By the way, if I only do curl -sSL  without | sh at the end, then I can see the content of the file printed in my terminal window (same content as when you browse to in a web browser).

Specifically the command RUN curl -o file.txt executes curl that must have already been installed in the image we are using. If the curl command has not been installed (and is not present in the base image) the entire RUN command fails.Instead the command ADD url can be performed even without having installed curl (or analogues) inside the container just because it is executed by the host (it uses the Go libraries with which it is written docker) during the creation of our image.

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My docker host lives behind a firewall that has a proxy set in the /etc/default/docker file. So while I wanted to grab a file internal to the network I'm on, the proxy caused it to look outside the network.

What happens when you try curling from within the container 5000?

If that works. My next worry would be to look for your machine firewall specs.

56 from curl means the connection was reset.

Do you have a running firewall? You might have to allow 8080.

Details on how these CVEs are exploited are published along with the advisory. But curl maintainer, Daniel Stenberg, also published a blog post with more detail about how the vulnerability came about through the specific implementation of support for SOCKS5.

If, having returned to Step 3, you still see policy violations and warnings on the base image layers, this may be due to the upstream maintainers still working on updating curl versions.

Hi @b0r1sp, can you provide us a reproduction example to help?

Because without seeing your Docker configuration and outputs, it is hard to guess the issue (Output of docker info, any docker * commands you used, or the docker-compose.yml file, output of ping -c3 and curl -v ...).

Sorry, for not being specific enough! 

It's a working setup with traefik as reverse proxy listening on ports 80 and 443. Containers in the backend share the same network as the proxy. Basically it is the same setup as described here: -guide/docker-and-lets-encrypt/

FYI, the error of the curl in 1)a. is related to the transport level: your container is not able to establish a connexion to the IP on the port 80. My guess is that you are using Docker inside a virtual machine (Docker4Mac, docker-machine, Docker4Windows), etc., and that VM is not able to route network packets to this IP (or is not allowed by your host FW). Can you detail more your config here?

FYI, the error of the curl in 1)a. is related to the transport level: your container is not able to establish a connexion to the IP on the port 80 . My guess is that you are using Docker inside a virtual machine (Docker4Mac, docker-machine, Docker4Windows), etc.,

Based on your configuration, there should not be any timeout, as the IP is the gateway.

So chances are great that there is a firewall rule blocking "egress" requests from the container to the docker0 interface itself.

Yes, but this is different: this is an "ingress" traffic from the host, to the docker0 interface. Your issue here is that there is something blocking the traffic from the virtual interface of the container a, only when it reaches diretly the interfaces of your host (either , either docker0).

Images, containers, volumes, and networks stored in /var/lib/docker/ aren'tautomatically removed when you uninstall Docker. If you want to start with aclean installation, and prefer to clean up any existing data, read theuninstall Docker Engine section.

Docker provides a convenience script at _in_new to install Docker intodevelopment environments non-interactively. The convenience script isn'trecommended for production environments, but it's useful for creating aprovisioning script tailored to your needs. Also refer to theinstall using the repository steps to learnabout installation steps to install using the package repository. The source codefor the script is open source, and you can find it in thedocker-install repository on GitHubopen_in_new.

You have now successfully installed and started Docker Engine. The dockerservice starts automatically on Debian based distributions. On RPM baseddistributions, such as CentOS, Fedora, RHEL or SLES, you need to start itmanually using the appropriate systemctl or service command. As the messageindicates, non-root users can't run Docker commands by default.

Docker also provides a convenience script at _in_new to install pre-releases ofDocker on Linux. This script is equal to the script at, butconfigures your package manager to use the test channel of the Docker packagerepository. The test channel includes both stable and pre-releases (betaversions, release-candidates) of Docker. Use this script to get early access tonew releases, and to evaluate them in a testing environment before they'rereleased as stable.

i was running Openhabian 2.5 on a Raspi for years, now i updatet to OH3 Synology Docker and my curl commands are not working anymore.

Im usig curl in shell scripts, which isnt working anymore.

If i try the curl over the cli, the command is acceped, but nothing happens.

