curl is a command-line tool to transfer data to or from a server, using any of the supported protocols (HTTP, FTP, IMAP, POP3, SCP, SFTP, SMTP, TFTP, TELNET, LDAP, or FILE). curl is powered by Libcurl. This tool is preferred for automation since it is designed to work without user interaction. curl can transfer multiple files at once. 


DICT protocol: The Libcurl defines the DICT protocol which can be used to easily get the definition or meaning of any word directly from the command line. 


Download Curl On Linux

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Your issue is not specific to curl: the order of arguments to gcc is important: compiler options, then source files, then object files, then libraries (from high-level to low-level); so try to compile with

Of course you need the development package e.g. libcurl-dev or libcurl3-gnutls-dev or libcurl4-gnutls-dev (packaged in Ubuntu); on your CentOS distribution it might be called libcurl-devel or something else.

I have some php scripts that I've been running on an Apache server on a windows machine. These scripts use curl which isn't enabled by default in php. For windows enabling it was as easy and un-commenting the line with the curl .dll file in the php.ini file. Well since Linux uses .so instead of .dll files that wont work.

Does anyone have any idea how to enable curl on an Apache server running on a Linux machine? Php is already installed so I'm really hoping for a solution that doesn't involve re-installing php. Thanks in advance!

I used the previous installation instruction on Ubuntu 12.4, and the php-curl module is successfully installed, (php-curl used in installing WHMCS billing System):

sudo apt-get install php5-curl

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

if you have used curl above the page and below your html is present and unfortunately your html page is not able to view then just enable your curl.But in order to check CURL is enable or not in php you need to write following code:

It dipends on which distribution you are in general but... You have to install the php-curl module and then enable it on php.ini like you did in windows.Once you are done remember to restart apache demon!

I need to install the package curl as it is used by another package (TTR) that I am using. This is my second day on Linux and I am having problems with a lot of things. One was with installing curl. I got the message below. Can someone help?

curl (short for "Client URL") is a command line tool that enables data transfer over various network protocols. It communicates with a web or application server by specifying a relevant URL and the data that need to be sent or received.

curl is powered by libcurl, a portable client-side URL transfer library. You can use it directly on the command line or include it in a script. The most common use cases for curl are:

curl accepts a wide array of options, which makes it an extremely versatile command. Options start with one or two dashes. If they do not require additional values, the single-dash options can be written together. For example, the command that utilizes the -O, -L, and -v options can be written as:

Yet, why not simply make a conditional, looking for both wget and curl in the PATH, and use whatever is available, if any? If you want to be ambitious, also feel free to through in lynx, w3m, etc in the mix.

Neither curl nor wget are "guaranteed" to be installed anywhere, especially on proper UNIX systems.They are not POSIX standards. Neither is ftp, ssh / scp / sftp, rsync, telnet, nc / netcat, openssl, or probably any related tool that comes to mind.It seems like an odd oversight to me, but that is how it is.

GNU awk ("gawk") can do it, however the odds of having gawk and nothing more convenient like curl or wget seems slim to me. Pretty sure POSIX awk does not support networking and I do not recall seeing anything about it in "The AWK Programming Language" but it has been a while.Of course, Perl, Python, Ruby, C, etc. can do it also.

The libcurl software library provides functions for transferring data in computer networks. There are language bindings for dozens of popular programming languages. These make it easy for libcurl functions to be used in a wide variety of software programs that communicate with servers.

curl -LO " $(curl -L -s )/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl" curl -LO " $(curl -L -s )/bin/linux/arm64/kubectl" Note:To download a specific version, replace the $(curl -L -s )portion of the command with the specific version.

Hi Koustubh, Thanks for sharing a link. I am still facing issue with curl and wget utilities (Linux). Everything works fine with postman restclient tool (Windows). I am not sure whether its any header constraints at DevTest server.

