I need to communicate with a legacy software wrote in Visual Basic 6 to launch a report (with output in pdf format) from a .net application (using full framework 4.5).I have to istantiate an ActiveX COM Dll that internally use COM Crystal Report 11 runtime objects.

So I'm hoping someone here could tell me if the default report viewer still exists in CR XI, and if it does, how to invoke it? If it doesn't, is using the report designer component really the only solution to create one?

Download Crystal Report 8.5 Activex Designer Runtime Library

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I'm new in crystal report 11.5, my task is desig time i just create a blank report during runtime programaticaly create Fieldobject,Blob object and so on, i came to know this is the right (Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer Design and Runtime Library 11.5) dll but, i dont know how to write the code. Experts please post simple code, i tried this site but there is no code related my task, experts please help me.

that code u can use but u need to use crystal report 8 or 8.5. a components will require that is crystal32.ocx. when u installed crystal report it will automatically in ur components list or system32 directory.

ok use it and fun.


reply me

Thanks for your kind help, I have managed to create the crystal report. Now I want to create an application where different department staff members can choose different catagerories to create their own reports. This way our IT department wouldn't have to create reports for them.

So, I analyzed file access attempts with Process Monitor, and I discovered that I also need following files. By the way, I keep files in @CommonFilesDir&'Crystal Decisions2.0bin, and in @CommonFilesDir&'Crystal Decisions2.0crystalreportviewersActiveXViewer.

I am glad I ran across this. I did have to include WindowsConstants.au3 to make it work, but not big deal. I do have a question I hope someone can answer... My crystal report is prompting for logon credentials. Is there a way to build that into the script?

6 Accessing Data It s almost certain that the data location will change between design and runtime of the report. Using the Database object, DatabaseTables collection, and DatabaseTable object, you can change the report location. The exact steps for accessing data depend on the type of data and the access method, either direct, via ODBC, or through OLE DB. In general, you need to create the Database object, then use the DatabaseTables collection to drill down to each DatabaseTable object. Note that collections in Crystal Reports are 1-based. There will be one DatabaseTable object for each table in the report. The following code shows each of these methods. Direct Data Access Direct data can be used directly from Crystal Reports without going through ODBC or OLEDB. Fox 2x and Access are examples of direct data. In the case of direct data, the location and name of the table may change at runtime. LOCAL odb AS CRAXDRT.Database LOCAL ocdbt AS CRAXDRT.DatabaseTables LOCAL odbt AS CRAXDRT.DatabaseTable ocr = CREATEOBJECT("CrystalRuntime.Application") orpt = ocr.openreport("c:\efox\direct1.rpt")

7 * Create the Database object odb = orpt.database() * Get a references to the DatabaseTables collection ocdbt = odb.tables() * Get a reference to the DatabaseTable object for table 1 odbt = ocdbt.item(1) * Set the location odbt.location = "C:\EFox\Customer.DBF" orpt.printout() ODBC Data Once you ve setup the DSN, connecting to ODBC data is pretty simple. LOCAL odb AS CRAXDRT.Database LOCAL ocdbt AS CRAXDRT.DatabaseTables LOCAL odbt AS CRAXDRT.DatabaseTable ocr = CREATEOBJECT("CrystalRuntime.Application") orpt = ocr.openreport("c:\efox\odbc1.rpt") * Create the Database object odb = orpt.database() * Get a references to the DatabaseTables collection ocdbt = odb.tables() * Get a reference to the DatabaseTable object for table 1 odbt = ocdbt.item(1) * Set the location * This one works for a DSN odbt.setlogoninfo("tazodbcruntime") IF orpt.hassaveddata orpt.discardsaveddata() ENDIF orpt.printout() XML Data Crystal Reports uses the CRXML ODBC driver to connect to XML data. You ll need to setup a DSN for the data access. The following code shows how to access the XML file at runtime.

9 * Create the Database object odb = orpt.database() * Get a references to the DatabaseTables collection ocdbt = odb.tables() * Get a reference to the DatabaseTable object for table 1 odbt = ocdbt.item(1) * Pass the Record Set to Crystal Reports odbt.setdatasource(ors) IF orpt.hassaveddata orpt.discardsaveddata() ENDIF orpt.printout() Parameter Fields Parameter fields are used to pass information from your application to the RDC. One of the most common uses is for providing query or sort information to the report. LOCAL odb AS CRAXDRT.Database LOCAL ocdbt AS CRAXDRT.DatabaseTables LOCAL odbt AS CRAXDRT.DatabaseTable LOCAL ocparm AS CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinitions LOCAL oparm AS CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinition ocr = CREATEOBJECT("CrystalRuntime.Application") orpt = ocr.openreport("c:\efox\parms.rpt") * Create the Database object odb = orpt.database() * Get a references to the DatabaseTables collection ocdbt = odb.tables() * Get a reference to the DatabaseTable object for table 1 odbt = ocdbt.item(1) * This one works for a DSN odbt.setlogoninfo("tazodbcruntime") IF orpt.hassaveddata orpt.discardsaveddata() ENDIF

