But after first pipe/not/and operator, the doskeys no longer appear to exist since the cmd won't recognize the commands. For example, while single make command works, calling echo hello && make will tell me the make is not recognized as a command.

Certain character-based, interactive programs, such as program debuggers or file transfer programs (FTP) automatically use Doskey.exe. To use Doskey.exe, a program must be a console process and use buffered input. Program key assignments override doskey key assignments. For example, if the program uses the F7 key for a function, you cannot get a doskey command history in a pop-up window.

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You can use Doskey.exe to edit the current command line, but you can't use the command-line options from a program's command prompt. You must run doskey command-line options before you start a program. If you use Doskey.exe within a program, that program's key assignments take precedence and some Doskey.exe editing keys might not work.

With Doskey.exe, you can maintain a command history for each program that you start or repeat. You can edit previous commands at the program's prompt, and start doskey macros created for the program. If you exit and then restart a program from the same Command Prompt window, the command history from the previous program session is available.

If you press the INSERT key, you can type text on the doskey command line in the midst of existing text without replacing the text. However, after you press ENTER, Doskey.exe returns your keyboard to Replace mode. You must press INSERT again to return to Insert mode.

If you want to customize how Doskey.exe works with a program and create doskey macros for that program, you can create a batch program that modifies Doskey.exe and starts the program.

To run a macro, type the macro name at the command prompt, starting at the first position. If the macro was defined with $* or any of the batch parameters $1 through $9, use a space to separate the parameters. You cannot run a doskey macro from a batch program.

The /macros and /history command-line options are useful for creating batch programs to save macros and commands. For example, to store all current doskey macros, type:

I have inherited a beautiful mess of doskey macros, and is trying to sort them by areas of concern. So far I haven't been able to find any references that mention comments in any way, but this seems such a common scenario that I'd be surprised if it is not supported in some way..

I ended up splitting related commands into separate macro files, and running a bat-script to load them all. The bat-file then contains REM comments, while the doskey macro files are entirely comment-free.

This fails by setting the doskey to the first command doskey amend=git add -u and then proceeds to immediately execute git commit --amend --no-edit at runtime instead of saving the composite command to the doskey alias.

To load your saved macros as soon as a new CMD session is started, you have two options: 

1) Add your DOSKEY / macrofile command as an AutoRun entry in the registry

AutoRun = DOSKEY /macrofile=C:\batch\doskey-macros.txt

2) Create a shortcut to CMD.exe and add DOSKEY to it:

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k "&& DOSKEY /macrofile=C:\batch\doskey-macros.txt"

There's a slight problem trying to use it for compound commands like doskey foo=bar & baz since this gets interpreted as (doskey foo=bar) & baz. The obvious fix would be to add explicit parentheses, doskey foo=(bar & baz) but for some reason this doesn't work, and doskey foo="bar & baz" doesn't work either.

Even without blanks in the macro name,doskey is an old DOS program and can only work in PowerShell with difficulty.It conflicts with the PSReadLine module which relies on the native console input functions. I tested this :

My best advice is not to use doskey in PowerShell.Doskey is old and PowerShell is new, and they can only be used togetherwith difficulty.I really don't think that doskey is so useful as to be irreplaceable.

If you type the command C:\src>a b c efg how could the interpreter know if you meant run cmd [a b] with input [c efg] or run cmd [a b c] with input [efg]. This applies to any executable, not just doskey commands, and if you tried to work around it you would potentially limit the input a command can take based on other commands that start with the same name.

All recent versions of Windows already have doskey loaded and don't require it to be loaded again by typing the following command. This command is shown for users with older versions of MS-DOS who want to know how to load the command to memory.

Ever since I came to know about the doskey command in MS-DOS, I could barely stop myself using it. Not many Windows developers are familiar with this command, but this is a very powerful command to have in the arsenal of any Windows developer who frequently works on command line. If you type doskey /?, here is what you will see:

If you see above, I also set some environment variables like reporoot and BuildArch. I use these environment variables inside myaliases.txt and so I make sure that they are set before I import the myaliases.txt file as a doskey macro.

doskey proved to be a very productive command for me and I realized that there is no limit on how creative you could get with it. I hope you find some good use of this command to make your day-to-day DOS commands productive.

