In emergency medicine, "golden time" or "golden hour" refers to the crucial time period right after a patient suffers a traumatic injury, during which timely medical treatment could determine life or death.[4][5]

Eja hi, I didn't have time to start until tonight. Do you know where that hospital is? I mean the real hospital. It's swanky. Open plan, glass everywhere. High ceilings and new. I need to go visit it when I am in Korea or something. They filmed Brain at one of Seoul's hospitals. This is not in Seoul? Cos' it's a really nice looking ED. Look at all the equipment man which hospital is it? There are theatre lights in the examinations rooms.Plus monitors everywhere. And you can see everyone. I have a serious case of envy here. 

Oh the drama? LOL I was too busy cracking up at his histrionics. Oh man, this is one guy who knows his ABCs but only after caring about his own skin. I am watching it for the female lead. Soft spot for the her since CYHMH. Will see what other scenarios they are going to bring on. Korean medical dramas are always good for dragging up obscure medical/surgical conditions.

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Their golden griddle waffles and breakfast burritos and sandwiches are available any time of the day as are the lunch sandwiches, hamburgers and the other delicious items on the menu. A popular item is their 99 cent tacos as well as the $6.99 enchiladas. They also offer ice coffee, ice cream cones, a variety of milkshakes, Horchata, Raspberry Tea, soft drinks and juices. In addition, they offer French fries, curly fries, buffalo wings, onion rings and bacon cheese potato wedges and other side dishes including salads. Menudo is available every Sunday.

In the end, the demise of the Golden Goal always seemed inevitable, and after the futile attempt with the Silver Goal in 2004, both were put to bed for good, and the traditional full 30 minutes of extra-time, comprised of two 15-minute halves, was restored in the 2006 World Cup. If teams remain tied after extra-time, the match cycles into standard shootout format, in which teams send five of their best penalty takers up to square off against the opposition's goalie. As we've already seen from the Round of 16 matchups between Croatia and Japan, and Morocco and Spain, there's no shortage of drama to be enjoyed, even if it's not necessarily "golden."

When a creature has fully turned, they have excellent resilience and regenerative abilities, but before a human has completely turned, there is a short time period in which they are unable to recover from severe damage. They label this the golden hour. Later on, the broadcast recommends that all individuals showing symptoms -- hypothermia, nosebleeds, fainting and auditory or visual hallucinations -- should quarantine. They also recommend any captured monsters should be "incinerated." The broadcast ends by letting civilians know the military "can and will" solve the situation.

In short, the golden hour is the time in which a person is gradually transforming into a monster. It's the opportune time to kill a monster because they are at their most vulnerable, they don't have a monster's full capabilities yet and they are unable to regenerate if seriously hurt.

Hyun-su later reveals the reason he has been able to keep himself from fully turning into a monster is because he can control his desires, so it's when desires take over that one becomes a monster. Therefore, the virus is a "curse" that everyone is susceptible to, but an individual can choose how it affects them, thus making each case unique in some way. While this is a great way to explore humanity and morality, it does make the rules of monsters and transformation confusing at times, as is the case for golden hour.

In the season finale, the term "Operation Golden Hour" is brought up, but the context is slightly different from it's main definition. While golden hour is the time when a transforming monster is most vulnerable, Operation Golden Hour is allegedly a final plan being put forth by the military to "solve" the monster problem. Since it is becoming nearly impossible to distinguish humans from monsters, and there's no way of knowing what sort of monster a human will turn into, the military will sweep as many areas as possible.

While this is different from what golden hour literally is, Operation Golden Hour and the time period its named after have something in common. As Lee Eun-hyuk mentions, "The golden hour used to mean the last hour to save someone. Now it means the only possible period of time to destroy someone." In both cases, golden hour is the perfect time to kill someone or something, prioritizing ending a life in favor of saving it.

I can appreciate what you say re waiting for the next episode(s). However, in the main, I am happy to wait and look forward to the next episode of currently airing shows. This is also the interesting challenge with Chinese dramas. Although they have a high number of episodes, they show 6 or 7 episodes a week. Of course this is great if it is a good show, but not so great when they fall apart half way through from a viewing time investment point of view.

Wow! I have watched a few weekend dramas already but this is the first time i saw the rich guy leaving his fortune to make it on his own and to be equal with the girl he loves. Totally loved Do kyung for finally standing up to his family.

2231 Elements of Japanese Culture 3

A survey of literature, art, religion, philosophy, film, and social institutions of the Japanese people from the earliest to the most recent times.

2451 Japanese Literature in Translation 3

Representative masterpieces from Japan's literary tradition: fiction, poetry, drama, prose.

2452 Modern Japanese Literature in Translation 3

Modern Japanese literature and media from late 19th century Western influences to contemporary writers; selected readings in English translation.

4193 Individual Studies 1-3

Directed study to meet individual research needs of students in Japanese studies.

4998 Undergraduate Research Project 3

Focused research toward completion of an original project.

4998H Honors

4999 Undergraduate Research Thesis 3

Focused research toward completion of an original thesis.

5194 Undergraduate/Graduate Group Studies 1-3

Group investigation of issues in Japanese studies designed for a mix of undergraduate and graduate students.

5316 Japanese Language: Structure, Culture and Communication II 3

Critical and comprehensive survey of structural, cultural, and communicative aspects of the Japanese language.

5455 Japanese Literature: Medieval and Edo Periods 3

Survey of Japanese literature from the mid-fourteenth to the mid-nineteenth century: popular tales , poetry, drama, and the fiction of the merchant class.

6193 Individual Studies 1-3

Requires the use of Japanese sources and the completion of a paper reflecting the student's research.

6998 Research in Japanese: Project 1-3

Research leading to the completion of a project other than a conventional MA thesis.

6999 Research in Japanese: Thesis 1-3

Research leading to the completion of an MA thesis.

7384 Japanese Syntax 3

Survey of the grammatical structures of Japanese; presentation of syntactic rules.

8500 Japanese Bibliography and Research Methods 3

Problems and procedures in the use of Japanese bibliographies and other reference materials.

8998 Research in Japanese: Project 1-3

Research leading to the completion of a project other than a conventional dissertation.

8999 Research in Japanese: Dissertation 1-3

Research leading to the completion of a dissertation. 006ab0faaa

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