward them to their networks. This helps you gain exposure and obtain additional subscribers.

Email recipients are more likely to click through emails that cater to their specific interests, so using varying types of email subscriptions to send targeted content to different segments of your audience is worth considering.

Though it may seem counterintuitive to remove folks from your email list to grow them, emailing contacts that you know are engaged can improve your deliverability and increase the odds of your email being shared with those outside your current database.

Free online tools make your users' lives easier, especially if all they have to do is sign up with their email address. For example, we've created quite a few free tools, like Website Grader, to gather email addresses.

Not all gated content is worth it to a website visitor. Sometimes, to gain their interest, you need to give them free content first. You can begin with a blog post that offers beginner advice on a subject, then offer additional bonus content with more advanced tips that they can access by submitting their email address via a landing page. ff782bc1db

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