Outside of special occasions such as Christmas or Halloween which is fulled with events, there are various daily events which appear every day or every other day, usually there is one of the mentioned events live for 24 hours:

Every week, from Friday to Thursday, players can earn extra rewards in contests, to compete against other players and guilds. Scoring for each contests varies, but usually it is around spending and earning various materials and resources such as Gold, Disk Power, Memories, Diamonds, and more, as well as playing with selected 3-5 heroes in Arena, Coliseum, Surge, and City Watch.

Download Disney Heroes Battle Mode

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Every 3rd Contests is Guild Contest, where guilds compete against other guilds in the same server. Very rarely Server-Wide Contests appears where all players team-up to earn milestone rewards together.

Each Contest has 5 Progress milestones (375,000, 430,000, 500,000, 750,000, and 1M points), Earn Guild Contest Tokens (375M, 430M, 500M, 750M, and 1B points), these Milestones immediately grants the player with rewards once milestone is reached. Additionally, each Contest has Rank rewards, where player is placed on leaderboard against all players in the server to receive rewards according to their ranking, rankings are updating on live so player can make sure to receive best rewards. Rewards from Rank position are send to mailbox at the end of contest, on Thursday.

Rewards from Progress and Rank rewards are varies from Hero and their Red Skill Chips for one of newer hero, Gold, Disk Power, Mod Power, Cosmetic Crates, Badge Crates, Wish Crates, Friend Stamina, and more.

In addition, the Heroes visit also unique locations in The City: Roof of a Skyscraper, the Docks, the Black Market, Underground Metro, Underground Tunnels, Covered Market, Mysterious Workshop, Hacker Station, the Warehouse, Fashion District, the Park, Midway, City's Centre, City's Streets, Inventor's Workshop, Portal Room, Codebase, Arena, Coliseum, the Hub, Oasis, and more.

During the main story-line in Normal Campaigns a group of villains teamed up to take over the City. Maleficent Team was first introduced in Chapter 49, and was defeated in Chapter 72. Toxic Squad was introduced in Chapter 72, immediately after previous villain team was defeated.

Creeps are the basic enemies in Disney Heroes: Battle Mode. They are appearing in all fights until late Chapters in The Hub, after that they are very rarely enemies in fights.Creeps are appearing in many variations; Ninja, Mage, Brute, Cannon, Robot, Blob, Skeleton, Ghoul, Bug, Thief, Hoverbot, Hunter Creep, Automatic Turret, Chomp Chest, Mecharaptor, Rapscallion, and Purrickly Pear. Addionally, all Heroes are appearing as Infected (Fallen) Heroes which are also Creeps. All Creeps icons are available as avatars in Cosmetic Crates.Thief is the main enemy in The Heist. Normal Creeps don't appear as enemies in City Watch and Surge.

The Inventor is the main Antagonist in The City part of the Campaign, however he never appears in battles, he only does in dialogues. At first, heroes thought he was the whole reason of the attacks of the Creeps at them and also the reason they were pulled out of their worlds to the City. Later heroes figured that Inventor isn't fully the reason of the attacks and was just trying to see if Disney Heroes will manage to defeat the true evil - Mega Virus.Inventor is known to turn every thing to Creeps by touch, in Chapter 17, he turned Vanellope to a creep version of herself just by grabbing her arm.

The true main Antagonist and the reason of existence of the Creeps and corruption in the City. Mega Virus was first revealed in Chapter 38, and is the Main Antagonist from Chapter 39 onward (The Hub). Mega Virus can be fought in their own game mode, Codebase. In Codebase he is unbeatable as they have unlimited health and heroes can only weaken them.Mega Virus is known to release ungodly loud screams and is extremely fast, making them very tough opponent which heroes struggle to take down.

Mama Bot appears as the Boss in the Invasion! game mode. Not much is known about this Creep. Individual Players and Guilds members can fight together this massive enemy to earn rewards.Invasion is running every week from Monday to Saturday.

In Disney Heroes: Battle Mode, each hero has 2 friendship campaigns with other heroes. During each campaign heroes interract with eachother, and sometimes with other heroes which also appear in their campaigns. Doing the friendship campaigns is a crucial part of the game, as this allows player to unlock their Memory Disk which massively helps on the battlefields, granting them increase to Core Stats as well giving them new abilities. Heroes have their friendships campaigns with familiar faces for them but as well other characters from different franchises/universes, allowing for unique interractions and dialogues which aren't in the movies or other media. Additionally, in one of the Q&A's from PerBlue it was stated that all stories are pre-checked and approved by Disney, making them technically canon (in this universe).Players unlock Friendships feature at Player Level 24.

