The latest versions of Eclipse now come with a dark theme. Just go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Theme and select "Dark" or another appropriate version based on your operating system.

A new dark window theme has been introduced. This popular community theme demonstrates the power of the underlying Eclipse 4 styling engine.

 You can enable it from the General > Appearance preference page.

 Plug-ins can contribute extensions to this theme to style their own specific views and editors to match the window theme.

Download Eclipse Theme Dark

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The first is to change the appearance of what is inside the editor windows.

 That can be done with the Eclipse Colour Theme plugin ( ). My favourite editor theme is Vibrant Ink with the Monaco font. They explain how to install their themes very well ( =how-to-use), although you get a fine set of dark themes with the default plugin install and may not need to come back to their website for any more. Get the plugin here.

The second stage is darkening the chrome of the UI, which is all the widgets and menus and everything outside of the child window canvases.

 This plugin gives you a GUI editor for the chrome colour scheme: -themes/.

 If you want a dark one, go ahead and click away until eclipse is dark.

Once you are done, some GUI surface area will show through the system theme as mentioned at the top of this post.

 Rather than using that editor, you could install the pre-baked Dark Juno theme instead.

 The install is manual.

 Start by downloading it from here: -color-theme/eclipse-ui-themes.

 It has to be copied into your eclipse dropins folder. This lives next to the eclipse executable, not in your workspace or someplace like that. In my case the command to do the copy was:

You could be running eclipse from any directory though, so which eclipse will tell you where it should go.

 Restart eclipse and you should find a Dark Juno option under Preferences::General::Appearance. It is a nice neutral grey with some gradients and is a very good option.

if you may like, I uploaded on github a dark theme I made some months ago to avoid blinding my eyes when spending many hours on the editor.. I made it because with all the others themes some Eclipse parts remains ugly and unstyled.

Insert the custom css in css editor of Chrome Theme. I spend several hours with CSS Spy to find out all the relevant information to make eclipse as black and this file as small as possible. There is also an .epf File for the Chrome Theme plugin preferences you should import.You can get it from my dropbox: -_Y5j1PE

Eclipse uses native OS controls for most UI aspects (buttons, menus, lists, etc.). That's where colors for most of the IDE come from. The first step in making a "dark IDE" is to modify your OS color theme. Then you can add the color themes plugin to complete the look.

If the purpose of a dark theme is to make your eyes comfortable, you can enable High Contrast settings of your Operating System. For example in Windows 8.1 you can turn on - off High Contrast by pressing ALT + left SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN

If you are in ubuntu 12+ get compiz settings manager, in accessibility enable negative, set the shortcuts. The default is super+n. Now make eclipse be in focus and press the super+n or the key you set it as. This will apply negative filter on eclipse.

I've build a win 7 dark theme base on the popular windows 7 'concave 7' theme for eclipse dark juno theme.And I also create a dark theme inspired from the editor color theme 'Zenburn' created by Janni Nurmin

I've spent few hours looking for a nice solution to make my eclipse UI dark, and I have finally found a way to do it. I am using Fedora 18 and Eclipse for PHP Developers (PDT v3.0.2).

It's integrated with Eclipse Color Theme so that when a new theme is selected in preferences > general > appearance > color theme, the proper background is also applied to other parts of the IDE (theming everything or just views which are previously registered according to a combo in that same page).

Go to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\. Duplicate the folder aero and the file aero.theme. If you can't duplicate the folder and the file then right click on both, Properties, Security, Modify, add your user to Permissions, and set authorizations to modify, read and write.

Rename the folder C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero - copy and the file C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero - copy.theme to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\custom and C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\custom.theme (you can pick the name you want).

Set your custom theme (yet unchanged) by double-clicking on custom.theme. Then right-click on start menu button, go to Parameters -> Customize appearance -> Themes and select the second one. Go to the menu Colors, select dark mode for every applications. Choose custom color for accent color and put it full black.

