First off, I came to Java as a website programmer. In JavaScript, all you have to do to add a mousemove, mouseover, or click event is call an addEventListener function. From my limited experience with Java, you can't just implement the MouseListener interface from any object.

Basically, what I have so far is a JPanel, that paints some shapes (a CustomShape object with a paint method) that have x/y/width/height values. I want to add some type of mouse listener to the shape object, so that I can fire move/roll/click events for the shape. Just implementing the MouseListener interface to the CustomShape object doesn't work (for what I suppose are obvious reasons). I've looked up how to design custom event listeners, but it doesn't seem as though making a custom mouse listener is possible.

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I eventually resorted to adding the mouse listener to the JPanel, and then looping through all the shape objects. If the shape object had a 'listener' attached, and the mouse coordinates verified the mouse event had occurred, it fired the method. Initially, it was fine, but as the application got more developed, it started getting really really messy. Plus, I would never be able to copy over the shape objects/interfaces to another application without copying a bunch of code.

The way you're doing, you have to manually track the position of your shapes in the JPanel. You'd add the mouse listener to the panel itself, and depending on the the x/y coordinates of the event you get, call some method on the shape to handle the event. Which is pretty much reimplementing what the base AWT/Swing classes will do for you.

Read a little more about manually laying out components here. And, if you don't like this approach, check out my answer to this question. It talks about moving colored rectangles around the screen with your mouse.

This happens every time new level is loaded at runtime. If I just change the level in the editor and then enter play mode, the cursor will have the custom icon, but on next level switch it will disappear again.

Are you setting show mouse cursor to true inside of your level blueprint? If this is the case, the mouse is disappearing because it has not been told to show up in the other level. Try setting your mouse cursor to show up from within the player character on begin play. I hope this information helps.

If you are removing all widgets from the viewport to prevent them from showing up in the next level this is no longer needed in 4.8. All widgets are removed when changing levels by default (The custom cursor will NOT be removed). If there is another reason for removing the widgets from the viewport before changing levels I have another solution for you. The Example is below. I hope that this information helps. This worked for me on my end.

You can customize your mouse in a variety of ways in Windows. For instance, you can swap the functions of your mouse buttons, make the mouse pointer more visible, and alter the scroll speed of the mouse wheel.

To speed up the process of selecting a choice when a dialog box appears, under Snap To, select the Automatically move pointer to the default button in a dialog box check box. (Not all programs support this setting. In some programs, you'll need to move the mouse pointer to the button you want to click.)

To set the number of lines the screen will scroll for each notch of mouse wheel movement, under Vertical Scrolling, select The following number of lines at a time, and then enter the number of lines you want to scroll in the box.

If your mouse has a wheel that supports horizontal scrolling, under Horizontal Scrolling, in the Tilt the wheel to scroll the following number of characters at a time box, enter the number of characters you want to scroll horizontally when you tilt the wheel to the left or right.

Hey guys, I'd like to 3d print my own mouse, where would I be able to find individual parts like the sensor, board, switches, etc? I'm trying to look online, but all I can find is replacement wheels and switches. Any recommendations? Sites?

I have created a new personal preferences profile in Windows 7 which cycles my background pictures from a custom folder location and changed my mouse cursor. When I save this profile and activate it, everything runs as it should. My problem is when I restart my computer, my mouse cursor is back to the default but my custom background setting is still active. I have to reopen my preferences and click on my profile to activate it. Why doesn't my OS load my cursor automatically ?

The solution of copying custom cursors inside Windows\Cursor folder works. But I found that it also works if you copy them to other system folders outside Windows, like ProgramData. Finally, I found that the background problem is another.

If your custom cursor file is located inside any folder under your profile, Windows rewrites its path using %UserProfile% variable. It seems that this is the offending part. If you go to that registry key and manually rewrite those full paths without using %UserProfile% variable, custom cursors will load normally at startup, wherever the files are located.