10 * Get the Special Message Parameter ocparm = orpt.parameterfields() oparm = ocparm.item(1) oparm.setcurrentvalue("this is the runtime special message") orpt.printout() Exporting Reports Exporting a report is done in two steps. In step one, you set the report options. Then, in step two, you actually do the export. The following code will export a report to a Microsoft Excel file: LOCAL oexp AS CRAXDRT.ExportOptions ocr = CREATEOBJECT( CrystalRuntime.Application ) orpt = ocr.openreport( C:\Temp\Taz.RPT ) oexp = orpt.exportoptions() oexp.destinationtype = 1 && credtdiskfile oexp.formattype = 27 && creftexcel70 oexp.diskfilename = "C:\Temp\Taz.XLS" orpt.export(.f.) The False parameter on the Export method tells the RDC to not prompt the user for Export options. Previewing Reports The last major thing that you ll do with the RDC is previewing reports. This is an ActiveX control that you can drop on a VFP form. The Report Viewer allows you to control which options the user has available at runtime. For example, you can set the Visible property of the Export button to prohibit exporting the report. Select the Crystal Report Viewer Control from the Controls tab of the VFP Options dialog. The following form code shows you how to preview a report. In this example, the Report Viewer control has been dropped on the form and named olecrviewer. DEFINE CLASS form1 AS form Caption = "Report Preview" ocrystal =.F. oreport =.F. PROCEDURE Init LPARAMETERS tcreport LOCAL cr AS crviewer.crviewer

13 * Set the location * This one works for a DSN odbt.setlogoninfo("tazodbcruntime") IF orpt.hassaveddata orpt.discardsaveddata() ENDIF orpt.printout() RETURN DEFINE CLASS CrystalEvents AS session OLEPUBLIC IMPLEMENTS IReportEvent IN "CrystalRuntime.Application" orpt = NULL PROCEDURE IReportEvent_NoData(pCancel AS LOGICAL) AS VOID ; HELPSTRING "Fires this event when there is no data" * add user code here PROCEDURE IReportEvent_BeforeFormatPage(PageNumber AS Number) ; AS VOID ; HELPSTRING "Fires this event before formatting a page" * add user code here PROCEDURE IReportEvent_AfterFormatPage(PageNumber AS Number) ; AS VOID ; HELPSTRING "Fires this event after formatting a page" STRTOFILE("AfterFormatPage", "C:\temp\cr.txt") PROCEDURE IReportEvent_FieldMapping(reportFieldArray AS VARIANT, ; databasefieldarray AS VARIANT, usedefault AS LOGICAL) AS VOID ; HELPSTRING "Fires this event if database is changed while " + "verifing database" * add user code here ENDDEFINE Creating Reports The RDC gives you complete control over creating your reports. You can do this either programmatically or use the runtime designer and let users create their own reports. With both of these options, additional licensing is required.

14 Coded Reports With coded reports, you either create a report from scratch and build it in code or you can modify an existing report. Each object on the report is accessible using the RDC object model. You create a report using the New( ) method of the Application object. You can save it using the SaveAs( ) method of the Report object. The Runtime Designer The Runtime Designer is an embeddable control that gives report design capabilities to end users. It does not provide preview capabilities, so it is commonly placed on a page frame with one page used for the designer and the second for previewing the report. Drop the Embeddable Crystal Reports 8.5 Designer Control onto the form or page. Also note that you need to use the CRAXDDRT.DLL automation server instead of the CRAXDRT.DLL. DEFINE CLASS form1 AS form Top = 0 Left = 0 Height = 479 Width = 563 DoCreate =.T. Caption = "Report Designer" Name = "Form1" ocrystal = NULL oreport = NULL ADD OBJECT pgfcrystal AS pageframe WITH ; ErasePage =.T., ; PageCount = 2, ; TabStyle = 1, ; Top = 12, ; Left = 12, ; Width = 541, ; Height = 461, ; Name = "pgfcrystal", ; Page1.Caption = "Design", ; Page1.Name = "Page1", ; Page2.Caption = "Preview", ; Page2.Name = "Page2" ADD OBJECT form1.pgfcrystal.page1.oledesign AS olecontrol WITH ; Top = 8, ; Left = 11, ; Height = 421, ; Width = 517, ; Name = "oledesign" ADD OBJECT form1.pgfcrystal.page2.olepreview AS olecontrol WITH ; Top = 8, ; Left = 11, ; Height = 421, ; Width = 517, ;

16 PROCEDURE pgfcrystal.page2.activate This.olePreview.ViewReport() ENDDEFINE Distribution Many people are confused about distributing their reports. There are three issues to be aware of, RPT files, Crystal Reports runtime libraries, and support DLLs. Be aware that the exact file and location of these files varies depending on the version of Windows used. Some DLLs also need to be registered. Crystal Reports ships with the file Runtime.HLP that lists all the needed files, locations, and registration information. First, you must distribute the RPT files. Crystal Reports requires each file to be available. You can distribute these separately or compile them into your EXE, then copy them out as needed. Second, you must know which Runtime libraries to distribute. Generally, you ll need the CRAXDRT.DLL. Look at the Runtime.HLP to find a listing of needed files. Finally, you need to deal with support DLLs. There are different DLLs needed depending on features used, export options, graphing etc. For example, ODBC data access uses different DLLs than OLEDB/ADO access. Again, refer to Runtime.HLP for a list of the exact files you need. Licensing Crystal Decisions provides a number of licensing options, depending on your distribution needs. The licensing plans described here were in affect at the time this document was written in March, You should check with Crystal Decisions to verify that licensing terms have not changed. The simplest of these licensing programs is the Developer Edition Licensing. This is the standard licensing scheme and gives you royalty free distribution of canned reports provided the reports run on the desktop. The Report Creation API License allows you to create reports at runtime, either through code or the embeddable designer. Your reports must still run on the desktop. The cost for this license is $199 per user. If you are using web-based reporting, the reports are run on a server, or the reports are distributed via some kind of scheduling mechanism, you ll need to investigate a concurrent licensing plan. The costs for these plans are based on the number of concurrent users and the type of distribution you are using. Contact Crystal Decisions for specific licensing options and costs. be457b7860

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