In this Coderra one-shot, about two years after the events of Total Drama World Tour, at a reunion for all the characters, Cody and Sierra meet up again. They start to reminiscence about what happened since the finale, and it's there and then that Cody starts to realize his feelings for Sierra. How will this series of events turn out for the two?

A/N: Yeah, I was bored. xD And-- to avoid confusion on the view-points-- Sierra's point of view is in this color, Cody's in this. The color will probably get annoying after a while, but meh, it'll make remembering POV a lot easier, so deal with it. =P

Download Drama Love At Second Sight 2023

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I woke up early in the morning to the sound of the seemingly never-ending ringing of my phone. I groaned, and stayed in my bed for about three more seconds, before I finally reached my hand out, and relucently picked up the phone. I can honestly say I was surprised by the voice that answered, never expecting to hear them again...

"Hello, Sierra!" The self-proclaimed host with the most, otherwise known as "Chris", greeted. "You're wondering why I'm calling, aren't you?" Sierra was about to respond, but Chris answered his own question first. "Of course you are, I mean, why wouldn't you be? Anyways, the reason behind it is simple: Everyone here at Total Drama decided that it would be fun to gather all of the Total Drama contestants together for a reuinion-- Er, to be nice and all, and let you all talk again. Totally not just so we can film it." There was a short silence, in which you could hear a pin drop. "So? Are you in?"

It was all I could do to keep my heart-rate down. How could I possibly refuse the chance to meet all of the Total Drama contestants, even if I had to put up with Alejandro, and, most importantly, I got to see my wonderful, handsome, genuis, Cody again... I almost sighed dreamily, but I caught myself, realizing I was still on the phone.

"What's happenin', Codmister?" Chris greeted me. I was going to tell him how I don't go by that name anymore, but he kept talking before I could respond. "Anyways, I'm here to tell you about some awesome news: We're having a Total Drama reuinion! Now you get to hang out with your old friends, see what went on with them, give me more ratings... All that fun stuff. Are you in?"

I was going to politely tell him why I wouldn't go if it meant giving him ratings, when a thought came to mind: Gwen. I could finally get another chance to woo her... I couldn't surpress my grin as I told the host that I'd go, before I slammed the phone down, and quickly began to get ready...

It wasn't long until I was in my best dress, driving my way over to the alleged reunion spot, thinking about Cody all the way, how he'd obviously fall in love with me, we'd grow up, get married, have two kids, a boy named Sody and a girl named Coderra... I sighed dreamily, and snapped myself back into reality just in time to stop at a red light. I tapped my fingers against the wheel impatiently, wanting to arrive already...

It wasn't long until I was in my best tux, driving my way over to the alleged reunion spot, thinking about Gwen all the way, how she'd obviously fall in love with me, we'd grow up, get married, have two kids, a boy named Gwody and a girl named Coen... I sighed dreamily, and snapped myself back into reality just in time to stop at a red light. I tapped my fingers against the wheel impatiently, wanting to arrive already...

Finally, I arrived at my destination. As soon as I got out of the car, guess who I saw? None-other then the stalker of my nightmares, already coming to talk to me. I sighed deeply, and prepared for some ranting about how much she missed me.

"Hey, Cody." Was all she said, much to my surprise. I looked at her, and saw that she was giving all she had to not explode with happiness. I barely raised an eyebrow, but quickly returned her greeting.

"Good, good. Now, if you need me, I'm going to go inside to check on Gwen." Before I turned towards the doors, I could see Sierra's grip tighening on the purse she was holding. That didn't stop me from going, inside, though. No, what stopped me was thinking.

Maybe... Just maybe... Now that Sierra's not stalker-ish anymore... A relationship might just work out... I turned back towards Sierra, smiling a little. "Actually... Let's go for a walk. Then maybe eat some dinner at a romantic resteraunt. Does that sound go

A/N: Didn't see that one coming, did ya? ;D Anyways, I know this was really short, I'll probably have her have time to write more before her mom makes her stop later. xD Don't forget to leave a comment on the talk. ;D

Second Sight on consoles was very nearly love at first sight. Waking up in a military installation and gradually discovering and making use of your latent psychic powers is a good idea anyway, but being able to dive back into your own memories - playing them out as little vignettes, gradually unravelling the back-story and altering events in the present - is destined to be engrossing and thought-provoking stuff if handled correctly. Which, on PS2, Xbox and GameCube, it generally was. Were it not for Midway's marginally superior Psi-Ops, released at more or less the same time, and Half-Life 2 quickly raising the bar in terms of, well, raising bars and throwing them at people, it would have been even more fondly remembered.