Once player unlocks both heroes for the friendship campaign they can unlock the friendship and begin their friendship campaigns as well as upgrading the Memory Disk.Immediately after unlocking the friendship, players get first interraction between the pair of friends.

Each friendship campaign has 8 Episodes/Chapters, and each Episode has 5 fights to complete the episode.The whole friendship campaign tells a continuous story and at end of each episode a new dialogue appears between heroes. Sometimes the pair of heroes will be joined by other heroes. Progressing in friendship campaigns allows to increase Max. Disk Stars on the disks up to 5, as well rewarding few memories which can be used to upgrade the disk.

Each friendship also have 3 Missions, this gives some extra stories to read. Completing these missions reward players with Disk Power, Memories, and Power-Ups which helps boost the disks. Each player can run up to 20 missions at the same time.

After completing Episode 1 of friendship campaigns, the memory disk is unlocked, allowing heroes to equip them, granting them boosts and unique abilities. While each hero has two friendships ergo 2 disks, each hero can equip only 1 disk for the fights.

PerBlue Entertainment'sDisney Heroes: Battle Mode is an upcoming free-to-play hero collection auto-brawler that takes advantage of both Disney and Pixar licenses for its theme. I have been able to get my hands on a working pre-release version, so I figured why not give some insight on what this game has to offer before it officially releases so that our readers will have a good idea what to expect. So without further ado, here are my thoughts on the beta of Disney Heroes: Battle Mode.

I would like to briefly mention that Disney Heroes: Battle Mode is a soft-launch beta title. Due to its unavailability in my region, I have sideloaded the APK (version 0.2.3) in order to test the gameplay. There may be a few adjustments made to the game before it officially launches, so please take that into consideration when reading this hands-on.

At first, I wasn't too enthused about doing a hands-on with Disney Heroes: Battle Mode because it looks like yet another uninspired FTP hero collection game (spoiler alert, it is) that targets children with a plethora of gambling mechanics and other shady practices. I doubly frown on this endeavor because it is Disney pushing this garbage out. But then I tried to sideload the game, and I was locked out thanks to a recent update for the version I sideloaded being unavailable for my region. That's when I decided to get my hands on a working APK just to see what is so important that this game had to be region locked for updates while it is still in testing.

Now I don't typically hold grudges, but I obviously couldn't pass up trashing this beta when (after playing it) it's crystal clear that it was designed from the ground up to appeal to children while simultaneously including aspects that nag those kids with numerous inconveniences until they cough up their parents' money.

The story is very ho-hum. The basic premise is that a virus is corrupting every pixel in the game, turning your heroes' friends and family against them. Despite the story not offering anything groundbreaking or exciting, it is the only part of the game that actually incentivizes me to continue playing. So take that opinion that as you will.

The graphics are alright. They adequately mimic the look of Disney's properties in a clean 2D style. I can't say they offer anything special, but sadly the same could be said about the majority of the content in this game. At the very least these graphics aren't too demanding, so once it is released, it should be able to run on a wide range of devices no matter their specs.

The controls are about as good as one would expect. This is a game designed to work with touchscreens, so simple taps on the screen will get you where you need to go. As far as I can tell, there is no support for physical controllers, but I doubt the devs even considered additional control methods other than the touchscreen inputs that work best for this type of title.

The gameplay is where I completely lost my interest in exploring this past the necessary time required to get a good feel for what it has to offer. As expected with an FTP hero collection game you will be spending a lot of time collecting and upgrading your team. You do this so that they remain powerful enough to take on the many enemies scattered across the game's numerous stages.

Each stage is basically the same as the last, short of a few different backgrounds and enemy designs that are contained in each of the new chapters you unlock. The way it works is your team of 4 heroes will auto-battle against 3 waves of enemies, and the only input you have is the four power moves displayed as cards at the bottom of your screen. This style of gameplay gets old rather quickly as there is very little left up to the player, and honestly, I am finding little reason to continue with the mind-numbing grind when no matter how far you progress the gameplay stays the same. 152ee80cbc

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