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Introduce an API by which Java programs can interoperate with code and data outside of the Java runtime. By efficiently invoking foreign functions (i.e., code outside the JVM), and by safely accessing foreign memory (i.e., memory not managed by the JVM), the API enables Java programs to call native libraries and process native data without the brittleness and danger of JNI.

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The sun.misc.Unsafe API exposes memory access operations for on-heap data that also work for off-heap data. Using Unsafe is efficient because its memory access operations are defined as HotSpot JVM intrinsics and optimized by the JIT compiler. However, using Unsafe is dangerous because it allows access to any memory location. This means that a Java program can crash the JVM by accessing an already-freed location; for this and other reasons, the use of Unsafe has always been strongly discouraged.

A resource scope, whether confined or shared, may be associated with a java.lang.ref.Cleaner object that takes care of performing implicit deallocation in case the resource scope object becomes unreachable before the close method is called by the client.

Native code that uses JNI functions is especially dangerous. Such code can access JDK internals without command-line flags (e.g., --add-opens), by using functions such as getStaticField and callVirtualMethod. It can also change the values of final fields long after they are initialized. Allowing native code to bypass the checks applied to Java code undermines every boundary and assumption in the JDK. In other words, JNI is inherently unsafe.

JNI cannot be disabled, so there is no way to ensure that Java code will not call native code which uses dangerous JNI functions. This is a risk to platform integrity that is almost invisible to application developers and end users because 99% of the use of these functions is typically from third, fourth, and fifth-party libraries sandwiched between the application and the JDK.

The unsafe methods in the FFM API do not pose the same risks as JNI functions; they cannot, e.g., change the values of final fields in Java objects. On the other hand, the unsafe methods in the FFM API are easy to call from Java code. For this reason the use of unsafe methods in the FFM API is restricted: Access to unsafe methods is disabled by default, so that invoking such methods throws an IllegalAccessException. To enable access to unsafe methods for code in some module M, specify java --enable-native-access=M on the command line. (Specify multiple modules in a comma-separated list; specify ALL-UNNAMED to enable access for all code on the class path.) Most methods of the FFM API are safe, and Java code can use those methods regardless of whether --enable-native-access is given.

We do not propose here to restrict any aspect of JNI. It will still be possible to call native methods in Java, and for native code to call unsafe JNI functions. However, it is likely that we will restrict JNI in some way in a future release. For example, unsafe JNI functions such as newDirectByteBuffer may be disabled by default, just like unsafe methods in the FFM API. More broadly, the JNI mechanism is so irredeemably dangerous that we hope libraries will prefer the pure-Java FFM API for both safe and unsafe operations so that, in time, we can disable all of JNI by default. This aligns with the broader Java roadmap of making the platform safe out-of-the-box, requiring end users to opt in to unsafe activities such as breaking strong encapsulation or linking to unknown code.

The traveller who reaches those enchanted gates ofthe Far East which swing open at the palm-girtshores of Ceylon, enters upon a new range of thoughtand feeling. The first sight of tropical scenerygenerally awakens a passionate desire for furtherexperiences of the vast Archipelago in the SouthernSeas which girdles the Equator with an emeraldzone. Lured onward by the scented breeze in thateternal search for perfection destined to remainunsatisfied where every step marks a higher idealthan the one already attained, the pilgrim pursueshis endless quest, for human aspiration has neveryet touched the goal of desires and dreams. Thecocoanut woods of Ceylon and her equatorialvegetation lead fancy further afield, for the glassystraits of Malacca beckon the wanderer down theirwatery highways to mysterious Java, where vastforests of waving palms, blue chains of volcanicmountains, and mighty ruins of a vanished civilisation,loom before the imagination and invest thetropical paradise with ideal attractions. Theisland, seven hundred miles long, and described[8]by Marianne North as "one magnificent gardenof tropical luxuriance," has not yet becomea popular resort of the average tourist, butthough lacking some of those comforts andluxuries found under the British flag, it offersmany compensations in the wealth of beauty andinterest afforded by scenery, architecture, andpeople. The two days' passage from Singapore liesthrough a green chain of countless islets, once therefuge of those pirates who thronged the Southernseas until suppressed by European power. The cliffsof Banka, honeycombed with tin quarries, and theflat green shores of Eastern Sumatra, stretchingaway to the purple mountains of the interior, flankthe silvery straits, populous with native proas,coasting steamers, sampans, and the hollowed log or"dug-out" which serves as the Malayan canoe.Patched sails of scarlet and yellow, shaped like bats'wings, suggest gigantic butterflies afloat upon thetranquil sea. The red roofs of whitewashed towns,and the tall shafts of white lighthouses emphasisethe rich verdure between the silvery azure of skyand water. The little voyage ends at TandjonPriok, nine miles from Batavia, for a volcaniceruption of Mount Salak in 1699 filled up the ancientharbour, and necessitated the removal of shippingto a deep bay, as the old city was landed high anddry through the mass of mud, lava, and volcanicsand, which dammed up the lower reaches of the[9]Tjiligong river, and destroyed connection with thesea. The present model harbour, erected attremendous cost, permits ships of heavy burden todischarge passengers and cargo with comfort andsafety at a long wharf, without that unpleasantinterlude of rocking sampans and reckless boatmencommon to Eastern travel. A background of bluepeaks and clustering palms rises beyond the longline of quays and breakwaters flanked by therailway, and a wealth of tropical scenery coversa marshy plain with riotous luxuriance. NoEuropeans live either in Tandjon Priok or OldBatavia, and the locality was known for twocenturies as "the European graveyard." FlourishingArab and Chinese campongs or settlementsappear immune from the terrible Java feverwhich haunts the morasses of the coast, and theindustrial Celestial who absorbs so much of Orientalcommerce, possesses an almost superhuman imperviousnessto climatic dangers.

