In addition to being aggressive attackers, Demon Hunters can control the battlefield with their fel magic, benefiting from the souls of their sacrificed Illidari allies, and finding devious ways to deploy massive demons to the battlefield far earlier than expected.

There will always be demons to hunt.

Furthermore, the skills of the Demon Hunters can be applied, anywhere you might imagine a soldier or mercenary. They have every bit as much of a reason to exist as your warrior, druid, mage etc. The name of their class refers to a specific history and some facts about how their acquired their power. it does not limit them to a singular purpose.

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What initially kept the Illidari an exclusives club, has long since passed. The cosmic and cataclysmic threats azeroth seems to face on a bi-yearly basis is something that a demon hunter can be applied to, perfectly.

Nightborne were isolated in a bubble since the shattering (10 k years ago) and their first real exposure to the rest of the world, was by being enslaved and forcibly turned into demons. Their history with the Legion is indirect and much more brief than Orcs and Draenei.

Intro: Hello guys, today I wanna talk about the Fel Relic Demon Hunter , a deck that originally got a lot of attention after the nerfs. The relic Demon Hunter did really well and was also so popular cause of his fun playstyle, mostly also cause the meta wasn't settled. Now with time where a majority of decks reached their optimal state and got refined, the Relic Demonhunter had to leave his Tier 1 spot and move down till Tier 3 at the high legend bracket. Gladly McBanterFace made the breakthrough for the Fel Relic Demon Hunter by including cards, such as Xhilag, which does not only a lot of damage, but can also infuse Xy'mox on it's own. The deck offers a lot of highroll possibilities and the multiple win conditions this deck has, makes it especially for non-aggro decks hard to predit all the possible outcomes and to play around it. The deck got me till rank 32# legend and is really rewarding, if getting the keycards at the beginning.

Demon hunters made a pact, long ago, to fight against the forces of chaos using their own terrible powers against it. They ritually blind themselves in exchange for Spectral Sight that enables them to better sense their prey. This enhanced awareness, together with their great agility and magical prowess, makes demon hunters unpredictable adversaries. They wield demonically charged warblades in battle and call upon demonic energies to augment their formidable combat skills.

Pines found an exception. If a solid has electrons in more than one energy band, as many metals do, he argued that their respective plasmons can combine in an out-of-phase pattern to form a new plasmon that is massless and neutral: a demon. Since demons are massless, they can form with any energy, so they may exist at all temperatures. This has led to speculation that they have important effects on the behavior of multi-band metals.

Demon hunters are perpetually at war with themselves. They hold no hope for a return to their former lives, but they fight and stalk demons with a passion. Those hunters who live to train others become deliberate and cautious and, yet, their impulses scream to meet demonic violence with more violence.

Every arrow that demon hunters launch is dipped in spite; nearly all of their attacks are delivered with Hatred, a cold, righteous anger that renders them utterly merciless to their enemies. Their Hatred is nearly endless; it recovers quickly, as, even at rest, demon hunters are filled with the desire for vengeance.

It is a simple matter for demon hunters to stand in place, icy with Hatred, and send a volley of projectiles at the hordes of their enemies. But, when they fail to defend themselves with Discipline, hunters leave themselves able to be slaughtered. A careful balance of Discipline and Hatred is the most likely way hunters ensure their survival.

Demon hunters are relentless vigilantes who execute their infernal targets with an arsenal of ranged weapons. They crouch and take aim far from danger, relying on bows, deadly traps, and projectiles to swiftly bring an end to the creatures that haunt their world.

Demon Hunters are dark, shadowy warriors who are shunned by the greater Night Elf society. They made a pact, long ago, to fight against the forces of chaos using its own terrible powers against it. These mysterious warriors ritually blind themselves so that they develop 'spectral sight' that enables them to see demons and undead with greater clarity. They wield demonically charged warblades in battle and even call upon demonic energies to augment their formidable combat skills. Although they are counted as some of the mightiest warriors within the Night Elves' society, the Demon Hunters are always maligned and misunderstood for making their selfless pact with darkness.