A few years ago, in 2014, Eclipse IDE announced that it will ship a default dark theme. In 2014, many of restrictions existed in the CSS and SWT styling of the Eclipse workspace and the result was not very usable. But the Eclipse platform team wanted to lay the foundation for improvements without the requirement to install external components to test and to drive these improvements. The releases following the initial release constantly improved the capabilities of the underlying CSS engine and the SWT toolkit to enhance the user experience.

With Eclipse Photon, we are shipping the best support for the dark theme so far. Continue to read to learn about the improvements in the platform and in the second part, how plug-in developers can enable their Eclipse contributions for the dark theme.Try it outSomeone once said, that all the cool kids are using a dark theme these days. If you want to join this club, simply type "Dark" into the Quick Access box and press enter. This brings you to the correct preference page. Select Dark, press Apply and Close (and restart your IDE to fully apply the theme).

Sometimes the small things do matter. Eclipse 4.8 continues to improve the default text editor. The Eclipse default dark theme now includes styling for the text editor's range indicator and uses transparency for the expand and collapse buttons.

The same work has been done for the Javadoc popup which makes the dialog much easier to read in the dark theme. Support for other languages will most likely pick this up for the next release, e.g., the PHP team is working on this in _bug.cgi?id=534520.

The colors of links in code element information control now take the color settings of the Hyperlink text color and the Active hyperlink text color from the Colors & Fonts preference page into account. The readability in the dark theme has been improved a lot by this.

The Gradle tooling initially designed a relatively complex solution to support the dark theme. The final solution is really simple (see ) and the next chapter is designed to help other plug-in developers to apply the same solution for their plug-ins.

To contribute a CSS file to the dark theme, you can write an extension in your plugin.xml similar to the following. The refid="org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.theme.e4_dark" points to the platform dark theme and tells the CSS engine to extend it.

Of course, the platform team continues to work on the dark theme. Most interesting for Windows users is the work in Bug 508634 which would allow users to set the background and foreground color for (read-only) combo-box which are frequently used in the Eclipse IDE. But again lots of small annoyances will be addressed for the next release, which will arrive only 3 months later after the Photon release.

Good news for the dark theme is that several platform developers, including the author of this article, have switched to the dark theme for their daily work. This also means that the remaining issues with the dark theme are more easily discovered and faster fixed.

Tools like Git, Gradle, and Maven for Eclipse already provide good support for the dark theme and we expect that this support will grow in the future, especially now that plug-in developers have a small guide how to support it. Patches to support the dark theme are also relatively simple (plugin.xml registration of the CSS file and a corresponding CSS file).

So if you are a dark theme user, please open bugs for the components which do not yet support the dark theme. Or even better provide a snippet which you validated via the CSS spy or CSS scratch pad so that the plug-in developers can apply it. Also plug-ins which are still using old gifs (which do not support real transparency), will most likely be happy about contributions of svg version of their icons, so that they can generate png and HDPI png files from them.

Hi , my eclipse version 2021-06 . So , I got a error message that " An error has occured.See the log file C:\Users\ous2y\Documents\JavaProjects\.metadata|.log.". How can I delete this plugin? Eclipse doesn't open at all. I need to delete from eclipse folder file.

I tried to install it on Eclipse 2020-06 Windows 11 but it gives me this error and don't try to tell me to install a new version of eclipse because due to the current project it only works on java 8 and this is the most recent version of eclipse compatible with java 8

In the default theme, if the names of the folders or files are cut off due to the size of the Package Explorer view, hovering over them used to show their names in a tooltip(not exactly a tooltip idk what its called it extends the name that is cut off). However, after applying this theme, this option appears to have turned off and I can't find where it is located. I would appreciate some help. Cheers!

By the way, I like the theme.

Mike, thanks for the report - this s a known issue in DevStyle, and unfortunately we don't have a workaround to suggest. This is a priority fix for the next release, so please watch out for the update. Glad you like the theme!

After further examination, I believe your certificates have expired. If that is the case, I ask you to fix this and let me know when I can install this theme again. Otherwise, please let me know what to do to be able to install this theme. 17dc91bb1f

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