It's a useful tool for the average sysadmin, whether you use it as a quick way to download a file you need from the Internet, or to script automated updates. Curl is also an important tool for testing remote APIs. If a service you rely on or provide is unresponsive, you can use the curl command to test it.

You can download a file with curl by providing a link to a specific URL. Whatever exists at the URL you provide is, by default, downloaded and printed in your terminal. HTML is relatively verbose, so that's often a lot of text.

A query to an API endpoint is technically as simple as the most basic curl command. You point curl at the API gateway URL, and ideally, get the default response from the API. Not all APIs provide a response, but here's a good example:

You can also send commands with curl. For example, for an API behind a login screen, you can use the --form option to pass your credentials before accessing the data you need. This example isn't advisable, because your password would appear in your Bash history. However, you can configure your shell history to ignore commands preceded by a space to safeguard against this (as long as you do indeed precede the command with a blank space).

If your only interface to the Internet is through a graphical web browser, you're doomed to manual intervention almost 100% of the time. Learning to wield curl gives you new flexibility for faster interactions, automated responses, and bulk data dumps that would be unmanageable otherwise. Install curl today, and start using it for your networking needs.

This shell command and its associated library, libcurl, is used to transfer data over every network protocol you've ever heard of, and it's used in desktops, servers, clouds, cars, television sets, routers, and pretty much every Internet of Things (IoT) device. Curl's developers estimate it's used in over twenty billion instances. And now there's a potentially nasty security bug in it, CVE-2023-38545.

Organizations must act swiftly to inventory, scan, and update all systems utilizing curl and libcurl. In particular, the gravity of the high-severity vulnerability mandates immediate and cautious attention to safeguarding interconnected and web-aware applications, ensuring the rich data transfer functionality curl and libcurl provide remain unimpaired and secure.

Not everyone thinks it's that big a deal. Bill Demirkapi, a member of the Microsoft Security Response Center Vulnerability and Mitigations team, tweeted on Twitter, aka X, that, "The 'worst security problem found in curl in a long time' is only accessible if the victim is using a SOCKS5 proxy & connects to a rogue server or is under a MitM [Man in the Middle] attack? I'm going back to sleep."

Still, given Curl's extensive use across various operating systems, applications, and IoT devices, Steinberg's early announcement of the problem was a smart strategic move. It provided organizations ample time to audit their systems, identify all instances of curl and libcurl in use, and develop a comprehensive plan for enterprise-wide patching.

The curl project didn't stop there; information about the flaws was concurrently shared with developers of various Linux, Unix, and Unix-like distributions. This collaborative approach ensured that patches and updated packages were ready before the official release of curl v8.4.0.

Since libcurl/curl is a default component in many Linux distributions and baked into numerous container images, Linux users should be vigilant and look out for releases by these providers. Most of the major Linux distributors already have the patches out.

For a specific version of the AWS CLI, append a hyphen and the version number to the filename. For this example the filename for version 2.0.30 would be resulting in the following command:

For a specific version of the AWS CLI, append a hyphen and the version number to the filename. For this example the filename for version 2.0.30 would be resulting in the following command:

Download the pkg installer using the curl command. The -o option specifies the file name that the downloaded package is written to. In this example, the file is written to AWSCLIV2.pkg in the current folder.

cURL is a command-line tool that lets you transfer data to/from a server using various protocols. In this case, the curl command will establish a communication to POST or GET data to/from Ubidots' server over HTTP and HTTPS.

4. Next, open the .zip file and enter to the folder called "src". Inside the src folder you will find the curl executable file. At this point, you need to copy the executable file and paste it inside a local folder on your PC to be able to run the curl.

From the requests, we can clearly see that Elasticsearch replies when accessed over http. That means that TLS is not enabled. This means that either we didn't do the auto-configuration on startup or the user has disabled HTTPS after installation. The former would explain why curl fails too, it looks as if /etc/elasticsearch/config/certs/http_ca.crt doesn't exist. e24fc04721

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