While attending school in Enchantia, Sofia sees a vision of Shuriki murdering Elena's parents, King Raul and Queen Lucia, when her amulet summons her to the castle's secret library. A book in the library turns into the wizard Alacazar, who explains how Elena originally possessed Sofia's amulet. The amulet was given to Elena on her 15th birthday and it saved her life by pulling her inside when Shuriki attacked her after murdering her parents. Alacazar, who was the royal Wizard of Avalor at the time, searched for 41 years for a special Princess who could help him free Elena, eventually turning himself into a book in the Enchantian Castle library and placing the amulet in the castle to wait for the right Princess. Sofia agrees to help him and convinces her family to spend their summer vacation in Avalor and to make a trade agreement there too.

Sofia arrives at Alacazar's house. A woman greets her but proves to be of no help when Sofia tells her why she is here. Suddenly, Alacazar's grandson Mateo walks up and asks Sofia about her magical knowledge and reveals that the woman is his mother. Sofia introduces herself and reveals Alacazar sent her. Mateo realizes that Sofia's Amulet is the Amulet of Avalor and takes her to his workshop. Once there, Mateo reveals that he has been training himself to be a wizard in secret since Shuriki outlawed all magic other than her own when she took over. He also reveals that a chanul is a spirit animal that acts as a guide to all the magical things in the world and that it was Alacazar's chanul who revealed to him of Elena's imprisonment in the Amulet and how to get her out. Mateo summons Alacazar's chanul Zuzo who tells Sofia what she has to do to free Elena from the Amulet: She has to get Shuriki's wand. Once she gets it, she must journey to the mountains where she must wrap the amulet around the wand and put them both on the Crown of Aziluna, a statue of a Maruvian healer known as Aziluna who could undo any spell or curse. After Zuzo vanishes, Sofia does not know how she is going to get Shuriki's wand until Mateo accidentally gives her an idea: To dance with her. At Avalor Palace, Armando is entertaining the Royal Twins while Shuriki's conversation with Roland and Miranda is having her contemplating invading Enchancia. Sofia comes in and convinces Shuriki to dance the sambarossa with her. After Armando has shown them how everyone dances the sambarossa. During the dance, Sofia pretends to trip and steps on Shuriki's shoes. While Shuriki is recoiling from the pain, Sofia steals Shuriki's wand from her. After pocketing the wand, Sofia convinces Shuriki to let her and her siblings play hide and seek with Armando while she and her parents resume their discussions. When Armando starts counting, Sofia pulls her brother and sister away with her. Amber realizes that Sofia is up to something and asks her about it. Sofia promises her and James that she will explain everything later and right now needs them to stay hidden for as long as possible. James instantly agrees but Amber demands to know why Sofia won't tell them, only for her to say it's for their own good. Sofia heads back to Mateo and the Jaquins with the wand. Both are impressed with her for pulling it off and the group then flies off to free Elena.

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Elena meets up with Sofia and tells her that Shuriki has her family. Together, they fly back to Mateo's house to escape Shuriki's archers. When they arrive back at Mateo's house, Mateo's mother Rafa comes out and reveals the spell that can free Elena's family. Citizens of Avalor also come over and, at Sofia's urging, Elena agrees to let them help, having remembered the riddle Zuzo told her earlier and realizing the answer to it now. Sofia and Elena fly to a secret entrance to the palace and sneak into the dungeon. Once inside, they meet Armando, who agrees to help. While Armando distracts the guard, Sofia sneaks past him using her shrinking ability. Sofia finds her family and lets them out. After locking up the guard, Elena explains everything to Sofia's family, asking them not to be angry at her for her heroics in helping Elena take her kingdom back from Shuriki. The group then sets off to execute Elena's plan. Meanwhile, Shuriki demands that Esteban produce the results she desires. Esteban protests that when he helped her invade Avalor she promised no one in his family would get hurt to which Shuriki retorts that she also promised him power which she granted after appointing him Chancellor. Shuriki tells him to be grateful she kept one of her promises or he will end up like his aunt and uncle, Raul and Lucia. Suddenly, Luna flies in and creates a diversion by attacking Shuriki, who chases after her. Once Shuriki is gone, Mateo sneaks in and, using the spell his mother gave him, frees Elena's family from the painting. The entire group then flies off to execute the next part of the plan: Rallying the Citizens of Avalor against Shuriki. United, the Avalorians and the Enchancians all march on the castle together and overwhelm the guards, who lock the gate. Sofia and Elena fly in and open the gates, through which the Avalorians march through. With her royal guards having lost their nerve and fled, Shuriki tries to intimidate the crowd by darkening the sky, showing she still has her magic to stop them. Shuriki raises her wand to blast Elena, but Esteban, who has had enough, grabs Shuriki's wand and tosses it to Elena, who destroys it. With her wand gone, Shuriki's powers are destroyed, and she ages into an old woman. Horribly weakened, Shuriki falls down a waterfall and swims away. Sofia offers the amulet back to Elena, only to be told that she can keep it. Elena then assumes the throne of Avalor as Crown Princess, to the joy of the Avalorians.

