Gold coins are much harder to earn, as you only get them for completing portions of racing events within a racing series, and for certain other special activities. Here was my reward for finishing a portion of an event in the NASCAR series, for example:

Yes, 500 gold coins. For one car. And I just received a whopping four coins for completing 25% of an event (about 15 individual races). For completing an entire event, the total gold coin payout is somewhere between 30 and 70, depending on the length of the event. There are only so many events to complete; I don't have the 40 or so left that it would take to win those 2,000 gold coins!

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Hence, to "win" the game (complete all the series, own all the cars, have them all fully upgraded), you really do have to spend real world money, or invest a lot of time playing RR3. (You get a total of 100 gold coins per month, assuming you play the game at least once every day of the month. Miss one day, and it resets.)

Some cars can be bought with R$, but most require gold coins. How many gold coins? Well, in the case of those four NASCAR cars, 500 gold coins each. Of the 39 cars I need to buy, there are 14 that are unlocked and buyable already. (The others would be unlocked by completing more events). Of those 14 cars, just one can be bought with R$; the rest require gold coins. The average purchase cost for those 13 cars is 581 gold coins.

But that's just for the 13 cars I can see now; there are another 26 that I can unlock to purchase. If the same 93%/7% ratio of gold/R$ holds for those cars, that means another 24 cars to purchase with gold coins:

50 gold coins to gain 1mph in top speed and reduce the 0-60 time by .04 seconds. Holy cow, that's a lot of coin for a tiny improvement! And that's just one upgrade in one of the categories. Upgrades can require R$ or gold (but not both).

There are some complications to this math (not all levels have the same number of upgrades, some can be bought with R$), so let's make it easy, and say it takes 1,000 gold coins to go from no upgrades to full upgrades on one car.

Not all cars are the same, though; this one is a high-end racing car. So let's further assume that all the upgrades on a more normal-tiered vehicle could be done for 350 gold coins. Looking at the acquisition cost of the 13 new cars I can see, roughly 30% are "normal" and 70% are "high end."

I believe you; I think I was up to 80 or so cars before I got so frustrated by the massive time commitment that I looked for other ways to play. However, I don't think you can "complete" the game without spending real world dollars. And by complete I mean owning every car, every car with max upgrades, and all events completed. The longer you play, the harder it is to earn gold coins, because your primary method of doing that (completing events) is gone, as you've completed most events. So you're left with winning gold through weekly trials, etc.

I didn't say it was impossible, I said it would require a ton of time in the game. You'd spend that time doing events over and over to add R$, competing in the multi-player and hoping to win or place (to get gold), and watching adverts (more gold).

And how many hours do you have in the game? He was saying that he didn't have many hours to play. I will stick to the Xbox forza 6. Unfortunately I heard that they did the same thing with forza 7 and it costs money to play that game also, I will not be buying that one either.

Folks at rr3 wikia already compute the gold cost of series and cars and required upgrades in advance. This way I don't waste my time on a series I can only do a few events of before needing too much gold. Forget NASCAR, for sure! And, until they made the Formula E cars free recently, I skipped those too! But there is plenty left! I still haven't even finished series that will be gold positive for me given what I already have yet (and I'm level 109 with 93 cars).

I almost never farm (10 laps of LeMans? How boring! I only have a 4 lapper open and I'll only sometimes do it for the fame/RS on bonus days only, and even then I'll often skip it -- it's about maximizing fun, not maximizing gold. So even 15 min of a track I don't particularly like? Forget it). Sure, I watch 5 videos for 5 coins a day but not more, 30+, forget it! Like you said, the daily check-in bonus gives about 100GC/month (I'm not 'elite' where they double it), oh, and if you miss it doesn't 'reset' you just miss out on the last day's bonus (30 GC, tho!). I level up about three times a month for 75 coin bonus. So, without wasting time farming, I can get about 325 coins a month, sometimes more if there is a really fun limited time series or event and I level up more. A few months ago I did buy the $20 378 coin pack (where they give you 18 coins a day for 21 days). And I use itunes credit that I usually buy at a discount, so actual cost was less than that.

And right now, some of those limited time series and events are a lot of fun for me: bash 20 windows? Sure! Let me at 'em. I only start an event after the rr3 wikia community has determined the gold cost. They I decide if it's worth it. It often is! I get enough gold to complete some of those limited time series which gives me partially upgraded cars that I can earn more gold with later when I do their series, more series opened, and more cars to do time trials with.

