The use case is that I have many email accounts on different platforms (Gmail, Outlook, etc.)

I need to manage all accounts from a single web app that I want to build in

Is there any experienced folks who successfully integrated IMAP / SMTP / EWS into bubble? Maybe there is a way to use existing email client that can be integrated into

At first I just wanted to show mailbox and enable just reading emails / email threads. This was able to achieving using where I adjust each email account to resend every email to servers and then to No coding was required.

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I am creating a new SSD drive for my mothers computer who lives interstate. In order to have everything she needs I was looking at Libre Office as an alternative. Does it have an email client such as outlook or outlook express or an outside software that is compatible with it. Really need an answer quickly please, as mum has been without her computer for some time now and she lives in a country town with no internet cafes. I will be installing windows 7 as she is familiar with it.

The email client I am using for many years now is Thunderbird. It comes with a well-featured calendar/diary . As I did not use Outlook Express (or Outlook) for many years now, I cannot do any comparison myself, but there is this one e.g. You may also want to read this wiki page and this article.

Thunderbird is also my email/PIM client of choice. It is cross-platform, powerful and a very mature program to handle emails. IMHO, it is superior in many aspects compared to MS Outlook, in other aspects it lacks features (e.g. if connected to MS Exchange Server). Please see a comparison table here:

At this point, Obsidian can be expanded to allow knowledge management, project/task/day management, RSS reader, database querying, and even buttons for interfacing. I guess another feature I would love to have integrated is an email client.

The way I would envision this, this theoretical email client would only be truly useful if properly integrated with obsidian features (so having each email represented as a note is a pretty hard requirement for it to be preferable over other existing email clients)

This is another plugin that I absolutely need. As an Emacs user, I used to manage my email using mu4e (mu for Emacs), but I stopped because after changing my laptop, it was too much of a hassle to quickly set up a working environment that would allow me to do at least what Gmail or other mail provider allows within their web interface. The advantage of Obsidian over Emacs is that with Obsidian mobile, I can see Obsidian becoming a centralized productivity app to manage my whole life in the future.

An email client is a LOT of code and then work to maintain. Perhaps the custom frames plugin can allow you to embed the web email view in an obsidian note. I am not sure if it will work given that the frames are likely sandboxed.

why? Because I want my data especially all the meta data attached to an email. i want every email in my own vault. I want to be able to have every email sent or received as a note so I can use all these wonderful tools that OBSIDIAN has enabled for us

Thank you for your reply. Yes, handlers is enabled. There was my gmail account but I deleted it. I want Brave to open my email client, Airmail. Can you please tell me how to set that as my preference?

Thank you and regards from The Netherlands.

You can add Gmail to up to 15 email clients at a time per account. If you have many email clients getting messages from Gmail at the same time, you may get the "Too many simultaneous connections" error.

I am investigating emails from several Gmail accounts and trying to determine if they were sent using an email client such as Outlook, from on the web or by using a cell phone. Would the email headers contain this information? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

The AdXEzIY/C5WB1x/BREeMK5BBoT9QGQ== part is the conversation index in Base64 encoded form. You can decode the conversation index to get information about the email thread such as the date of the original message (i.e., header date), the number of child messages, and other timing information.

I tested the Open URL method in 2013 SP1 and it works, I tried it in 2014 SP1 and it doesn't both 32 bit in Windows 7 x64. There are likely other ways to do this, possibly involving reading the registry, or creating a email file that is then opened.

Litmus has reported on email client market share over the years to help email marketers everywhere understand monthly market trends for email clients, like Gmail, Apple Mail, and more. Knowing these movements empowers marketers to make better decisions when it comes to strategy and prioritization for design, coding, and overall email program focus.

Yahoo Mail is a web and cloud-based email client that can be utilized on a variety of devices. Based on research we conducted, Yahoo Mail updates its rendering engine roughly every four days. Yahoo Mail Android users are likely to see updates more often than Apple users. Because of these frequent updates, we recommend testing each email in a tool like Litmus Test.

