TCC is enabled by default on most recent NVIDIA Tesla GPUs. To check which driver mode is in use and/or to switch driver modes, use the nvidia-smi tool that is included with the NVIDIA Driver installation (see nvidia-smi -h for details).

When i open a terminal session and type: nvidia-smi, i get this:

NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.

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First look for all the installed nvidia driver packages using dpkg -l | grep nvidia and look for all packages that look like nvidia-driver- where is a version number (like 470 or similar). Then go ahead and remove all you find by first purging the driver(s) itself using

Should you still have issues, please share your output of dpkg -l | grep nvidia and attach an nvidia-bug-report.log.gz file, which can be generated with the script that comes with the driver installation.

Anyway to create a tutorial on how to use a 10xx series card on windows xp? I managed to fool the installer into working, but it doesn't install the driver nor the vulken and the nvidia control panel.

I'm troubleshooting why my 980ti will not display a refresh higher than 144hz on my asus 240hz monitor that works well on a windows 10 machine with same card. I thought display cable, but after switching the issues remain. My card is seeing my monitor in the nvidia control panel as TV? because it has "TV format" options as well as "Connector" with S or Composite standard settings under PC only 3 resolutions are seen. The options for all refresh rate choices exist, but selection of higher than 144hz results in a black screen. So, is this a driver issue? If so how to fix?

it seems that the windows xp drivers arent as developed and feature-rich as the win 7+ ones. another example is that the win 7+ drivers have more settings / options available in the 3d settings control window

hi sorry to trouble you again. i been using a gtx970 on a XP64 system, everything just works fine. then i got a wacom 13hd pen display, and plugged it to the video card's HDMI port, then i got a blue screen error with something about nv4_mini.sys! i tried a windows7 X64 system, then a XP32, they all works. so it's probably caused by the XP64 driver (modified 368.81 btw), can you inspire me with some ideas? thanks a lot!

Hi! hmm i have been trying to install the gtx 980 on my XP computer.

BUT! - it's not working at all? i have read and read this guide and all the comments, but nothing works? My PC will not startup. i was need to uninstall the nvidia driver in trouble mode, before my PC works again. - why?

Hi Matt (and others), thanks so much for this article... I'm searching now to upgrade my 3gb GTX580's to either the 12Gb nvidia GeForce Titan X or the 12Gb nVidia Quadro M6000 using your driver hack above. My OS is Windows XP 64... are there any gotcha's or BSOD waiting for me in this process? Has anyone successfully used this hack for the Titan X or Quadro M6000? This is mainly for 3D graphics apps (3ds Max, MotionBuilder, etc.). Any suggestions? Maybe I should be a cheap used card to verify it all works well? Thanks in advance.

1.) After you have uninstalled the old graphics driver from "Add or Remove Programs" in WinXP Control Panel, it is good

for AA quality to manually remove old driver remains from registry from at least 2 (3) key positions:

a) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Class/4D36E968-... (display adapter key), here you delete all the sub keys/directories, but the 4D36968-... key itself (it will come in handy for the new driver of course).

b)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/nv (nvidia display driver service), here you delete all the sub keys/directories, but the nv key itself (same as above).

c)Optionally, if you want to have less clutter in the registry you can delete the grf. driver user key. Its name and location is contained within HKLM/Hardware/DeviceMap/Video: \Device\Video0, that points you to

HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Video. Delete only 1 key with the given name, leave 23A77..., 8B6D7... and DEB039CC... keys alone.

d) Look in your WinNT (or Windows)/System32 directory - if there are any "nvmodes" (.whatever) files, delete them, leave others as they are.

2.) Install the modified display driver, restart the computer and then install monitor driver (for the right color management). Opening nvidia control panel only comes later, read on.

Here I should mention that you can check if any other monitor color profiles (besides default sRGB) are present and making a mess by installing an old MS Control Panel addon WinColorSetup.exe.

Is it possible to get a gtx 980 ti to work on windows xp service pack 2 (not 3) and using 144hz via display port? If not nvidia is bullshit and a waste of time. Even my 7970 matrix platinum does 144hz at 1080p! What a freakin joke. Did I mention that I use XP SP2?!

P.S.: I have to mention that with the half-arsed POS that these last XP nvidia drivers are (stable though), treating my flat-screen like a PAL TV, I just installed Adobe's PAL_SECAM.icc monitor profile (installed as "Plug 'n Play Monitor") and it works the best (AA contrast levels...).

For the ones living in the NTSC areas, there is the SMPTE-C.icc, also from Adobe.

I got all these from (1 zip file), but I forgot what was the name of the zip file (I deleted it and have them all unpacked).

Heh, you can't make this up: nvidia driver actually prefers all lower case letters for srgb color space profile.icm file for best picture/AA quality displayed on screen.

It is therefore prudent to rename the file under windows/system32/spool/drivers/color to srgb color space profile.icm and also in registry HKLM/software/microsoft/windowsnt/currentversion/icm/mntr/srgb color space profile.icm (all lower case). If in the registry it complains it's the same name, just name it zzz and then the correct lower case name.

Multiple versions of the NVIDIA GRID driver are stored in this S3bucket. You can download all of the available versions in the bucket ifyou change the value of the $KeyPrefix variable from"windows/latest" to"windows".

Another solution for this error is to disable automatic updates from windows as it can cause a conflict of drivers, which occurs when windows think it is the latest driver and install the outdated one. The driver you have already installed can conflict with a driver that windows installed. It is called driver conflict that can cause Error Code 43. To avoid this, you have to disable automatic driver updates from the Local Group Policy Editor.

I've recently (Jan 2021) updated my platform from an lga1155 to a AM4 system, and I'm running into display driver/dwm crashes which freeze what's on the screen but keep the PC running. 

I can hear videos/games/chat continue, and I can manipulate them. I just can't see anything. 

To gain full control back I have to turn it off with the PSU switch as just smothering the power button causes it to crash at the windows loading icon, the little pale blue one, but the system continues to boot to desktop behind a frozen screen.

I cannot figure this out. I've rolled back drivers, uninstalled all I can and reinstalled them. Tried 3 different (current, last and a few versions back) Nvidia drivers using DDU each time. 

I've run sfc/scannow and a few other commands to wipe and repair Windows update and check that all the Windows files are fine, they all report that everything is fine, or that they corrected something and when run a second or third time come up clean. 

I've booted to safe mode a few times, not spent much longer than a few minutes there so I can't really tell if it happens in that environment. 

I've rebuilt my W10 install USB stick with an updated version from the Windows support page and run Windows start up repair. 

I've tested the RAM, using windows memory tester and also using 1 stick, 2 sticks in each socket 

I've reseated the CPU, and also replaced the CPU with a new one 

I've reseated the GPU a few times as it's a recently new build and I had to go back to my old one for a few days during a return window(old pc runs fine, no issues) 

I've reseated all cables at both ends 

I've remounted the motherboard to make sure nothing was touching underneath 

Basically I've taken it all apart twice and put it back together. 

I've use the DP to HDMI cables between 2 machines no issues 

All hard drives have been used across both machines, no issues e24fc04721

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