Great article!

 I was actually just wondering how many cars there are, thought maybe some were hidden etc.

 Then I stumbled on to this and was thoroughly shocked and pretty pissed off..

 I knew it was expensive, and that I might have to forego large parts of the game due to the price of gold.

 I mean NO app with in app purchases up to and beyond 100 bucks should even be allowed to exist.

 Fuck EA for pricing it, and fuck google play store for allowing the publishing.

 Im saving this article on my pc, sharing on FB, and will talk about it with anyone willing to listen.

 Its just fucking diabolical..

 Even MORE people will hate EA pretty soon..

If one were to level up to the maximum - 1,000 - you'd earn around 55,000 Gold. But consider how long that might take. Racing 10 laps of Le Mans takes around 30 minutes. On average around 10 races are needed to level up. I'm at level 250, so I need to race 7,500 x 30 minutes, or 3,750 hours, to get there. At an hour a day that's over 10 YEARS. Of course, there is a 'Fame Agent', and daily % fame bonuses, I don't have the spreadsheet with me but let's figure on halving that time. That's still ~5 YEARS. An hour a day, every day, for five years. That's without the 3 or 4 new cars that arrive every 6 weeks or so, each of which can be won (if you spend gold on upgrades, naturally) for around 300 gold. To be fair, the new cars each cycle can be obtained by watching ads and the daily gold bonuses, so they're about revenue neutral to obtain - but each will cost around 1,000 gold to fully upgrade. So in 5 years time that's roughly another 150 cars added - or 150,000 gold...

I am at level 199 wth 140 of the current 199 cars. My observations are these; 1- yes play for fun life is too short, and time too precious, and money better spent elsewhere. Stay away from the real time races with real time opponents, once they see you are doing well they simply cheat making the whole thing utterly pointless. Try not to get angry when you realize that one upgrade you need to end an event or start another costs 200-500 coin...programmers are bastards. Many times you will take a corner in the same car at the same speed, on the same trajectory and find something completely different are not in the real world driving against the universe just a game driving against the guys who designed it. Take a walk, read a book, play with your kid.

I don't know what country you live in but in Australia the cost of purchasing gold and r's is way more than the cost you show here (good article though and interesting to read ) I have been playing for years and I am an elite player (means you get double daily sign on bonus ) but the expense is ridiculous and I hate the new update once again they have ruined it. I don't know what their thinking I suspect not at all other than the $ rolling in, bad plan.

I've spent 1644 hours in the game (most of the time it was just my mobile turned on and lying somewhere), reached level 138 and acquired 127 out of 209 cars. I didn't pay a dime, however I found out, that this game is addictive in a worst, drug-like, way. My wife was angry that I'm constantly clicking on ads, or racing from time to time - daily. I've almost dropped the game completely afterwards.

 But now quick math:

 You got 100 gold monthly, can click 5 times daily to have roughly 150 gold from the ads - 250 in total. Last update added 5 cars & one for free (wow! - there must have been a mistake!), average updates cost in order to get all those cars was circa 2300 gold. You could get additional gold for winning, but anyway you had to spent more than $200 to do all that. For just ONE DAMNED UPDATE!

 Update comes once every 1.5 months (roughly). If you do the math... It's NOT POSSIBLE to acquire all new cars from each update without paying a lot of real money. And what about a bunch of cars added in the past? How you can get them?

 In the country I live (central Europe) about $1300 - $1500 salary net is a nice one, and above the average (mind you that prices for some stuff are lower than in US). Now spending at least $100 monthly just on ONE, old, mobile game?!

 I've recently bought Skyrim for instance. For about $10 - brand new - no extra payments. You can legally buy GRID or DIRT for about $10 each. And many more.

 Honestly... I have a rule of thumb: each and every EA game I've ever played (excluding FIFA 99 & NFS MW) was pirated. Because screw them and their wicked politics, extra payments, DLCs, broken economics, and money-leeching.


 I'm only wondering (after reading your comments guys), why are we all wasting SO MUCH time and sometimes real money for old, boring and repetitive game?

 Screw that - I'm going to spend more time with my daughter... ff782bc1db

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