>Scott Overby wrote:


>> mdsouza wrote in article ...

>> > This has been bugging me,but I'm trying to figure out how to get

>> > the cursor keys to scroll through previous commands(ie. like the doskey

>> > utility).


>> If using ksh, execute 'set -o vi'

>> to scroll:

>> back k

>> down j


>In emacs mode in the ksh, it's possible to map the arrow

>keys to scroll through the list. This may or may not

>be documented in Info, but it is possible. As I understand

>it, it's not possible to map the arrow keys in vi mode.

>> mdsouza wrote in article ...

 >> > This has been bugging me,but I'm trying to figure out how to get

 >> > the cursor keys to scroll through previous commands(ie. like the doskey

 >> > utility).

>mdsouza (mds...@ibm.net) wrote:

>> This has been bugging me,but I'm trying to figure out how to get

>> the cursor keys to scroll through previous commands(ie. like the doskey

>> utility).


OK solved, had the wrong COMMAND.COM.

Got the right one from _contents/download/dos.html for DOS 6.22 - size 54KB. Now as dr_st said running command.com then doskey macro works as it should.

Thanks for your help


Hi, I'm trying to help some one run his legacy DOS software - not games- in Win7 and above. 

There was a problem using the APPEND command with COBOL program data files. DOSbox was the only emulator that the APPEND command worked with these programs.

Now what I'm trying to do is duplicate the doskey options from the original DOS system, for example I want to add macro del=del $* /p to confirm file deletion. 

As I say the only reason I'm using DOSbox is because it solves the APPEND command problem, I think a more suitable emulator for what I'm trying to do is vDosPlus.

To run DOSKEY while in Windows 95, 98, or Me, open a command prompt(MS-DOS prompt) window by clicking the Start button andselecting Run.... In the window that opens, typecommand and click OK. In the command promptwindow that opens, enter doskey. You will see themessage DOSKEY Installed.

Let's start to make a file to store your commands permanently. For example, I have created a file with the path C:\Users\dendi\Documents\MEGASync\Doskey\macros.doskey and fill it with my most used docker commands and alias them like this:

So that's the easy part. The tricky part is autoloading that doskey macro when you start a new command session. The short and dangerous answer is to just add it to the REGISTRY in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun. Anything you put in this entry will be run when you start a CMD session.

Command History: To enable a command history (that can be accessed using the up and down arrow keys) just execute doskey at the command prompt. For example, to create a command history of 100 elements:

doskey on Windows is very similar to alias on Linux, it allows you to set a term which will call a command and allow you to specify default arguments. You can specify that the command showdirs could call the command dir to list the content of a folder.

I cannot get this to work on my windows 8.1 Dell laptop. The doskey definition works fine alone, but I cannot save it following the instructions given. I believe I have done everything stated in this article. I entered AutoRun=c:\windows\bin\doskey.bat into the registry, but the key I defined with doskey in the batch file is not recognized. What am I missing?

I like having an alias for just about any directory or workspace I might come back to. Manually modifying aliases.bat and restarting my terminal every time I create a directory would interrupt my flow, however. Instead, I have a batch script that automatically creates a persistent doskey alias to the current working directory whenever I use the ad command.

After opening any program and closing it (at the end and trying to use doskey /reinstall) it reboot WinPE since the reinstall command kill the startnet.cmd and WinPE always boot after that file is closed.

(Mac user looking for assistance)

Whilst cleaning up a relative's PC running Windows 98, after defragging I went to restart and the bootup process is hanging. It seems to be alright - it display the Windows 98 startup screen before giving the message "doskey installed"... after that nothing.

It will start in safe mode, and when i check the windows/commands folder, the doskey.com file is definitely there. I'm thinking I should copy a new version over it in case it has been corrupted. Can anyone advise me if this is the way to go and if not, what should I be trying?

thanks. 17dc91bb1f

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