But unfortunate scheduling coincidences cannot be blamed for the failings of the recently released PC version, which decides to combat the threat of Psi-Ops (also out on the PC now), the physics tricks that Valve put over it two months after its console release, and its PC-specific competition like Max Payne, by doing a totally cack-handed job of translating the controls to keyboard and mouse and instructing the camera to continually bob around, look the wrong way and refuse to budge when it's most important to see what's going on. Typically forcing you to make yourself visible to patrolling guards in order to work out where they are at all.

The controls are an immediate stumbling block, and we never quite regained our balance. During the early sections we should have been engrossed by the mystery of John Vattic, who wakes up in a facility heavily bandaged, plugged full of needles and seemingly capable of moving objects with his mind alone. Instead we were constantly quitting out of the game trying to get the mouse sensitivity right and then restarting. At maximum sensitivity it's far from optimal, and even with a combination of WSAD and mouse you can never rely on the camera to behave itself autonomously. The lock-on suffers too, scooting between targets as you thrash the mouse around the mouse pad in frustration; a problem compounded by the need for the game to let you lock onto inanimate objects just as frequently as enemies.

Worse, our attempts to switch to a joypad for control soon proved impossible. Even remapping keyboard letters to joypad buttons to make up for the lack of direct in-game support and then painstakingly arranging inputs in-game to match couldn't help us figure out analogue control - an absolute must for the camera at least - and eventually saw us return to the keyboard and mouse with tail between legs. And went in and out and in and out until we got those right again.

Not letting you access control options without quitting out of the game and back into the main menus is ridiculous enough, but it did at least help to highlight some rather arbitrary design decisions. Were it not for our flailing between menu and game early on, for example, we wouldn't be able to criticise the way that it's possible to make it to the elevator at the end of the first section and then discover it won't activate until you've used your melee attacks to take down two patrolling guards. We didn't think we had to; they scampered off and hid when they saw us lifting barrels with our minds, so why should we have to go and put the boot in just to trigger the level transition?

Things do pick up after that. Wrestle yourself into a state of truce with the awkward control scheme and the following sections that mix in stealth - making use of Vattic's unique arsenal of psychic powers, which include the ability to become temporarily invisible, to kill enemies with a psychic blast, to heal himself and more - as well as sniping, puzzling and what the yanks might term "balls-out action" unfold in a relatively satisfying manner. But there's always that worry about the controls, and we often found ourselves playing in a deliberately peaceable manner despite our own latent urge to kick people's heads in.

Not that we were always inconvenienced by the control system's failings, because there were several times when the stupidity of the AI enemies came to our rescue. Trying to get to the car park to pinch an escape vehicle early on, for example, we had to negotiate a series of upward ramps, dodging stationary guards waiting to take pot shots at us. Careful use of the invisibility skill soon saw to that, but we also owe the guards' lack of common sense. As a rule of thumb, guardy-types, when your mate round the corner is yelling and firing at roughly where you're standing, it means there's a barely cloaked escaped prisoner in the vicinity. In this case, right behind your back waiting for the invisibility to recharge. Don't look round or anything though; the threat is clearly coming from the downward ramp in front of you...

Fortunately for those of us struggling along with the PC version's failings, the plot develops in an interesting way as Vattic tries to trace his past through his memories, reliving the circumstances that brought him - a scientist sceptical of psychic powers - into the midst of a complicated conspiracy, and the way it develops is particularly interesting. We liked the idea of remembering someone, finding out they were dead, saving them in the past with some carefully managed dramatic irony and then racing off to try and find them again in the present and join the dots. Just as we liked some of the level design, which draws on troubling themes and proves to be rich with extra bits and pieces for those willing to explore - like a shotgun hidden in a toolshed that you'll only find if you can use your telekinesis to summon a distant key from a rooftop. It's not storytelling to trouble the average RPG maker, but it's as good as most of the films you'll happily watch on a Friday night with some beer and pizza in tow. 152ee80cbc

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