I'm getting into java, and i wanted to share a small project i've been working on in IntelliJ with one of my friends. I gave him the jar file, but he wasn't able to run it because java 8 is the latest version most people download to be able to use java programs.

Go to 'c:/Windows/System32' and delete the java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe there.See at Registry Key '...' has value '1.7', but '1.6' is required. Java 1.7 is Installed and the Registry is Pointing to it

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I had various versions of java installed (java6, java7 and java8). I got the same error but instead of 1.5 and 1.7 i got 1.7 and 1.8. I uninstalled java6 on my windows 8.1 machine. After which i tried java -version in command prompt and the error did not appear.

Java 8 creates three shortcuts on \ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath that point to the latest Java8 java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe and then puts \ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath at the front of the PATH so that no matter what you do to the JAVA_PATH environment variable, you still get the latest Java 8.

1) Change the PATH (as someone has already mentioned)The important thing with this solution is to set JAVA_HOME before the windows paths. This is because under the windows folder, there is a java.exe that redirects to the last installed jre.

2)Regedit. The key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->JAVASOFT->Java Runtime Environment contains the last installed version that the java.exe in the windows folder redirects to. If you change this to a previously installed version, everything should be peachy. (At least, I think this is the right registry key)

Install the latest stable version of your SDK of choice (say, Java JDK) by running the following command: $ sdk install java You will see something like the following output: Downloading: java 21.0.1-temIn progress...######################################################################## 100.0%Installing: java 21.0.1-temDone installing! Now you will be prompted if you want this version to be set as default. Do you want java 21.0.1-tem to be set as default? (Y/n): Answering yes (or hitting enter) will ensure that all subsequent shells opened will have this version of the SDK in use by default. Setting java 21.0.1-tem as default.

Using a snapshot version? Already have a local installation? Setup a local version by specifying the path to the local installation: $ sdk install groovy 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT /path/to/groovy-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT $ sdk install java 17-zulu /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-17.jdk/Contents/Home Note that the local version name (3.0.0-SNAPSHOT and 17-zulu in the examples above) must be a unique name which is not already in the list of available version names.

To see what is currently in use for a Candidate: $ sdk current javaUsing java version 21.0.1-tem To see what is currently in use for all Candidates: $ sdk currentUsing:groovy: 4.0.17java: 21.0.1-temscala: 3.3.1

Want to switch to a specific JDK or SDK every time you visit a project? This can be achieved through an .sdkmanrc file in the base directory of your project. This file can be generated automatically by issuing the following command: $ sdk env init A config file with the following content has now been created in the current directory: # Enable auto-env through the sdkman_auto_env config# Add key=value pairs of SDKs to use belowjava=21.0.1-tem The file is pre-populated with the current JDK version in use, but can contain as many key-value pairs of supported SDKs as needed. To switch to the configuration present in your .sdkmanrc file, simply issue the following command: sdk env You should see output that looks something like this: Using java version 21.0.1-tem in this shell. Your path has now also been updated to use any of these SDKs in your current shell. When leaving a project, you may want to reset the SDKs to their default version. This can be achieved by entering: $ sdk env clearRestored java version to 21.0.1-tem (default) After checking out a new project, you may be missing some SDKs specified in the project's .sdkmanrc file. To install these missing SDKs, just type: $ sdk env installDownloading: java 21.0.1-temIn progress...######################################################################## 100,0%Repackaging Java 21.0.1-tem...Done repackaging...Installing: java 21.0.1-temDone installing! Do you want to switch SDK versions automatically when you cd into a directory? This can be done by setting the sdkman_auto_env=true in the SDKMAN configuration. Note that this will also reset any project-specific SDKs to their default version when leaving the directory.