Sofia arrives at Alacazar's house. A woman greets her at the door. Sofia tells her why she's there, but the woman proves to be no help as she dismisses Sofia and closes the door. Alacazar's grandson, Mateo, walks up, and asks Sofia about her magical knowledge and reveals that the woman is his mother, Rafa. Sofia introduces herself and tells him that Alacazar sent her. Mateo realizes that Sofia's amulet is the Amulet of Avalor and takes her to his workshop. Once there, Mateo reveals that he's been training himself to be a wizard in secret since Shuriki outlawed all magic other than her own when she took over, as Mateo hopes to follow in his grandfather's footsteps. Mateo also reveals that a chanul is a spirit animal that acts as a guide to all the magical things in the world and that it was Alacazar's chanul who revealed to him that Elena is trapped in the Amulet and how to get her out. Mateo summons Alacazar's chanul, Zuzo, who tells Sofia what she has to do to free Elena from the Amulet: First, she has to get Shuriki's wand. Once she gets it, she has to wrap the Amulet around it and put both on the Crown of Aziluna. Mateo explains that Aziluna was a Maruvian healer who could break any spell or curse and that there's a statue of him up in the mountains. Zuzo also tells Sofia a cryptic clue, "Just because you're the one doesn't mean you're the only one," before he vanishes. Sofia doesn't know how she's going to get Shuriki's wand, until Mateo accidentally gives her an idea: To dance with her. At Avalor Castle, Armando is entertaining the Royal Twins while Roland and Miranda's conversation with Shuriki is having her contemplating invading Enchancia as her next target. Sofia comes in and asks Shuriki to dance the Sambarossa with her. Shuriki, who hates music and dancing to the point where she banned both in Avalor when she took over, is reluctant, to which Sofia, who has been told of the ban by Mateo and the Jaquins, asks if there's a law against dancing, to which her father tells her "Sofia, no one would pass a law against dancing. That's like passing a law against fun." which makes Shuriki agree, not wanting to blow her cover and expose herself if she refused. After Armando has shown them how, everyone dances the Sambarossa. During the dance, Sofia pretends to trip and step on Shuriki's shoes. While Shuriki is recoiling from the pain, Sofia uses the opening and steals her wand from her. After pocketing the wand, Sofia convinces Shuriki to let her and her siblings play hide and seek with Armando while her parents resume their discussions with her. When Armando starts counting, Sofia pulls her brother and sister away with her. Amber realizes that Sofia is up to something and asks her what's up. Sofia tells her and James that she'll explain later and that she needs them to stay hidden for as long as possible. James instantly agrees, but Amber demands "Why won't you tell us?" Sofia tells her it's for their own good and leaves. Sofia heads back to Mateo, Skylar, and Luna, and shows them that she got the wand. Mateo and the Jaquins are impressed with her for pulling it off, with Skylar speaking for all of them by saying "Girl looks sweet as sugar but she's got some skills." The group then flies off to free Elena.

Sofia and Elena fly to a secret entrance into the castle and sneak into the dungeon, avoiding the guards assigned by Shuriki to look for them out in the harbor. Once inside, they run into Armando, who agrees to help. While Armando distracts the lone guard after the other one leaves to speak to Shuriki thanks to his first attempt to lure both guards away only convinces one of them to leave, Sofia sneaks past him using her shrinking ability and grabs the keys to the cells. Sofia finds her family, but Miranda tells her that she has a lot of explaining to do regarding recent events. Sofia assures them that they'll get one and lets them out. Roland knocks out the guard and locks him up. Elena then reveals the truth of Sofia's Amulet and asks Roland and Miranda not to be mad at her for her true reasons in coming to Avalor to help Elena take back Avalor from Shuriki. Miranda tells Sofia that she should've told them what was going on so they could've helped, to which Sofia tells them she felt it was best to keep them out of trouble. Roland forgives Sofia for her secrecy, which the rest of the family follows. The group then sets off to execute Elena's plan. e24fc04721

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