Soekaboemi (Desire of the World), a favouritesanatorium of the Dutch, is approached by anexquisite railway, curving round the purple heightsof forest-girt Salak. The usual afternoon delugeweeps itself away, palm plumes and cassava boughs,overhanging the silvery Tjiligong, drop showers ofdiamonds into the current, and giant bamboos creakin the spicy wind, redolent of gardenia and clove.The hills, scaled by green rice-terraces, each withtiny rill and miniature cascade, are vocal withmurmuring waters. Lilac plumbago, red hybiscus,and golden allemanda mingle with pink and purplelantana, yellow daisies, and hedges of scarlet tassels,enclosing wicker huts in patches of banana andcocoanut. Brown girls, in blue and orange sarongs,occupy the steps of a basket-work shrine, fromwhence an unknown god, smeared with ochre,extends a sceptred hand, for Hinduism left deep[36]traces on inland Java, dim with the dust of vanishedcreeds. The expense and trouble of former travelby the superb post-roads, made at terrible sacrificeof life in earlier days, is now done away with,though the noble avenues and picturesque shelters,erected for protection from sun or rain, suggest apleasant mode of leisurely progress. No trains mayrun at night, not only on account of nativeincompetence, but from dangers caused by constantgeographical changes on this volcanic soil, whererivers suddenly alter their course, and earthquakesobstruct the way with yawning chasms or heaps ofdebris. A paternal Government provides thetraveller with a half-way house, erecting a largehotel at Maos, with uniform rates, entirely for thebenefit of the passenger by rail. Trains are builton the American plan, stations are spacious andairy, refreshments easily secured, and every halting-placeoffers an embarras de richesses in the shape oftropical fruits, wherewith to supplement or replacethe solidity of the Dutch commissariat. Coffee andtea plantations in ordered neatness, contrast withthe untamed profusion of forest vegetation, clothingsharp promontory and shelving terrace. Duskyvillages cling like birds' nests to ledges of rock,screw-palms with airy roots frame mountain tarns,and a Brazilian Emperor-palm, with smooth columnbulging into a pear-shaped base, accentuates thesunset glory from a crag crowned by the black[37]canopy of colossal fronds. The Preanger Regencywas the heart of ancient Mataram, that historickingdom of old-world Java round which perpetualwarfare waged for centuries.

The line to Tjandjoer, the starting pointfor Sindanglaya, traverses one of the exquisiteplains characteristic of Java. Mountain walls,with palm-fringed base and violet crest, bounda fertile expanse, where myriad brooks foamthrough fairy arches of feathery bamboo andlong vistas of spreading palm fronds. Ricein every stage of growth, from flaming greento softest yellow, covers countless terraces, thepicturesque outlines of their varied contoursenhancing the beauty of the fantastic scene. Asado, with a team of three tiny ponies, dashes upthe long avenue leading to the palm-fringed hills,the mighty Amherstia trees forming aisles of darkgreen foliage, brightened with the vivid glow oforange red blossoms. The broad road is a kaleidoscopeof brilliant colour, for native costume vies withthe dazzling tints of tropical Nature as we advancefurther into the Preangers. The gay headgear,worn turbanwise, with two ends standing uprightabove plaited folds, and magenta kabajas, withslandangs of apple green, amber or purple,make a blaze of colour against the forest background,or glow amidst the dusky shadows ofpalm-thatched sheds, where thirsty travellers imbibepink and yellow syrups, the favourite beverages of[42]the Malay race. The ascending road commandssuperb views of the mountain chain, and therambling two-storied hotel, widened by immenseverandahs, stands opposite cloud-crowned Gedeh,half-veiled by the spreading column of volcanicsmoke. The misty blue of further hills leads theeye to the three weird peaks of the TangkoebanPrahoe, the boat-shaped "Ark" regarded as theArarat of Java, for the universal tradition of thegreat Deluge underlies the religious history weldedfrom Moslem, Buddhist, and Hindu elements.Legendary lore clusters round the petrified "Ark"in which the progenitors of the Malayan stockescaped from the Noachian flood. The storm-tossedand water-logged boat, lodged between jutting rocks,was reversed that it might dry in the sun, but theweary voyagers who traditionally peopled the MalayArchipelago remained in the lotus-eating land, andthe disused "Ark" or Prau, fossilizing throughthe ages, became a portion of the peaks whereon itrested. The sacred mountain developed into a placeof pilgrimage and prayer, and the ruins of richly-carvedtemples, together with four broken flightsof a thousand steps, denote the former importanceascribed to the great Altar of Nature, and the powerof religion on the social life of the past. Generationsof later inhabitants, dwelling in flimsy huts ofbamboo and thatch, regarded the mysterious ruinsof the Tankahan Prahoe as the work of giants or[43]demons, and the haunted hill as a mysterious resortof evil spirits. In lofty Sindanglaya, the swayingpalms of the lowlands yield to glorious tree-ferns,shading road and ravine with feathery canopies ofvelvet green. A lake of azure crystal mirrors a thickfringe of the great fronds, and on every parapet ofthe ruddy cliffs the living emerald of the lanceolatedfoliage glows in vivid contrast with the splinteredcrags. Sindanglaya is the refuge of fever-strickenEuropeans from malarial coast or inland swamp, butthe hotel is now empty of invalids. The kindproprietor lavishes time and care on English guests,and the attentive Malay "room-boys," squattingon the verandah outside our doors, fear to lose sightof their charges for a moment, lest some need ofnative help should arise. They watch hand and eyelike faithful dogs, for their language is unintelligibleto us as ours to them, and the only attempt atspeech is "Chow-chow, mister!" when the dinner-bellrings, the mystic words accompanied by arealistic pantomime of mouth and fingers. 2351a5e196

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