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That the Report be adopted.

Declarations of Vote:

Ms C DUDLEY: Hon Chair and hon Minister, the ACDP is grateful for the opportunity that we have today to speak to this Bill which was briefly considered in the Portfolio Committee on Health but given significant airtime by radio stations that facilitated the discussion and allowed the public a voice.

Being able to openly discuss these painful issues helps us South Africans feel that we are part of nation building and not marginalised or ignored when our beliefs do not support the popular narrative.

As you are aware, the ACDP believes in the sanctity of human life and looks forward to a time when the life of an unborn child would be given the reasonable protection that it deserves. This legislative proposal however does not seek to challenge the Constitution but to improve the existing provisions in legislation that are inline with the


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But if you go deeper, they also want women to undergo mandatory counselling before they undergo termination of pregnancy, and that this must be after a mandatory ultrasound had been done. In this way, if this Bill were to pass, women who need a medical procedure would have to undergo a series of restrictive and morally manipulative processes, just to make a choice about whether or not to terminate.

This also presumes that women who decide to terminate their pregnancies do so ill-informed. This kind of thinking is very condescending towards women. It presumes that women recklessly decide to terminate their pregnancies without thinking. But at the core of it, the ACDP wants us to sign into law of their own twisted notions of Christian fundamentalism.

This House must refuse to do this. We must refuse the risk of eroding fundamental rights of people based on religious beliefs. There are many challenges facing women in this country. They are the most vulnerable to abuse and sexual violence at the hands of men. Women are the most violated in their own marriages, and by abusive partners who molest them.

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august House, we send our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Miguel Louw. You are in our thoughts and constant prayers.

The IFP has stated on many occasions that violent contact crime, such as rape and murder, is out of control in South Africa. Yet, there appears to be no answer or meaningful consequence or deterrence to the commission of violent contact crime in our country. On 23 August, Mr Kidesh Ramjettan,

37 years of age, whilst at his business premises situated at Glazer Motors at around 16:00, was shot dead by an unknown assailant for no other apparent reason than the theft of his cellphone.

I can go on and on about the horrific murders that occur every day in South Africa. The simple fact, though, is that our justice and crime prevention system is failing us. Ordinary South Africans no longer feel nor are safe. The IFP has been approached by many South Africans who are calling for the reinstatement of capital punishment in South Africa, and we feel that government should, at the very least, open this matter up to the national discourse for discussion by our

The awful name rolled forth sonorously from every throat. An oath ratified on the name of the greatest king their world had ever known was ratified indeed. Hardly had it sounded than a joyful whoop rent the air. A dozen bronze bodies flashed in the sunlight and amid a mighty splash a dozen dark heads bobbed up above the surface of the long deeply flowing reach. A moment later, and their owners had ploughed their way to the other side, and emerged streaming from the river, their shields and weapons still held aloft in the left hand, as they had been during the crossing in order to keep them dry.

All eyes were turned with interest, as a body of natives emerged from the bush about a quarter of a mile from my store. They were a good bit got up, and wore feather adornments and tufts of cow-tails round leg and arm. They carried the isihlangu, or large war shield, instead of the small irau, or dancing shield, they usually moved about with, and the quiver of assegai hafts kept time with the tread of feet and the deep sonorous thunder of their marching song. In number they were about a hundred.

The distant and deep-toned hum of conversation had reached us from where our dusky entertainers were enjoying their feast, and an occasional outburst of laughter. Now, instead, came the regular rhythm of a savage song, drawing nearer and nearer.

There was a second or two of tension, then the four score or so of natives who were squatting around, sprang to their feet as one man, and a deep gasp of horror and resentment escaped from every chest.

While we were at breakfast Falkner gave us a further outline of his doings. A mist had come up along the river bank, and in the result he had completely lost his bearings. Instead of taking his way back to my place he had wandered on in the opposite direction, tiring his horse and exasperating himself, as every high ridge surmounted only revealed a further one with a deep, rugged, bushy valley intervening. At last his horse had refused to go any further, and he had to make up his mind to lie by in the veldt and wait till morning.

The dog stopped short, hackles erect, and fangs bared, emitting a series of deep-toned growls which to the object of his hostility should have been disconcerting, to put it mildly. But, somehow, he seemed disinclined to pursue his investigations to the bitter end. This was strange.

What struck me at that moment was the behaviour of the dog. Instead of rushing in upon the new arrival, and putting him vigorously on the defensive until called off, as was his way, he seemed concerned to keep his distance, and while still growling and snarling in deep-toned mutter I could detect in his tone an unmistakable note of fear. This too was strange.

Rapidly I gave Miss Sewin the burden of our conversation, and she looked puzzled. The while, Arlo, crouching a few yards off, was eyeing the witch doctor strangely, uttering low growls which deepened every time he made a movement, and still, beneath the sound I could always detect that same note of fear.

A large, well-built Zulu kraal is to my mind a picturesque and symmetrical object with its perfect double circle of ring fences enclosing the yellow domes of the grass huts, and the large open space in the centre, dappled with many coloured cattle, or alive with the dark forms of its inhabitants. Such a kraal was that of the chief, Majendwa. It lay deep down in a large basin-like hollow; an amphitheatre, as it were, sparsely bushed and surrounded by high, terrace-like cliffs. On one side these rose up to a tall cone of considerable height.

Darker and darker it grew. The oxen were driven in and fastened to the trek chain for the night, and the boys, lying snug under the shelter they had rigged up by means of a large sail thrown over the buck waggon, leaving one side between the wheels open, were chatting in their rhythmical deep-voiced hum, and the fire they had built not far from the opening glowing more and more redly as the gloom deepened. Then their talk suddenly ceased, as out of the darkness appeared a tall figure, saluting.

In this way we advanced, Jan Boom leading, I keeping a hand on his shoulder, Kendrew doing ditto as to mine, while Falkner brought up the rear. The place was not a cave, for every now and again we could see a star or two glimmering high above. It seemed like a deep fissure or crevasse seaming the ground, but what on earth it was like above I had no idea.

In pursuance of the policy which had decreed that the execution should be public, the natives were allowed to come forward in batches and view the bodies if they wished. Many did so come forward, and the sight of the three hanging there, still and motionless, with the white caps drawn over their heads and faces, seemed to impress them deeply, judging from the remarks they made as they went away. Moreover I have reason to believe the effect was salutary and lasting. The pomp and awe and mystery of it appealed to them powerfully. 2351a5e196

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