Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

After reading the other thread about rolling for stats vs point buy, it got me thinking about how to balance the party members with each other while still allowing for some randomness to determine the direction of your character. One method I thought up would be some kind of 'stat draft'. By drafting you can essentially equalize all members of the group, encourage diversity, and increase the likelihood that each PC has a high primary stat. A first iteration is detailed below.

Download Draft Roll


Each player rolls 4d6 drop lowest 6 times, in order (first roll is for STR, etc). The scores rolled by all players go into a shared pool (write them down, or if you have enough dice put them in the middle of the table). Make sure you maintain the association of the score with the stat.

The second player then chooses a score. If the first player took the 17 DEX, maybe the 2nd player would take the 18 STR. The 3rd player then picks, and so on until the last player has picked. The last player then picks another score and the draft continue in reverse order.

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on Monday released a bipartisan draft of a bill to reauthorize a wide-ranging emergency preparedness law, although leaders in both parties are also seeking feedback on two outstanding legislative proposals.

The Senate draft includes provisions to launch pilot programs for data sharing and state medical stockpiles, improve wastewater detection capabilities and boost research on treatments for viral pathogens, among other things.

A formal ICANN public comment period has been opened to receive community input on a draft plan [PDF, 93 KB] to proceed with the KSK rollover project. This comment period will run until 1 April 2018 and we are eager to receive any and all comments.

The plan calls for rolling the root zone KSK on 11 October 2018 (one year later than originally planned), continuing extensive outreach to notify as many resolver operators as possible, and publishing more observations of the RFC 8145 trust anchor report data. Additional details are contained within the plan.

The draft plan follows our posting in late December, in which the ICANN organization announced next steps in the process to resume the root KSK rollover project. We described our efforts to track down the operators of DNS resolvers that were not ready for the rollover.

The bottom line is that these findings did not afford much clarity as to the next steps for mitigating specific causes nor did they afford any guidance for appropriate messaging. Faced with this situation, we announced our intention to solicit input from the community on acceptable criteria for proceeding with the root KSK roll.

Since that posting in December, a robust community discussion ensued between interested community members. There was agreement during these discussions that there is no way to accurately measure the number of users who would be affected by rolling the root KSK, even though there was a belief that better measurements may become available for future KSK rollovers.

The consensus of those involved in the discussions was that the ICANN org should proceed with rolling the root zone KSK in a timely fashion while continuing outreach to ensure that the word of the rollover reach as wide an audience as possible.

The Selective Service System was one of "supervised decentralization." The office of the Provost Marshal General in Washington was responsible for formulating policy and transmitting it to the governors of the 48 states, the District of Columbia and the territories of Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Under the administration of the PMGO it was the states, territories and the District of Columbia which managed the operation of drafting men for military service in World War I.

Local boards were established for each county or similar subdivision in each state, and for each 30,000 persons (approximately) in each city or county with a population over 30,000. The local boards were charged with the registration, determination of order and serial numbers, classification, call and entrainment of draftees.

The registration cards consist of approximately 24,000,000 cards of men who registered for the draft, (about 23% of the population in 1918). It is important to note that not all of the men who registered for the draft actually served in the military and not all men who served in the military registered for the draft. Moreover these are not military service records. They end when an individual reports to the army training camp. They contain no information about an individual's military service.

Related records include Classification Lists of Docket Books maintained by local boards to show the process of classification, physical examination, claim for exemption or discharge from the draft, and the appeals process for each registrant. Each local board also maintained lists of men ordered to report to the board for induction. These show (for each individual ordered to report) name, the mobilization camp to which he was to report and the date he was to report, and the certification of officials of the mobilization camp that the man had (or had not) reported as ordered. These records are in the Field Archives branches in the appropriate regions.

Prevent unwanted drafts, airflow, and debris from getting inside your building with the Janus rolling door draft stop from Action Industries. This draft stop is specially designed for installation on rolling steel mini warehouse doors and provides a 2-1/4 inch weatherseal between the door and the header. The draft stop is secured to the roll up door every 12 inches using 1/4 inch diameter by 3/4 inch long TEK screws and flat washers.

Belly up view. Remember, this is just a rough draft, plenty of little changes to make for MkII, starting with a completely different frame. I'm done with the hub and spoke form. Multi-copters are basically just a packaging exercise, and I keep wishing for a different shape while trying to integrate all these sweet-ass robot parts. The next frame will be a folding Roman five, a "V" with horizontal bars top and bottom.

The important part is the parallel rails and the gimbal arrangement, that's what i want to develop a bit more. The roll axis motivation could come from any number of sources, I've used pull/pull for it so the servos could be grouped and positioned optimally for weight balancing.

Did Dunleavy ace his first draft? Probably not. But his thinking is defensible. Draft players who might get on the floor as rookies and shop the free-agent market for veterans willing to play on minimum contracts.

The just transition to a circular economy is also covered, with the draft suggesting ways to bring the informal collection sector into the fold, and requirements for labeling, tracking and monitoring plastics.

Austin Public Works and Austin Transportation are currently reviewing public feedback on the three draft plans that will guide how we build urban trails, bikeways, sidewalks, and crossings. These draft plans were released on January 27 and the public comment period closed on March 21. Based on public feedback and recommendations from various Boards and Commissions, the three plans will be revised and packaged with a set of amendments to the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP). The revised plans and ASMP amendments will be presented to the Planning Commission in April. Finally, a public hearing at City Council will be held, and Council will vote on whether to adopt the final plans. An official notice will be posted before the Council hearing date.

Residents can hear presentations and share feedback on any of these draft plans by attending or speaking at the following boards and commissions meetings. To comment at any Board and Commission meeting by phone or in person please contact the staff liaison of the specific board or commission.

As the end of the school year draws near, we wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued support of The Episcopal School of Dallas. Below is a draft of our 2018-19 Honor Roll of Gifts to The ESD Fund.

TikTok creators might not always want to publish a video right after recording it, and knowing how to save a draft to the camera roll is important if they want to share the video later. Saving a TikTok draft to the camera roll can be useful, not only to keep a video safe until it's ready to be edited, but also to make it easier to share on other social media or messaging apps. Many social media trends start on one platform before spreading to others, especially those originating from TikTok.

Saving a TikTok draft to the camera roll requires a few steps. After recording and editing a new video, tap the 'Drafts' button on the posting page. This will save the video as a draft on the user's profile page. Then, tap 'Drafts' on the profile page and select the draft that needs to be downloaded, then tap 'Next.' On the posting page, tap 'Who can watch this video' and change it to 'Only me.' Then, scroll down, tap 'More options,' and select 'Save to device.' Finally, tap 'Post,' after which the draft will be posted as a private video and simultaneously saved to the camera roll.

If a video is only being stored as a draft on the app and not to the camera roll, be careful about uninstalling TikTok. Drafts are stored locally, but if TikTok is uninstalled or if the account has been moved to another device, the draft videos will be removed and lost. So if users want to be sure that their saved TikTok drafts don't disappear, it's important to follow the steps above to save the video to the camera roll before uninstalling or changing accounts.

Unfortunately, there does not appear to be a way to save a draft directly to the camera roll without first uploading it privately. TikTok is constantly being updated with new features, so this may be added at a later date. The good news is that TikTok does allow users to save drafts, albeit in a complicated way, and there's always the option to delete the private video after it has been downloaded to the camera roll. ff782bc1db

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