Windows Live Mail, part of the Windows Essentials suite available on Windows 7 and newer, is the mail application that replaced Outlook Express. It still has a strong following, despite the growth of mobile and webmail clients. However, coding background images could be an issue, so make sure to test every email you send with a tool like Litmus Test.

About these stats

This leaderboard of the most popular webmail, desktop, and mobile email clients is compiled from data collected worldwide by Litmus Email Analytics, and displays figures for the top 10 email clients. These statistics have traditionally been updated each month, and are current as of December 1, 2023.

Since determining the client in which an email is opened requires images to be displayed, the data for some email clients and mobile devices might be over- or under-represented due to automatic image blocking.

I finally reached a state of email nirvana a few years ago by achieving zero inbox and I think to some small degree was the fact I used their web client. Folder creation/management is fast and easy with and they do good with filtering spam/junk mail although Gmail is superior in that regard.

Really like thunderbird great ui but need a paid plugin to use it with work exchange account.

Recently switched to bluemail on phone and manjaro and highly recommend it. Everything ive thrown at it just worked and so easy to sync between devices if you have multiple accounts. Ui reminds me off Gmail

In my daily mails all my customers use that feature with their email client. Although our company bought commercial licenses for emc, I have to do this manually, looks somewhat like amateur league. That feature still seems to be missing for years now.


I am also requesting this feature as all the people I work with (using MS Teams) are tagging. It would be great to be able to do the same.

As a very slow workaround, you can write someones name with the @in-front, EX: @Daniel, and then insert a mailto: link with their email address on their name.

I've been testing email clients for the Linux operating system, so I can replace the aging Thunderbird. It's not that I don't like Mozilla's email client, it's just that the interface makes me feel like I'm stuck in the early 2000s and I much prefer a more modern take on the tool.

I used BlueMail on Android some time ago and found it to offer an outstanding UI. Unfortunately, at the time, BlueMail was rather new and wasn't nearly stable enough for my purposes. On top of that (as you may know), I'm not a fan of installing mobile apps that aren't 100% necessary. Since Android already has a rock-solid email app in Gmail, I saw no reason to continue with BlueMail.

So, after the Geary experiment, I installed BlueMail on Ubuntu Budgie (my current go-to Linux distribution), and connected all of my email accounts except Gmail (because I prefer to keep my "work" email separated from my personal accounts). Do note, that BlueMail is also available for MacOS and Windows.

I've only been using BlueMail on Linux for about a week but so far it's been a refreshing change from the long-in-the-tooth Thunderbird. Don't get me wrong, I like Thunderbird. But, as with most Linux users, I tend to change things up a bit and a change of email clients was long overdue.

The first problem is that, when working with a larger inbox, BlueMail can get a bit sluggish in the delete department. Select an email and click the Trash icon and it isn't quite as responsive as you might expect.

The second issue is adjacently related to the first. On numerous occasions, I've used the multi-select feature (to delete multiple emails at once) and had the app crash on me. Fortunately, I didn't lose any data in the crashes and the selected emails were deleted. But, as you know, a crashed application certainly puts a damper on efficiency.

OK, here's where a good number of people might have a concern. It's no secret that BlueMail routes email accounts through a third-party server. Even if your email account is hosted with Gmail, Outlook, or a lesser-known hosting provider, BlueMail does store account settings on its own servers (so the app can function properly). Years ago there was concern that BlueMail was not only storing email on their own servers but doing so without encryption. Although BlueMail does route email through their servers, it's encrypted and not stored, so there's no worry they're reading your email.

As of now, BlueMail is my default email client on Linux. I find it very well laid out, easy to use, and a much more modern take than Thunderbird. Although it might not have the feature set found in Mozilla's app, it has what I need and not much more. If BlueMail can speed up the app (when used with deep inboxes) and fix the crashes when using the multi-select tool, this app will have a forever home on my desktop. ff782bc1db

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