It looks to me like you have a typo in your "RuntimeIdentifiers" line - it should contain "win7-x64" where you have "win-x64" (note the missing 7). I see you tried the "win7-64" path as well as some others, I wonder if the time when you tried winy7-64 it actually got through this part correctly and blew up on something else and maybe you misread the tea leaves?

I suspect you either did not install the libraries, had some older installation without libraries or the win7 installer is broken (it is kind of to be expected that the win 7 installer will break at some point as it is no longer supported by microsoft which means also no longer really supported by KiCad)

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I am now trying to use the TMS320F28377 to build a usb device.With the example project "usb_dev_serial" in controlSUITE, when I connect my device to the computer(win7 32bit), the device is identified as unknown device. I think some windows drivers are needed. Then I found some corresponding .cat and .inf files in controlSUITE. Although there is an signing.txt(seem is an guide about how to use these driver file), I still have no idea about how to do it, is there anyone can teach me how to install these driver? Step by step would be better.

I would make a backup and then upgrade to 10, if something does not work you can go back within windows, but if everything fails you have the backup. I think win 10 is absolutely great and after many updates it outperforms win7. I can recommend it absolutely. And later o would make a fresh install of win 10, this is always better, but an upgrade will do also for some time.


Our Windows environment was getting upgraded to win7. While our windows folks wanted to use PXE, they couldn't ever get it to work quite the way they needed it to. So they were re-imaging all the physical PCs. To us, this meant deploying a new VM to our Mac Users.

Because folks opted in and we knew we had people that didn't need it anymore, it created a situation where we could go back and say "show me computers with the XP VM that don't also have the win7 VM." Those are our users who never pursued the upgrade and therefore we should uninstall Parallels Desktop from them.

I want to install win7 from my usb2 external drive. I am aware that i need to integrate the usb3 drivers into the windows install files on the usb drive. The Microsoft usb download tool does not recognise my usb drive. Rufus fails too but i read it could be a corrupt iso, i can use Rufus it to just format the drive ok but when i try to copy the image to the usb drive with Rufus it fails. The win7 image i have does have a load of updates integrated so it may well be a problem with the iso.

I got win7 installed by making my usb drive bootable using the command prompt. I disabled UEFI boot mode. I used the Intel usb tool which integrates the usb 3 drivers with your win7 install files on the usb drive. It must work because i installed win7 up to a point but the usb devices stopped working when it comes to the screen to enter a username and password. I found a post on the NUC forum and there is a bit where someone says the Intel usb tool does not work with my model of NUC6.

I have got round this problem. I formatted the drive and extracted the win7 iso files to the usb drive, i then installed win7 to the NUC, i got the same problem again, this time i removed the Samsung ssd and put it in my laptop which has a 5th gen i7 cpu, anyway i was able to use the keyboard and trackpad and install the Intel usb3 drivers, i refitted the drive into the NUC and when i started windows the usb mouse and keybard now work. Not an ideal solution but it worked.

So this tells me not to try updating EN again on this win7 computer. There are many reasons that people may not want to upgrade from Win7 and, in my case, it is not a financial one. I have a series of Win7 computers that are hooked to old legacy devices which are all working perfectly. Trying to run those old machines within a new Win10 environment may be impossible. In addition, we are also very happily using Adobe Acrobat on about 10 computers running win7. It works great but moving to win10 would force us into monthly Adobe subscriptions on all those computers. I have win10 running on my personal computers and see no advantages over win 7 on my work computers. So rather than experience huge headaches upgrading win 7 to win 10 I will continue with it as long as possible. I keep nothing sensitive on those win7 computers. If newer versions of EN continue to improve I will simply have to get a separate laptop running win10 and use that at work alongside the older win7 computers.

Thank you, your comment was very helpful to me and especially what you mentioned to deactivate the automatic update request, I was completely unaware of that.

(I came here because I also had the problem with win7)

First of all, i wouldn't pursue further to mount nfs in win7. All my experiences...slow slow slow. Displaying folders accessing files, etc etc. I think nfs support has improved in server versions of Windows.

Have you tried connecting using the server's local creds to connect or map it? Try server\serveradmin for the username and whichever password that account uses. If it cannot connect I'd say it's more likely a network issue. If it can connect, then I'd guess something about win7 vs win10 authentication.

DAW/Sampler support matrix

DAW_OS_SUPPORT_Matrix_.PNG762467 71.2 KB

ref pic of Desktop OS Market share : -market-share-of-windows-7/

global_market_share_win7.PNG777501 18.5 KB

Of course this is not gospel, and the metrics and results will vary, depending on may factors,

I tend to agree with the Desktop OS market share metrics, that WIN7-64bit has in excess of 40% share.

normally I will just press "product update" when there is new version of eset protect. but today I review the v11 changelog and found that win7 support is removed. if I press the "product update" will my win7 desktop no longer be manageable? or no win7 support just means that v11 can not be installed at win7 ?

I'm pretty sure this will NOT work. if i remember correctly Ion (win7) has 2 DVI-D ports. they output digital signal. but regular DVI-VGA adapter usually have a DVI-I or DVI-A which transports analog signal. i think you can't even plug your adapter into the Ion because the adapter has the four additional pins (that are used to transport the analog signal), but the DVI-D on the Ion doesn't have the four holes for it (and also doesn't produce the analog signal). ff782bc1db

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