Full-text search allows you to search the contents of your files in Dropbox. With full-text search, when you search your Dropbox files for a keyword, the results will include any files that contain that keyword in addition to any files with that keyword in the name.

Stopping the spread of terrorist content online is a big job, and we are committed to continue working with partners in the public and private sectors to help protect our users and society from this threat.

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The File Shared Externally and Folder Shared Externally alerts notify you when any Dropbox file or folder is shared directly with a user outside of your Dropbox team. Admins can also scan externally shared files for sensitive content. Learn how to set up the Files Shared Externally alert.

"message": "Error in call to API function "users/get_current_account": Bad HTTP "Content-Type\" header: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". Expecting one of "application/json", "application/json; charset=utf-8", "text/plain; charset=dropbox-cors-hack"

Non-profits can use file requests to prepare for quarterly board meetings. When every department, agency, or third-party provider needs to submit content for their presentation, they can easily gather content from the team using file requests.

I can create folders and files, but when I try to list the contents of a folder, I get an error message. I'm particularly interested in getting the contents of the root folder, but for now, I'm just trying to test it with a specific folder I have. I'm using _folder, and trying to copy the documentation example exactly, like so:

I see you're supplying a folder path and not a shared link and are using app authentication on this /2/files/list_folder call, which can cause this 'path/unsupported_content_type' error.


When using app authentication, that is, with the app key and secret instead of an access token, you do not have access to an account directly. Using app authentication with /2/files/list_folder is instead meant for accessing the contents of a shared link.


So, you would need to either supply a shared_link on the /2/files/list_folder call, or switch to using user authentication, that is, with an access token for an account.

As Greg already mentioned, app authentication can be used for information that doesn't need access to particular account (either personal or business) - listing public accessible shared links or at most password protected (the one you can provide thorough the call parameter). App Authentication identifies the application itself, but not the user that uses it! That's why you cannot use App Authentication to access data closely related to any particular account (i.e. to user, again both neither personal nor business) in any way (here we assume no any shared link points to the content; a link that can be "workaround"). To list (or do something else to) any part of account content, you need to represent somehow user having access to that content. That's what different tokens (access token and refresh token) are used for - user authentication.

Ideally my Kirby application would be linked to the Dropbox folder(s) for content input and would recognize, if there were any new uploads. The Kirby application would then setup a default page for every File/Item and fill it with data the app gained through OCR-Recognition.

Dropbox for teams brought the power of Dropbox to organizations and teams. Working with team content is slightly different than managing personal content. This document will guide you through the many capabilities of the Dropbox API to manipulate team content.

Each Dropbox team may use one of two different configurations: team folders or team space. Different teams may also have different features enabled, which will affect how your app will need to operate. Team content is structured differently in each one, and that can affect how you use the Dropbox API to interact with team content.

Note that root_namespace_id and home_namespace_id are the same. The root of her Dropbox content is her home folder. Now if Sarah's team was on the team space configuration with has_team_shared_dropbox: true, the response would look like this:

The Dropbox-API-Path-Root header can be used to perform actions relative to a namespace. When using this header, all operations will be performed as if the specified namespace were the root. Response values like path_display and path_lower will also be relative to that root. This enables applications to access content in the team space, or to root to a particular namespace for syntactic convenience.

So far we have covered accessing content in company managed spaces with the User API. The Business API enables team administrators to both manage company owned spaces, as well as to manage the content of individual team members.

This header, when used with a team token, enables the application to issue calls on behalf of the specified team member. This enables applications to organize and act on content within users member folders.

When reading content and metadata, using Dropbox-API-Select-Admin enables the caller to see any team accessible content, without needing to determine which user on the team has view access. Using the /team/namespaces/list call to enumerate all team namespaces, then traversing them with /files/list_folder with the Dropbox-API-Select-Admin header enables an app to efficiently enumerate all team content.

Remember, files can be referred to in path arguments by their relative path, file ID, revision ID, or by a namespace-relative path. While most user-linked applications will prefer referring to files by ID or relative path, team linked applications looking to efficiently traverse all team-owned content will tend to find namespace-relative paths simpler.

If the team has has_team_shared_dropbox: false and you need to create a new team folder, use the /team/team_folder/create endpoint. When you create a team folder programmatically, it doesn't give access to anyone automatically, not even to the Dropbox team administrators. You will need to add members to the team folder and configure its security settings after the folder has been created.

Each team folder can have different security settings. For example, you may want to create a team folder with content that can be shared externally and another team folder with content that is sensitive and should be internal only. This can be achieved by configuring the shared folder policy.

On teams with has_team_shared_dropbox: false, you have to use the Business API to create and set up team folders. But on teams with has_team_shared_dropbox: true, you use the same User API calls to work both with shared folders that are mounted under a user-owned namespace (also known as member folder), and with folders that are mounted in the team space namespace.

To create a folder for under the team space for a team with has_team_shared_dropbox: true you can use the /sharing/share_folder endpoint. When you use this endpoint and the folder doesn't exist yet, it will be created.

Not that I would do such a thing, it's just for science. I read an article on how dropbox can detect if someone uploads pirated stuff. So, being the curious human I am, I wanted to see if it was possible, but I don't want to try it on my account if I get banned or striked or whatever...

After a Dropbox content connector is configured, enabled, and associated with a repository, it's available in the asset repository for Oracle Content Management users to download content, through the Add drop-down menu, Import from Dropbox option on the Assets page.

JAX-WS should be enabled on Oracle Content Server for the connector to work. This is the basic prerequisite. To verify this, access the content server instance using the following URL. This will render the WSDL in the browser.

Every single time I add something from the Mac, I get a conflict on the file "content.js". Read the forum, no solution worked. I even tried deleting every single file I could find ( -mac-kb/5/en/topic/data-locations) on the Mac. Same on the PC. Reinstalled from fresh. Nothing works.

As for content.js conflict, that's to do with the .agilekeychain in your Dropbox. Do you have 1Password open on both computers at the same time? I got that message a couple of times in my Windows VM when I was taking a look to see what you were seeing.

Both computers are on at the same time, but right now 1Password has been removed from the Windows PC. Dropbox however is still on it. The Mac still shows the same behavior, i.e. conflict on content.js on every update.

Even without 1Password installed on the Windows PC, Dropbox is still syncing and merging data between both computers. 1Password isn't creating the conflict files, Dropbox is. When 1Password detects a conflict file, it will merge the content in as long as it isn't a duplicate and then delete the file. That's what you saw when you open 1Password on the iOS device. ff782bc1db

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