Use the following virtual dice roller to mimic dice that have a different number of faces from the conventional 6-faced die. The most common physical dice have 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 20 faces respectively, with 6-faced die comprising the majority of dice. This virtual dice roller can have any number of faces and can generate random numbers simulating a dice roll based on the number of faces and dice.

A dice is typically a small, throwable object that has multiple faces (most commonly six) and possible positions that indicate a number (or something else), used for generating random numbers and events. They are typically used for tabletop games, which include a wide variety of games, as well as for gambling. Examples of tabletop games that involve the use of dice include games like backgammon, Boggle, and Yahtzee, where dice are a central component of the game. Some other well-known tabletop games include Monopoly, Risk, Dungeons and Dragons, and Settlers of Catan. There are however, numerous others.

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Although the image shows some of the more common die shapes, there are many other polyhedral dice, or dice of other shapes. There are also non-numeric dice, dice that do not follow a counting sequence that begins at one, and spherical dice.

Based on probability, a die should have an equal probability of landing on each of its faces. However, this is not necessarily the case with mass produced dice as they cannot be truly random, since it is difficult to mass produce dice that are uniform, and there may be differences in the symmetry of the dice. Each dice, particularly d20 (20-sided polyhedral dice) and d8 (8-sided polyhedral dice) is often unbalanced, and more likely to roll certain numbers.

For a well-balanced die, you can expect a variety of numbers. If it is not well balanced, you will be more likely to notice certain numbers occurring more often. However, unless this test is performed numerous times, or the dice is heavily unbalanced, the user is not likely to notice a significant difference.

There are a number of companies that manufacture dice, and some more rigorous tests (than the one described above) have been performed on dice manufactured by different companies in an effort to determine how truly random the dice (mostly d20 dice) are. These studies confirmed that even dice manufactured within the same company under the same conditions could vary significantly from each other, and are not truly random. Some companies produced dice that were more random than others, but even then, they were not found to be truly random.

Virtual dice, like the one above, are almost always based on pseudo-random number generating algorithms, which are also not truly random. However, a virtual dice roll is likely more close to true randomness than most physical dice.

Hey Mr house is one of my favourite fallout characters, I think the flavour of the card is great and was wondering what cards you would include in a Mardu dice rolling deck with house at the helm. Obviously there will be some cards in the upcoming precon to help with this but I was wondering what cards from past sets, like the Baldur's set would help flesh out this concept.

These would be chainable by just adding more pipes, and I think it would be ideal if you could specify them globally or per-dice (perhaps the pass/fail conditionals would just add 0 if the result fails).

Typically, most dice bots use k or kh for keep highest, and kl for keep lowest.

4d6kh3 / 4d6k3 would let you keep the highest three dice of four rolled, whereas rolling 2d20kl1 would be rolling twice and taking the lowest.

In each turn of the game an attacker can decide to invade a defender's country on the board. The attacker and defender choose how many dice to use for the battle. For example the attacker can in some situations decide to attack with 3 dice and the defender might choose to defend with 2 dice.

In this case each side loses 1 army. This could continue with more dice rolls until the attacker stops attacking or runs out of armies, but at this point I am only interested in the frequency of wins on single tosses of the dice.

Greg Brannon wrote:So you have an array that can hold 6 values, 1 - 6, and a random number generator that generates random values 1 - 6. With two dice, the array will have to be scaled to hold the values 2 - 12 (11 total), and your random number generator will have to be modified to generate values from 2 - 12. Modifying the code you've already written should be relatively easy.

Now what i'm doing is I have taken a lot of the players skills and begun rolling their dice or results in secret. Key examples of rolls would be: Fortitude saves, will saves, perception, sense motive, bluff, diplomacy, stealth, and any other checks that could result in misinformation.

