So if I substitute CurrentDate for say "03/07/17", it works fine, but that's useless to me. I'd also like to be able to get last weeks results only (Mon thru Sat) and the current week thru yesterday

I considered going for it and even shelled the 30 bucks. I changed my mind and I will not get it. Based on the reviews out there, I think that the crystal is a transitional HMD and not offering enough from what I can do with my 8kX, the tradeoffs would simply be too much. I had a hard look at the quest pro also, it is a slick HMD which sports DFR and local diming also with a much more mature design. Going from the Quest Pro to Crystal will bring you basically more resolution, a tad more FOV but a the expense of performance, then you will have to scale down settings and quality to achieve a decent FPS rate. I don't think it is worth it. For me, I will wait and upgrade my GPU instead as I am still not exploiting the full potential of my 8kX with present hardware.

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Not got the crystal, but do have the Pro ( upgraded like you from a G2) and am extremely happy with it. Clarity is amazing, performance excellent and the winning factor for me is the great not having a mask clamped to your face.........I would advise keep it. Its a lot of headset for the money .......

By default, Crystal Reports, a program developed by SAP, generates reports by using the current day's data. It is, however, possible to edit most of Crystal Reports' default options by using the formula workshop feature. By using this feature along with the correct formula, you will be able to generate reports based on yesterday's data.

Today, firefighters are focusing on evaluating the line, mitigating rolling debris and extinguishing hot spots. Helicopters that were grounded yesterday because of poor weather should be able to support ground crews.

I was wondering what are the causes of oscillator failure, is there any specific wave shapes that represent failure cases. e.g. what will be wave shape in case of incorrect loading cap, or no loading cap, dry soldering. In my case there as no oscillation at all except a 20Mhz brust signal with a period of 0.1 seconds. and When i activate LCD 300hz noise can be seen at crystal pins.

Cool anything down enough, and it becomes a crystal solid, according to traditional physics theories. But that might not always be so, and two scientists think they have found cases where a liquidlike state is more stable than the solid crystal, in a reversal of the norm.

For the experiment, detailed in yesterday's (Aug. 4) issue of the journal Nature Physics, the research duo used a computer simulation to create a liquid-that-is-not-a-liquid. Even though the experiment was done with virtual rather than real molecules, it offers an important insight into how crystals are made, the researchers said.

But if the molecules of the colloid bond to each other in just the right way, the familiar crystallization doesn't happen. Instead, the colloid turns into a stable form that seems solid, but has the molecular structure of a liquid.

"When we make the bonds more flexible, the liquid phase remains stable even at extremely low temperatures," Smallenburg said. "The particles will simply never order into a crystal, unless they are compressed to high densities."

Colloidal molecules with flexible bonds have more ways to connect with their fellows in a liquid. "When the bonds are flexible enough, the number of ways you can connect all particles to four neighbors and form a disordered structure is much larger than the number of bonding patterns that result in a crystal," Smallenburg said. e24fc04721

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