Also, is there anything logged to the server when you try to connect to them with the mobile app? The logs are available in the System Console > Other > Logs section on the webapp or in /mm/mattermost/logs/mattermost.log directly on the docker instance.

After the upgrade of the NextCloud app from 23.0.5 to version 25.0.9 all curl commands in the docker container are not working anymore. Behaviour that I saw first was that Nextcloud News are getting no updates anymore and the NextCloud protocol shows warnings like:

The only thing you have to make sure, is that curl is installed.

If you run n8n via npm, you have to install it on the host directly.

If you run it via docker, you have to create your own docker-image which extends the base image and installs curl.

The downside is that you have to create and maintain a separate piece of code. But as this will be written in the same language as your app it should be much easier to achieve than developing a complex curl or wget command (If it is complex).

FROM python:3.9-slim-busterRUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ build-essential \ unixodbc-dev \ curl \ gnupg2 && \ apt-get cleanRUN curl | apt-key add - && \ curl > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mssql-release.list && \ apt-get update && \ ACCEPT_EULA=Y apt-get install -y msodbcsql17 && \ apt-get clean

error: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c apt-get update && \\ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \\ build-essential \\ unixodbc-dev \\ curl \\ gnupg2 && \\ apt-get clean" did not complete successfully: exit code: 127

When I run my plumber (plumber_1.0.0) API using Docker (Image rstudio/plumber:latest) and query it using R/httr or R/curl it takes >25 seconds and is substantially

slower than querying the same API without running it in Docker. With download.file it's about the same with and without Docker.

There seems to be an issue with processing the response. I am wondering what causes this strange behaviour and how to resolve it. I pasted the times below.

I measured speed of readr::format_tsv also without Docker image. Same results. The issue above is not because of readr::format_tsv, it's because httr and curl somehow take longer in processing response after it was retrieved from plumber API. I think it can have to do with the response header.

To install the runtime interface emulator on your local machine, download the package for your preferred architecture from GitHub. Then, use the docker run command to start the container image and set the --entrypoint to the emulator. For more information, choose the instructions for your preferred language:

If you actually pulled latest using docker pull rancher/rancher:latest and the first line of the container log shows you are running v2.6.0, please supply the full log (or at least the last part where it exits) so we can take a look.

It is implemented using a client/server model (much like most unix tools are), and exposes its API over a gRPC interface. As usual in such model, there is usually only one server, and many clients, and the story is no different for docker.

The curl and wget commands function similarly. Not only may you use each to add the Healthcheck command, but you also may use them to access URL or port information. In addition, you can use these command-line statements to download files.

The Example #1 code runs a curl command against itself (localhost on port 8080) every 10 seconds, timing out every 5 seconds. If the command returns a non-zero exit code, Docker marks the container as unhealthy and restarts the container.

The Example #2 code runs a curl command against itself every 10 seconds, timing out every 5 seconds. If the command returns a non-zero exit code, Docker marks the container as unhealthy and restarts the container.

The Example #3 code runs a curl command against itself (localhost on port 8080) every 10 seconds. If the command returns a non-zero exit code, Kubernetes marks the container as unhealthy and restarts the container.

The Pod will continue running afterwards. Look what happens when we do kubectl get pod:$ kubectl get podNAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGEmycurlpod 1/1 Running 1 72sThe Pod is still there!So you can re-enter the Pod again using the kubectl exec command:kubectl exec -i --tty mycurlpod -- shOr, you can delete the Pod with the kubectl delete pod command:kubectl delete pod mycurlpodWrapping upThat just about does it for another post!

Leave the build directory (our binary has been installed now), remove thesource directory, run apk del curldeps to remove the virtual package westarted before, and remove /var/cache/apk (package cache, not sure why thisis still around with --no-cache to be honest) and /usr/share/man (manpage,which is useless without man installed) directories. Some of this,especially the removal of the cache and man directories, is somewhat image sizefetishism, because they are really not more than 1MB or so in size. Those werethe ones that I identified using du | sort -n as being probably unneeded inthe final image, and I do love trimming images down to be quite minimal. e24fc04721

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