The key intent of doing this is to prevent players for meta-gaming dice results, or predicting that the information I have feed them in false. For example, Todd walks into a room and makes a perception check for traps. Todd roll, getting a result of 4, adding his 6 to find a 10. He fails to beat the traps DC of 12 and discovers no traps. Now when Todd makes this roll, he in aware of his poor result, and chose to still be cautious of the room, as well as the other party members. When I as the DM make this roll, i inform Todd he discovers no traps, and he moves though the room without fear. Now alternatively lets say Todd rolls an 18, giving him a result of 22. When i inform Todd the room has no traps, he is confident in his skills, and moves though the room with no fear. When the player is not aware of the degree of success of failure on his roll, i feel he plays and acts more organically.

The result. With this style of play i have had many opportunities to have the players tailed by informants, or stumble into rooms with hidden monsters and the players be none the wiser. I do feel that the games are being played out more organically. 

However, these pros have bought out a Con. I have noticed that a LARGE portion of player interaction comes in the form of the DM asking for checks such as perception and stealth. With that interaction removed it results in me as the DM rolling a ton of dice and tacking results(something i have managed very well), and the players left to talk among themselves or wait for something to happen. I have combated this con by actively asking the players what their characters are doing. Sometimes this can spark really active, in character interaction with each other and the world around them. Other times it results in the players responding with an "i don't know, i guess ill head back to the church."

-Skeld Thank you for the link, this is sort of in line with what I was after and helps put a bit into perspective and gave me some ideas. However this thread has become a debate as to weather or not DM rolling is fair or wasteful, I'm more looking for ideas on how to fill the void left by the lack of players rolling dice.If anyone has ideas regarding that please post them here, otherwise direct further comments to the linked thread.

I kind of like this idea. Though I'm not going to do this for my dice rolling purposes(dont want thrm to even know to look for hidden enemys if they didnt notice them) i do like the split rolling mechanic, and will probably use it for something else later.What I'm after is effective player interaction OTHER tan rolling dice. Key is to get something as satisfying for the players, and to accelerate gameplay.

I kind of like this idea. Though I'm not going to do this for my dice rolling purposes(dont want thrm to even know to look for hidden enemys if they didnt notice them) i do like the split rolling mechanic, and will probably use it for something else later.What I'm after is effective player interaction OTHER tan rolling dice. Key is to get something as satisfying for the players, and to accelerate gameplay. I can't remember the system, hopefully someone else will chime in, there is a game where the characters get bonuses based on player descriptions. To get a bonus the description must be original. Keeps the players more engaged because they have to keep coming up with new ideas. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Natural 1s Sep 25, 2016, 06:49 am I hate rolls (both as GM and as player), so I tend to minimize occasions to roll just by guessing the best result for a story.

Only for the most important parts we are using rolls (like begining of combat when I think the result is not obvious, or boss fights, or situations which can result in a big plot twist or killing player character).

If Todd asks to use Perception to look for traps and you insist on rolling the d20 for him that sounds a little oppressive, but I don't see how it would reduce DM and player interaction. I mean, Todd is asking, and you're rolling and giving him a result. That's interaction, right?

I guess if at other times you're secretly rolling d20 Perception checks for the PCs without the players asking that could reduce interaction, but it seems like you could simply ask a player to roll a d20 without telling him or her what it is for. After they roll low you look thoughtful, say, "Hmm" or "ahh", and nod a little, perhaps while tapping something in your notes with your index finger.

It is my belief that DMs should roll all of their dice out upon the open table for all the world to fear. If you're worried about meta-gaming I'd suggest some humorous chiding rather than taking away people's dice.

Dice (SG: die or dice[1]) are small, throwable objects with marked sides that can rest in multiple positions. They are used for generating random values, commonly as part of tabletop games, including dice games, board games, role-playing games, and games of chance.

A traditional die is a cube with each of its six faces marked with a different number of dots (pips) from one to six. When thrown or rolled, the die comes to rest showing a random integer from one to six on its upper surface, with each value being equally likely. Dice may also have polyhedral or irregular shapes, may have faces marked with numerals or symbols instead of pips and may have their numbers carved out from the material of the dice instead of marked on it. Loaded dice are designed to favor some results over others for cheating or entertainment. 2351a5e196

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