Hi presently I am using command prompt frequently. Every time I need to access different folders of different drives so I need to change drive and directory at the same time For this I got a solution:C:> CD /D D:\JAVA it's working fine. But why we are using "/D"

The alternative to cd /d d:\java is d: then cd java. If you then changed to another drive (say C:) and ran dir d: you would still see the contents of the java directory. i.e. The OS remembers what directory each drive is currently looking at. Likewise you can just run C:>cd d:\otherDir c:>dir d: and see the contents of otherDir.

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on cmd it means to jump to a different directory where /D simply means to jump to another directory. This command also gives freedom in using different drives unlike the cd [drive:][path] command.

By using the above command it is also possible to move to the same previous working directory in a specific Drive just by writing Drive name followed by a colon. For eg:

How do I make the folder /var/www/upload point to the drive B. So if I upload a file to /var/www/upload it will be saved in drive B but when I upload a file to /var/www ,it will be saved in drive A.

I am a super newbie for Ubuntu and basically need Ubuntu for a Python package. I would like to run a Python file in say e:/username/folder1/folder2/python.py. I tried every method online and the only reply is bash: cd./e: No such file or directory. I am not sure whether it is because of the bash windows or virtualenv.

When I use bash on Ubuntu on Windows, ls, it says VIRTUALENV_DIR. cd, it says /home/username. The cd .. etc changes the directory a little, but not another drive, nor the folder I would like it to find.

Yes, you can do that. I used shift + right click to get "Open Powershell here" whichever directory you want to bash and run 'bash' command, then run as usual enjoy. This is same as using Ubuntu bash as it uses same Python packages in the Windows Powershell after using 'bash' command.

with this little script you can execute every command from the directory your Powershell is currently in. It only works if the drive is already mounted to /mnt/ in the subsystem. It doesn't work with network resources.

What command do I have to use in the terminal to make sure this happens? I know there is the cp command. But is that the best choice? And if so what options should I use to ensure I get every single directory and file?

Hi, I am a beginner so I'm very inexperienced in these kind of things. I have installed Ubuntu for Windows and I have written a few simple programs. I have put these programs in a folder on a flash drive and I'd like to run them. The problem is that I am not able to change directory to my flash drive. I know that the command is cd but what should I put next? For example, if I had to change directory to a folder in my computer I would write "cd /mnt/c/Users etc". Is the command different if I'm working on a flash drive?

To access files previously stored in the 'Downloads' folder of your home directory prior to your migration to OneDrive, navigate to your OneDrive and locate a folder named 'Downloads Archive-', where you will find your file securely stored.

During the migration process, your files and folders from the H: drive will be seamlessly transferred to OneDrive. Even if you have files with the same names and located in the same folders within OneDrive, the migration software will handle it intelligently. It utilizes the modification dates of the files to preserve the most recent version.

After the migration, you will find all your data from the H: drive in OneDrive. However, if the system detects a file with the same name and path in OneDrive, it will leverage the file versioning capabilities of OneDrive. In this scenario, the version from the H: drive will be treated as a previous version of the corresponding file in OneDrive.

Unfortunately, it is not that simple. The approach described by you works well for regular *.zip or *.7z archives.

However, if I try to open a huge gzipped tarball (*.tar.gz) then this is a two-phase action. At first, 7-zip file manager shows a directory, which probably is the nested tarball. If I navigate into it, then an extraction process is triggered, which stores its temporary extraction results (the content of the tarball) in the temp directory on drive C:. When this is done (fails in my environment), I can browse through the archive content.

The temp folder used by 7z should ALWAYS be in the same partition as the extraction's destination. This should be dynamically adjusted based on whatever drive letter you extract to rather than manually setting a singular temp folder.

If the temp folder is not dynamically modifying in such a way you get the following bugs:

1. Out of space error when there is sufficient space in target drive but insufficient space in temp folder drive.

2. Severe slowdown if extracting from drive C to drive D and temp folder is on drive C (due to reading and writing to the same drive rather than reading from one and writing to another).

3. Significant delay in speed when destination is in any partition other than the one in which the temp folder is located. As moving data within a partition is an extremely cheap process (alter an entry in the MFT) but moving it between partitions a very expensive process (copy data to new partition then delete from original)

Note: If you can't connect to a network drive or folder, the computer you're trying to connect to might be turned off, or you might not have the correct permissions. Try contacting your network administrator.

Before macOS 10.15 Catalina, you could create paths at the root of the local drive. 10.15 now prevents access to this location. See "About the read-only system volume in macOS Catalina." We recommend the /Users/Shared base path for compatibility with all MacOS versions.

So I have GPO's to set up drive mappings for all of my users. Iromnically enough, it's the one for IT that's giving me fits. The system that I have in place is to delete all open drive mappings that are not being used with the exception of U, V, and W. All other drives that should be mapped by Group Policy are set to Update to the correct path. Not replace. The three letters that I mentioned are reserved for custom mappings for the individual users. The problem that I'm having is that if I manually map a drive to V for example, as soon as group policy refreshes it disconnects the V drive. This only seems to happen on users affected by this one individual Group Policy. I don't see any obvious differences between this GPO and others. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.

For anyone who might happen to find this post, I removed all of the deletes for the other drive letters and that seems to have fixed it. I'm not sure what the original root cause is. Thankfully this is only happening to the IT policy, because I don't necessarily want to open the drive letters for other departments.

I need to move about 800 user home folders from one server to another. Currently each folder is shared individually as a hidden share ie jbloggs$ . I want to recreate these on the new server and also point the AD User profile 'home folder drive' to this new server. I have seen an article;

This will map their drive to that folder and they won't see the users folder at all. Much easier to deal with and when you copy a user who has that as their home drive AD will create the new home drive with the proper directory name for you.

Not sure how the old method would be MORE secure? NTFS permissions trump everything so if you set those right there's no problem. Back in the NT4 days we used to do shares like you have because that was the only way NT could deliver a user directory and not everyone ELSE's directory too. That all went away with Win2000!!

I have an IF statement so this only runs agains one user name, ghost in this case. Just verify it by changing the IF to be one user account. If all is well, then remove the IF statement. You could always modify the logic to exclude specific user ids or the query for a specific OU within the active directory.

If all you doing is changing the server name in AD, then all you have to do is select all the users --> Go to properties --> Profile and change the home drive path to point to the new server along with username variable like so:

I am trying to utilise X-Plane 11 for some research work. A problem I am facing currently is that I have no write authority on the C drive of some of these machines in the lab. I was wondering the following:

You can copy the whole X-Plane folder anywhere you have permissions. However, you need to re-run the installer (the executable file "X-Plane 11 Installer") from that directory. It won't download the whole package. It will only check that all the required files exist and are up to date, and will set it up to run from the new drive and directory.

You can easily move projects around. So yes, you can put it onto your 2tb drive. But the problem with downloading stuff from the marketplace is still not solved (they are always automatically placed into the document folder).

If you need to repeatedly access a shared folder or network drive, you can map to it. Mapping creates a persistent link to the share, allowing you to double-click its icon in MyComputer whenever you want access.

I've been trying to download all my content from my Google Drive onto my new NAS I have. I download rclone, config google drive (client, secret etc) and get to downloading. It works for about an hour then everything stops and gives me the error couldn't find root directory ID: googleapi: Error 401: Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See -in/web/devconsole-project. e24fc04721

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