After an hour long conversation with the Xerox support web team last week, they decided the best thing was to send an engineer out. The engineer got here this morning and sure enough, found a known issue in the engineer support documents about this model not waking properly from sleep. The fix is to enter diagnostic mode and change an NVM value to disable deep sleep, as Gabiene said so the engineer tried to do this. Unfortunately, this is now a protected field and cannot be changed.

The engineer spoke to a colleague who has a lot of experience with these machines and he said that they've changed that field to write protected because of Energy Saver stuff and in his experience some machines have this wake on sleep issue, some do not. Xerox HQ require engineers to replace two pieces of hardware in the machine as the recommended step although in this other engineer's experience, that almost never works and the whole machine has to be replaced but it's a hoop HQ basically make them jump through.

Download Disable Sleep Mode


We decided to give Xerox a try when we got a printer for our new office but so far it's been an absolute nightmare. I think the main problem with it is that it keeps trying to go to sleep. We don't have many in our office so it's not used for several hours at a time but then it's not waking up properly. Jobs keep getting 'stuck' according to the staff. For some people it can't print because it keeps defaulting to 'recycled' paper, which it doesn't have. I *think* I may have found a way to override this but it's not been working long enough to test.

How can I disable sleep mode entirely? I don't want it *ever* sleeping, not a short sleep, not a long sleep overnight. The options only seem to be able to set a maximum sleep timer of 60 minutes but I want it to be infinite.

The downside is that hibernation mode does useup some of the storage space on your computer, which is equivalent to around 75percent of your installed RAM capacity. Thankfully, it is easy to disable the hibernationmode.

Sleep mode is typically used when you want to step away from your computer for a bit and have the system enter a lower power state. Taking a break for lunch would be such an example. When you come back to it all you have to do is press a button and your desktop and programs return to the state in which you left them. In this article, what I refer to as Sleep is automatic Sleep which is when you step away from your system for a period of time and your system goes to Sleep (unless you have disabled it of course).

Hibernation saves part or all of the operating system's current state to the very large Hibernation file on the hard drive and then powers off so when the system starts up it merely resumes from the saved state on the hard drive. This offers the power on speed of sleep without needing to rely on the system being powered to keep the ram state like Sleep does.

If your current power plan is set to Balanced, several devices are allowed to go into a low power states which can sometimes cause issues. If you disable Sleep and still have issues on Balanced, try changing to High performance. You will use a little more power but devices which might be causing an issue are typically told to just stay on.

Disabling Hibernation is even easier. You do not want to do this if you have a laptop as Hibernation is essential when a laptop's battery loses charge and the system needs to safely save it's state. If you have a laptop skip disabling Hibernation and instead disable Fast Startup and Hybrid Sleep if you are having issues.

If you have a laptop as I mentioned above you do not want to disable Hibernation. You can instead disable two aspects of it which may be causing you problems. These two aspects are Fast Startup and Hybrid Sleep. Fast Startup combines Hibernate and shutdown, while Hybrid Sleep combines Sleep and Hibernation. Both of those can cause problems with shutting down or Sleeping.

It automatically activates with the schedule that you initially set on setting up the phone. The problem: I don't live my life by that schedule, bed time and wake up time varies day to day and is not predictable. I hate when it activates before I go to bed, or automatically deactivates before I wake up. I can't for the life of me figure out how to deactivate the schedule while keeping the sleep mode intact (you can manually turn on sleep mode a few different ways, I have it mapped to a hot key.

Chatted with customer service today, they said their is no way to do this. Sleep tracking is tied to the sleep mode schedule (helps it be more accurate), so they did not build in a way to turn off the schedule, even though they say technically sleep tracking is not reliant on sleep mode. The CS agent said he would send a message to the engineers and get back to me.

I currently use the work around of setting my bed time to 11:59pm, and my wake time to 10:30am, so plenty of room for me to just turn on/off sleep mode without the schedule kicking in. If anyone has another/better solution please share. Thanks.