Demon hunters were announced at Gamescom 2015 as the new hero class for the World of Warcraft: Legion expansion. Playable demon hunters belong to the Illidari faction. Demon hunters start at level 8 (98 before Shadowlands), experiencing a unique starting experience comparable to that for death knights, before then moving into Legion content.[3][4]

Forgoing heavy armor, demon hunters capitalize on speed, closing the distance quickly to sever enemies with one-handed weapons. However, Illidari must also use their agility defensively to ensure that battles end favorably.

They can command chaotic energies to inflict havoc on enemies, or they can focus their powers to resist damage. Demon hunters fuel vengeful attacks and are a leather-wearing melee DPS and tank class, with only two specializations: Havoc (DPS), and Vengeance (tank).

The first demon hunter, Illidan Stormrage, had his eyes burned out and tattoos marked on his body by Sargeras himself. The demon hunters' iconic warglaive weapons come from the famous Twin Blades of Azzinoth, which Illidan took from the doomguard named Azzinoth.

During the years Illidan was in Outland, many elves sought him out because they had lost everything to the Burning Legion and wanted to devote themselves to its destruction.[5] Some blood elf demon hunters were instead sent to Illidan by Kael'thas Sunstrider.[6] On average, only one in five elves survive the demon hunter training. Most are overwhelmed and killed by the demonic energy or go insane and commit suicide.[7] At least one night elf demon hunter wasn't trained by Illidan in Outland, Illysanna Ravencrest, who seems to have been a demon hunter since the War of the Ancients after following in Illidan's footsteps.[8][9]

Some demon hunters' souls are bound to the Twisting Nether, effectively making them demons, and killing them in the physical universe will only send them back into the Nether. Such souls are described by Illidan as "immortal demon souls".[10] This does not seem to be the case for all demon hunters, as Illidan was intrigued when he learned about the player's.[10]

The training begins with the person slaying a demon, eating its heart, and drinking its blood. The spirit of the ingested demon bonds with them and from this bond the demon hunter receives visions of the Burning Legion destroying countless worlds across the universe.[12] In horror at the sight, they tear their own eyes out, which usually puts them into a coma.[13] The fel power infusing their bodies after ingesting the demon's heart and blood causes the demon hunter to mutate, gaining demonic features such as scales, horns, or claws.[14] As with all chaos-touched creatures, the forms that these traits will take can be quite unpredictable.[15]

After the demon hunter awakens and their spectral sight begins to take effect, they are given tattoos which keep their inner demon from overwhelming them, but it is still always there, talking to them and trying to get them to turn to the Legion.[16] Arcane energy counters fel energy, thus they mark their bodies with arcane runes to keep the fel forces in check.[17] Keeping their demons at bay with those tattoos and willpower[15] is necessary to not become demons themselves.[18] Each ritual to become a demon hunter is different and, as such, no two sets of tattoos are the same.[15]

Demon hunters have a constant craving for fel power and demonic flesh,[7] and live in constant torment from the sacrifices they've made.[19] Some succumb to the overbearing power of fel energy and lose all control of themselves. Their blood begins to burn and they unwillingly take on their demon form before lashing out at any nearby living beings.[20] Assuming Metamorphosis form is a very dangerous feat to undertake: unleashing the demon within is risking that the demonic power will take over. Should this happen, all semblance of the elf that was will be lost and only a demonic servant of the Burning Legion will remain.[15]

Demon hunters used to be taught about demons by Varedis Felsoul, infiltration by Alandien, and weapons by Netharel. Varedis also used to oversee training duels.[7] Theras's role was not elaborated on.

Demon hunters will have a unique starting experience, similar in nature to the death knight starting experience. Starting at level 8 (98 prior to Shadowlands), players will then be able to "immediately flow into" Legion content.

The demon hunter storyline starts years before Legion, at the events at the Black Temple. Part of an elite team of demon hunters, the player is sent on a "suicide mission" by Illidan to the Legion prison world of Mardum, the world in which Sargeras imprisoned demons prior to his descent into madness. As events play out, the player will learn what it means to be a demon hunter, and the true meaning of sacrifice.[3]

Years later, the player is awoken in the Vault of the Wardens. Desperate for help in the fight against the Burning Legion, the wardens have "thrown the switch" to awaken the imprisoned demon hunters, in particular because of their unique abilities when it comes to fighting demons. 2351a5e196

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