How do I make apt-get ignore some dependencies? For example, I wanted to install mailx so I can use it to send email from cron scripts/report-generating tools. However, installing mailx also installs exim4 and a whole bunch of dependencies (I already have Postfix installed) I don't really need and which I guess mailx can also live without.

The reason that telling dpkg to simply ignore dependencies is not a good solution, is that you are only telling dpkg/apt to ignore it for a single transaction, you can't tell it to ignore dependencies forever. Everytime you use apt it checks the dependencies on all packages

Download Dependencies Apt-get

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After all, really reading a man page helps sometimes - it turns out a similar apt-get option on 12.04 seems to be --no-install-recommends, which actually works in this case, since grub is listed as 'recommended' in the package information (I guess so it is not a "real" dependency?).

-f, --fix-broken

Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place. This option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages to permit APT to deduce a likely solution. If packages are specified, these have to completely correct the problem.

The option is sometimes necessary when running APT for the first time; APT itself does not allow broken package dependencies to exist on a system. It is possible that a system's dependency structure can be so corrupt as to require manual intervention (which usually means using dselect(1) or dpkg --remove to eliminate some of the offending packages).

Use of this option together with -m may produce an error in some situations. Configuration Item: APT::Get::Fix-Broken.

I want to install Erlang from a .deb package, but I don't want to pull all of its dependencies. The package itself specifies that it depends on Java and wx libraries, but in reality those are not needed unless you want to interface with Java or wxWidgets.

The right way to solve your issue is to build your own package with dependencies that suit you. There is the official way (quite involved: -guide/index.en.html) and the quick and dirty way using apt-build, or for packages not in the distribution source, checkinstall. All produce packages apt-get will happily install.

On a final note, you may question the wisdom of the maintainer of esl-erlang to include certain dependencies, but you cannot fault the package manager for intended behavior. If you think these dependencies are wrong, you should file a bug with the package.

After digging a little bit deeper and trying to install dependencies individually, I first tried sudo apt-get install libboost-context-dev which prompted me to install libboost-context1.54-dev which results in the error

For each package in your list of unmet dependencies, you have to follow the dependency until you find the package which can not be installed because it has another more recent package available. Then you force its installation in a downgraded version using the = sign with apt-get. For example in your case:

If you want more details on the dependencies, you can use the apt-rdepends tool. This tool creates the complete dependency tree. So, you get the dependency of a package and the dependencies of the dependencies as well.

I have created this package to house functions that I find useful at the link below. I am moving from to github actions. The action is failing on Linux because it does not have the ssh package installed, which I assume is because the Linux dependencies for the ssh package are not being installed.

Run the equivalent of apt-get clean to clear out the local repository of retrieved package files. It removes everything but the lock file from /var/cache/apt/archives/ and /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/.

Indicates the desired package state. latest ensures that the latest version is installed. build-dep ensures the package build dependencies are installed. fixed attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place.

By default, apt-get update does not get run automatically. If you want to update apt-get update automatically on every build, there are two ways to do this. The first is by running apt-get update explicitly in the before_install step:

Do not run apt-get upgrade in your build as it downloads up to 500MB of packages and significantly extends your build time. Additionally, some packages may fail to update, which will lead to a failed build.

Under the hood, the Homebrew addon works by creating a ~/.Brewfile and running brew bundle --global. You can also use the addon to install dependencies from your own Brewfile that is checked in to your project. By passing brewfile: true, the addon will look for a Brewfile in the root directory of your project:

I installed the CDO package by running "sudo apt-get install cdo" on my local ubuntu machine, I'd like to be able to do something similar to that in the AWS lambda environment so I can run my script in it. Tyvm!

I did not found how to remove unused dependencies in opkg help or in the forum. I had installed some luci-app-xxx and then the space left was too little. I removed most of them but the space increased only about 100kb, now I have 744kb left.