NOTE: ac = connected to electric power / dc = works on battery (so if you want to disable sleep mode while working on battery power, replace the "ac" with "dc" in the command, so it will look like powercfg -x -standby-timeout-dc 0)

Based on the script from Jeremy and Jonas Herdick, I wrote this toggle script, which is localization independent (so also works with German windows) and helps me to disable and restore (to what ever it was before) the lid close action when putting my notebook to it's dock (where the lid needs to closed). And yes, don't forget to re-activate the current powerscheme after every change like KallePower mentioned

Try NoDoz. Once installed, you can run nodoz from your cmd prompt (or PowerShell terminal) to keep your system from sleeping indefinitely. Or, you can pass in a timeout parameter like -t 6h13m to have the program automatically end after an arbitrary amount of time.

I have been using garuda for three weeks now ,It's pretty awesome but the only thing I didn't like is sleep mode..I always want my pc desktop to be working even when I'm not using it .Can someone please help me do that?I couldn't find this option in settings :/

I am working with ZD410 printer to print labels in one of my project. When I turn on ZD410 printer, after some time printer goes to sleep mode and power button is blinking. My requirement is my printer never goes to sleep mode. Please suggest any idea. Thanks in advance. I have tried few ideas but not luck.

In addition, this command is correct, but some of the oldest firmware doesn't allow you to turn off the sleep mode so to check this, you can get the allcv report and check what option you have beside "power.energy_star.enable": if you see nothing, you must first upgrade the firmware because the latest one allows you to turn the sleep mode off using the command you're trying to use.

There is currently no way to disable the sleep schedule, but you can make it ultra short so that it has virtually no impact your watch usage. You can still turn the sleep mode on and off manually through the controls.

What do you mean with that it goes into sleep mode? Does watch register sleep when not actually sleeping? Some people define sleep mode as when watch go into low power mode. It is good to know that we mean the same thing. For me, sleep mode is when watch is within sleep window or manually entered via sleep widget.

I did the 1 minute sleep mode hack for a while and shifted the minute around (late morning, midday, afternoon) but it always resulted in even worse sleep tracking than I usually get. My sleep is apparently hard to track but the 1 minute sleep mode sometime during the day and manual sleep mode at night resulted in Garmin thinking I slept the whole day or some hours during the day that removed the perfectly fine data from the night before. Sometimes the wrong sleep time included recorded activities with HRs of 160 or more. And pretty much always the wrong sleep detection resulted in bad sleep scores that affect the training readiness and that can't even be corrected manually most of the time. The only thing you can manually correct is the sleep time and that does sometimes update the sleep score and almost never the training readiness, maybe if you catch it very fast or I don't know. And sometimes it's more than once in a day that the sleep is wrong and you have to correct it again. It's really stupidly implemented. If they did any kind of sanity checks they would never produce such useless data.

A great thing would probably be if Garmin could add option to enable/disable sleep windows and if disabled you have to manually enter sleep mode. And when sleep window disabled then watch only detects sleep in case you entered sleep mode manually

That would be great. And I'd guess pretty easy to implement. I have no problem pressing two buttons (you can assign a shortcut to sleepmode on/off) when I go to bed and again when I get up and inside that time the watch can try to detect the sleep and it might even get it right with that help. And even if not, it's not going to be too wrong, at least I was in bed trying to sleep.

And maybe the 1 minute trick works for people who don't have times during the day where the HR and HRV and movement are similar to those at night. Sleep tracking seems to work well for most people but if it doesn't work too reliably to start with because your resting HR is more or less the same during the day when at rest as during the night while asleep then the watch does really stupid things when the power sleep mode activation (for the 1 minute) is not when you actually go to sleep. It seems to try really hard to find the falling asleep moment around the activation of the sleep mode +-2h maybe. And it completely ignores stuff that happens during the time it thinks you're asleep. Sure it says you were in an awake state if you're recording an activity on the bike at 25kph with a HR of 150 but it still lumps that into the sleep time if it 'detected' a falling asleep an hour before you went out because you lay on the couch watching a movie at that time, with resting HR, not much stress and no movement. And then it gives you a really bad sleep score because and hour in front of the TV plus 2h on the bike did not make for a good nights rest. Once I had a connectIQ walk a recorded bike ride and an elevated HR because of a hot bath all inside a sleep window during the day. No idea why it never detected a 'waking up' during all of that plus the hours in between resting while awake. 

And you only see the wrong sleep detection on the phone when you look at the sleep times and sleep score, something you do in the morning but not necessarily all the time during the day. The watch looks normal while it detects sleep without the sleep mode on and you can use it normally and it still thinks you're asleep. 17dc91bb1f

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