The first thing you need is a custom mouse texture. I recommend saving it as a PNG, or otherwise JPEG. According to some quick research, the Windows cursor seems to typically be either 3232 pixels or 4848 pixels.

The game I recently made, Puzzledorf, uses 1212 pixel sprites, so I made the custom mouse cursor at the same size. However, I increase all of the graphics by 4x when I export, making the cursor 4848 pixels on screen. The end result in Puzzledorf looks like below:

This library contains computer mouse cursors for Microsoft Windows systems.There are two types of cursors supported directly by Windows operating systems:static (.cur) and animated (.ani). Both types are present in this library.Learn how to download cursors.

Because the price of this product is related to the number of individual designs, we use third-party software to set the price to meet the needs of customers with multiple designs to facilitate the order

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This was my first time ordering 3d mousepads and they came out perfectly! They're soft and squishy with a heft to them to help prevent the mousepad from scooting around during use.

I wouldn't hesitate to buy again!

Quite surprising that I started the discussion and I am posting the solution .

Try this out- When you go to the option of adding an app for custom settings in Logitech option+ or in your case any app you use ,it shows you the default list of all the on your PC and down below is the option to browse and select the app. I was encountering the problem when I was selecting the app from the default list but, I tried browse option and selected the app from my desktop shortcut I use to start Figma then suddenly all the custom mouse settings for Figma starts working.

Try this may be it will work for you also, I hope so

Xev will create a small, empty window. Hover your mouse over this window and click the various buttons on your mouse. After you click xev will tell you the identity of that button. Now that you know their identities we can use xbindkeys to associate them with shell commands.

The above configuration sets the mouse button 8 to activate the Gnome Shell Overview. The first line is a comment to help you remember what this setting does. The second line defines the shell command to be enacted within double quotes. The third line defines the button action, in this case upon the release of the mouse button 8 the command will be executed.

Again, unless you specifically want to use mouse gestures, I think xbindkeys is a better, more responsive solution than easystroke. You should be able to test this fancy new functionality immediately. If not, try logging out and logging back in. Enjoy.

Custom mouse pad with your own artwork, sized to fit your specifications. No color restrictions, more size options, and free edge stitching provided to ensure the mouse pad is more durable. In addition, free logos and free designs are provided.

The macro triggers every 3 minutes. It will give you a notification when the level falls below a configurable threshold. The notification will show you the threshold and the current battery levels of mouse and keyboard:

Is there any way to access the current battery percentage of a third party mouse? The battery level of my MX Master is displayed under the Bluetooth menubar item, so I'd think it must be accessible somehow, but was surprised not to find anything on the forum about it.

I use this shell script with Swiftbar on Monterey with my Magic Mouse (Bluetooth). It just looks for batterypercent in ioreg's output. You could test that on the command line to see if it works for your mouse.

Ok I just clicked on the bluetooth menu item to show the MX Master battery percentage, then immediately ran ioreg in Terminal, copied and pasted it to TextEdit and searched for "90", which the percentage actually happened to be at the time. It found nine entries, none of which seemed to relate to the mouse, although to be fair, I have no idea what I'm looking at!

@inked video, wow tbh having that is a huge advantage vs someone that doesnt so pls add for everyone as base client hotfix. Cross hairs are cheap, but this is an issue in endpoint geared wvw when its an epileptics nightmare in those battles with flashing colours tracking aoe but players need to see where there cursor is so its not guess work, seeing ground aoe target then placing. I need to know where it is and how far to move wrist as i play with 2 hands on keyboard and snap off mousepad to mouse

I use Taco and have the crosshairs option for the cursor. With two screens, I sometimes accidentally take the mouse over onto the other screen and I can immediately tell I have done this - only a horizontal line with no vertical. The Blish HUD has a mouse cursor change addon that you can use. I tried it, but still lost my mouse. I found Yolomouse interfered with my ability to use the chat window the way I like - I had the thing so large that it covered a third of my chat window. YMMV. 2351a5e196

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