I thought I should not use --force-removal-of-dependent-packages when I removed the packages, because this option maybe removes dependencies even if other packages use them too, was that right?

--autoremove without a package name does nothing, so what's the difference from --force-removal-of-dependent-packages?

What should I do to remove or list unused dependencies? Is there a way to list all packages sorted by size? (I wish there was package size at Luci installed packages and a remove option at the available packages.)

Model Netgear DGN3500|

Firmware Version LEDE Reboot 17.01.4 r3560-79f57e422d / LuCI lede-17.01 branch (git-17.336.23170-d2dc32a)

Kernel Version 4.4.92|

I usually use opkg to update remove list-upgradable upgrade. I use LuCI/Software just to browse the packages, see the size of them, and the remaining free space.

But when I ask How to remove unused dependencies from LEDE? and ask for anyone to explain the difference between

The main reason that apps fail to build properly is because Streamlit Community Cloud can't find your dependencies! There are two kinds of dependencies your app might have: Python dependencies and external dependencies. Python dependencies are other Python packages (just like Streamlit!) that you import into you script. External dependencies are less common, but they include any other software your script needs to function properly. Since Streamlit Community Cloud runs on Linux, these will be Linux dependencies installed with apt-get outside the Python environment.

With each import statement in your script, you are bringing in a Python dependency. You need to tell Streamlit Community Cloud how to install those dependencies through a Python package manager. We recommend using a requirements.txt which is based on pip.

You should not include built-in Python libraries like math or random in your requirements.txt file. These are a part of Python and aren't installed separately. Also, Streamlit Community Cloud has streamlit installed by default. You don't strictly need to include streamlit unless you want to pin or restrict the version. If you deploy an app without a requirements.txt file, your app will run in an environment with just streamlit (and its dependencies) installed.

If you have a script like the following, no extra dependencies would be needed since pandas and numpy are installed as direct dependencies of streamlit. Similarly, math and random are built into Python.

For many apps, a packages.txt file is not required. However, if your script requires any software to be installed that is not a Python package, then you will need a packages.txt file. Streamlit Community Cloud is built on Debian Linux. Anything you would like to apt-get install needs to go in your packages.txt file.


While apt is a command-line tool, it is intended to be used interactively, and not to be called from non-interactive scripts. The apt-get command should be used in scripts (perhaps with the --quiet flag). For basic commands the syntax of the two tools is identical.


Uninstalling packages using dpkg, is NOT recommended in most cases. It is better to use a package manager that handles dependencies to ensure that the system is in a consistent state. For example, using dpkg -r zip will remove the zip package, but any packages that depend on it will still be installed and may no longer function correctly.

Seems like the Pi-Hole script isn't handling failures to apt-get-install packages very gracefully? Certainly in my case there was nothing written to the console which gave any clues as to what was failing - I was just dropped back to the command prompt.

I am having the same exact problem except it stops while checking for iproute2. I have tried installing the package manually but it is already installed. I removed the package and reinstalled it but that still didn't fix the problem. Is there anything else that could be causing the script to stop while checking the dependencies?

I recently had similar problem durring the installation of pi-hole on Raspbian Jessie Light, and found that you need to run:

sudo apt-get update BEFORE the installation of pi-hole


sudo apt-get upgrade AFTER the installation of pihole

So I guess removing them one by one is the only option given the developers own comments.

I was curious if someone here maybe know of a single command to remove unmet dependencies, but it is clear that it is not so.

equivs might be the only remaining option, however to install it the catch is again to remove the broken packages. I will try install from source.

Equivs will create decoy dependencies and make anything install that is held back. In this case it is a valid solution as these broken packages are not even needed but gunk up the entire dpkg system.


The debs are not going to install so I had to find a binary version of equivs.

Luckily the author of equivs obviously know about this issue so he provides a binary !, no need to install as he know that dep errors will cause trouble that is the point f equiv to fix. Similar for other equivs programs needed.

It can be found here

 -build.1.gz ff782bc1db

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