When using SDKMAN in scripts, it is often useful to get the absolute path of where an SDK resides (similar to how the java_home command works on macOS). For this we have the home command. $ sdk home java 21.0.1-tem/home/myuser/.sdkman/candidates/java/21.0.1-tem

Java versions before 9 simply had a different naming scheme. So, Java 8 can also be called 1.8, Java 5 can be called 1.5 etc. When you issued the 'java -version' command, with these versions you got output like this:

To develop new Java programs, you needed to download a JDK. A JDK includes everything the JRE has, as well as the compiler javac and a couple of other tools like javadoc (Java documentation generator) and jdb (Java Debugger).

This is just source code however, not a distributable build (think: your .zip file with the compiled java command for your specific operating system). In theory, you and I could produce a build from that source code, call it, say, MarcoJDK and start distributing it. But our distribution would lack certification, to be able to legally call ourselves Java SE compatible.

You can now choose the number to use as a default. This can also be done for other Java commands, such as the compiler (javac), the documentation generator (javadoc), the JAR signing tool (jarsigner), and more. You can use the following command, filling in the command you want to customize.

jrunscriptmay not be available in future releases, so safe choice is using export JAVA_HOME=$(dirname $(dirname $(readlink -f $(which java)))) as suggested by @ThiamTeck.Also .bashrc needs to be executed every time you change your java version using update-alternative command.

You can download a non-JRE version, or force Fiji to use the system Java by removing or renaming the ./Fiji.app/java folder (e.g. rename to java-old). On Mac OSX, you can find the java folder by right-clicking on Fiji.app, then Show Package Contents.

As a simple test, open a Command Prompt window, move to the directory that is pointed to by the -vm argument in your eclipse.ini, and run the intended java.exe with the -d32 switch to test if it supports 32-bit, or -d64 to test for 64-bit support. It's often simplest to download a version of Eclipse that will work with whatever Java you already have installed.

The api configuration, available only if you apply the java-library plugin, should be used to declare dependencies which are part of the API of a library, that need to be exposed to consumers at compilation time.

In Gradle 7, both the compile and runtime configurations are removed.Therefore, you have to migrate to the implementation and api configurations above.If you are still using the java plugin for a Java library, you will need to apply the java-library plugin instead.

Tests that use the TestKit API used to create temporary files under the system temporary directory as defined by java.io.tmpdir.These files were used to store copies of Gradle distributions or another test-only Gradle User Home.

Compiling,testing andexecutingnow works automatically for any source set that defines a module by containing a module-info.java file.Usually, this is the behavior you need.If this is causing issues in cases you manually configure the module path, or use a 3rd party plugin for it, you can still opt out of this by setting modularity.inferModulePath to false on the java extension or individual tasks.

If a Java library is published with Gradle Module Metadata, the information which Java version it supports is encoded in the org.gradle.jvm.version attribute.By default, this attribute was set to what you configured in java.targetCompatibility.If that was not configured, it was set to the current Java version running Gradle.Changing the version of a particular compile task, e.g. javaCompile.targetCompatibility had no effect on that attribute, leading to wrong information if the attribute was not adjusted manually.This is now fixed and the attribute defaults to the setting of the compile task that is associated with the sources from which the published jar is built.

A set of alternative plugins for Java and Scala development were introduced in Gradle 2.x as an experiment based on the "software model".These plugins are now deprecated and will eventually be removed.If you are still using one of these old plugins (java-lang, scala-lang, jvm-component, jvm-resources, junit-test-suite) please consult the documentation on Building Java & JVM projects to determine which of the stable JVM plugins are appropriate for your project.

Because stripe-java is strongly typed, requests that you send using it are fixed to the API version that was the latest at the time your version of stripe-java was released. To use an newer or older API version, you should upgrade or downgrade your version of stripe-java. Use the stripe-java changelog to find which versions include the API version you need.

Finally, the output displays /etc/alternatives/java is another symbolic link and that the real path of the Java directory is /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java.

On this post, I will guide you on installing Java on your development Linux machine. I decided to do this post after getting some questions on how do I manage multiple java versions in my Development environments if I use something to manage it like Sdkman, which I don't, in this post I will explain why. 17dc91bb1f

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