Please note that when using the above sample code, be sure to write the assembly code at the beginning of CLEO and add 00 one byte before the assembly code, otherwise the game will crash. Because there is a data alignment problem on the ARM platform, we must manually add byte alignment. If the assembly code is written at the end of CLEO, the length of the cleo code will affect the data alignment. So it is recommended to write it at the beginning.

For data alignment issues, please refer to my link:

I named this CLEO file: draw_shadown.csa. I noticed that when I modify its name, it will cause alignment problems in the parameters of the shadow function. This causes the game to crash. Worse, not only that, if other CLEOs are loaded by the game before this one, then the names of other CLEOs will also affect the data alignment. I can write instructions so that players do not modify my CLEO name, but I cannot guarantee the naming of other writers CLEO. This is a very bad question. Because Android does not obtain the OP of the variable pointer,0AC7: 0@ = var 0@ pointer.when we need to use a pointer similar to CVetcor, we can only allocate a piece of static memory hex 00 end in cleo. Then write the data to get the tag pointer through 0DD0. This greatly affects the data alignment problem. I would like to know what solution you have?

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I'm working on it. But I decided to cheat and ask a real expert. We might get an answer soon and can jump straight to testing. I also have a couple of plans to figure it out using data dumps and cleo scripts.

I would like to offer a shared goal that should answer the question of how to use SCM to write to android memory. On PC I've been testing a teleport to marker script designed to run using only SCM commands. The script is running as expected and should be fairly easy to port to Android once we have the 1.08 offset to the start of SCM. Several years ago I worked on a teleport to marker script for Android using cleo, so I should have that available for reference, but I'm pretty sure this was written for 1.06, 1.07 at the most.

My suggestion is that you start working on a teleport to marker script for main.scm. If you can't find a good Cleo version to adapt then I'll post my old script and we can try to tweak it for 1.08. I'll start working on a teleport script that uses a save editing strategy since it also uses only SCM codes. In the end we should have a working example for writing to memory with SCM and can compare strategies to see which might be easier to share with the most users.

My expertise is in save editing. Almost everything I know about memory is associated with saved data. I've learned to manipulate game saves to seed unique data into the game to make it easier to find with a hex editor. On PC I can access active game memory. For PS2 I was able to use save states from an emulator to map game memory. On Android I was relying on memory dumps created by other players. If I recall correctly they were using a "Cheat" program, a tool that requires root access. My old phone with this tool has long since died, but I remember functions that would search for data that changed as you performed certain actions or executed cleo scripts. Eventually it could whittle down the changing values to isolate the specific data in memory.

However, I recently developed a new strategy to use game saves to capture game memory on Android . The data begins at the Start of SCM so I'm missing the block that includes your limits. Now that I have a better idea of the addressing scheme I think I can copy that data to the global variable space and splice the missing data together in a series of saves.

The extra large save dumps are breaking my template, so I'm having problems confirming the integrity of the data. I deleted the beginning of the game save and now have a file that aligns with the start of SCM. I need to craft a save with unique data but I expect I'll be able to make rapid progress on documenting the addresses of familiar (saved) structures and variables.

The image base is not a constant, even on my own system. It must be read at runtime if the script needs to work with pointers or other add_ib 0 addresses. In the snippet below I included the intermediate step of reading memory with cleo to confirm my calculations and clarify the process.

Yes, but there are few tools to automate the process. One option is to modify your data files to create a custom starter save. Not many people go this route though so few references are available. A common modding strategy for Android are cleo scripts. These can be designed to make modifications that are saved. There is little that can't be accomplished more easily with cleo, and some modifications (launching threads) that are extremely difficult with out it. Learning to script with cleo has a lot of advantages beyond save editing.

The github reference is to DK22pac's SA Plugin. These aren't cleo codes, but they provide the most official reference for field names and memory offsets. The link was included to make it easier to find other gangwar data in memory. The important info from the line I posted is;

These codes have been tested and work as expected on PC, but this is not a complete cleo script. You'll need to wrap this code in a larger script that decides when the code should activate. For example, execute only when the cheat string "ATTACK" has been typed. If these codes are giving you trouble then post your complete script. 2351a5e196

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