When working with a shared document (we are using one through Royal Server), often other users will make additions/changes and no one will know unless they happen to reload the document. I would suggest that Royal TS could periodically check to see if the document has changed, and reload the document (or merge/save if local changes were made), when the app is idle or not in focus for a bit. This could be an option.

Alternatively, if a change has been made but the current document in Royal TS is not current, it would be nice to have a noticeable indicator somewhere. I thought I remembered there being a Save icon at the bottom status bar when that was the case when using a shared file not through Royal Server, but I have not noticed that since having our shared document moved there. The save icon would be better than nothing, but ideally it would be more attention-grabbing.

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This is a feature that would be much appreciated. When working in a document with a team of 5+ it would be amazing to have it saved and automatically reloaded for all other users. Is this something that can be implemented. Notifying the users would not solve this in my opinion.

there's an indicator in the statusbar which shows you when someone else modified a shared document and allows you to quickly merge the results by double-clicking it. Automatic merges may have undesired side effects. For example: when you have a connection open and this connection has been removed, it has to be closed. We want that the user has control over that behavior.

Since the update from our firewalls to 10.1.10h2, i see in the system logs the event : Type: device telemetry Event: config-reload-failure Description: Failed to reload config files. The sent of the telemetry files is working. This happens every time after a commit from panorama to the firewalls. The firewalls are HA setup managed by panorama.

I would take a look at the telemetry logs to see if there are more details. 'tail follow yes mp-log device_telemetry_send.log" I would also check the "Device Health and Perfomance" to verify the status of telemetry.

What it does is that if you have a plugin with a .git directory or a .hotreload file in it, then it will be automatically watched for changes to the main.js or styles.css, and after a debounce period, the target plugin will be reloaded in Obsidian (by first disabling and then re-enabling it).

Personally, I suggest installing BRAT (GitHub - TfTHacker/obsidian42-brat: BRAT - Beta Reviewer's Auto-update Tool for Obsidian. Part of the Obsidian42 family of plugins.). You can quickly add a plugin by simply providing a URL to the GitHub repository - plugins installed that way are easily manageable, styles can also be added and there are more interesting settings.

I'm not sure if what I'm trying to achieve is possible. I'm trying to incorporate a LEFT JOIN on a resident table that has been Replaced in a Partial Reload. The Replace and Left Join are required in both Full and Partial reloads.

When I execute a Partial Reload, the data model now has synthetic keys with an extra table of Teams-1 added. What I am hoping to achieve is that the Teams table would be replaced, the extra field added with the LEFT JOIN and the data model of 3 tables remaining.

I don't think so. A left join creates a new table from two source tables. When you partially reload only the replace load is executed. The other tables remain. That includes the joined Teams table (that contains the color field) from the normal reload. That's also the reason the replace load creates Teams-1 during a partial reload. And since it has all its fields in common with the Teams table you get a synthetic key.

Hi, I am using 4.3.3 at the moment for this test. I understand this is a retired version, but have no choice since it is the version being used in our office; and the admin are still in process of upgrading.

the issue I am having is with the EXTRACT; even after restarting the search-head (this is where I'm currently testing my app) - I need to type | extract reload=true every single time or else the extract doesn't work. Anyone else encountered this issue?

You should pretty much never need to run extract reload=true, nor restart Splunk for any changes to search-time settings like field extractions. What extract reload=true does is it runs the whole field extraction process a second time, so if you have fields that are not created the first round but work after the second, that is an indicator of that conditions that weren't met in order to extract the fields the first time are now met during the second. I'd put my money on that the field extraction(s) you're seeing problems with are ones that use another field as their source, and when you try to extract them the first time this field does not yet exist. In order to make this work you need to make sure that your field extractions run in the correct order.

Well it's the same thing that I said in the answer you link to as what I've said in my answer below Like I said, if you have field extractions that take other field values as their input, you better make sure those fields exist at the time when the field extraction occurs.

thanks for the response - I had a feeling it was something along this line... when I restart the server, I get a bunch of warning message "possible typo in ..config line 15.. etc.. EVAL-blahblah" - i guess it is possibly an issue with 4.3.3 version; however the EVAL fields work correctly, and without extract-reload. In contrast, the real issue is with field extract (EXTRACT), but there weren't any warning messages during server restart.

What my script is doing right now is getting the names of all linked files in the model > getting the file path from the files the user is prompted to choose from a folder depending on if the name of the link is contained in the file path > now what I want to do is to actually reload the files from the new file path (which are strings)...but it's not working.

where elementsToReload is the IEnumerable that contains the file paths described above. I am sure this is correct cause if I print the result in a message box it tells me exactly the file path from where I want to reload from.

Whenever you run into that exception, you can easily determine exactly what is causing it by spreading out your algorithm over a maximum number of individual lines of code and stepping through them one by one in the debugger.

I modified the loading part completely pairing ModelPath from where to reload (taken by the user selection) and the RevitLinkType to actually reload (the files linked in the folder) through the Zip and Tuple.Create methods.

The purpose of the script is to prompt the use with a file browser to select which files wants to be reloaded, then match file path of the new files where they Contain the name of the linked file, create a tuple so you have the same order of ModelPath and RevitLinkOption and you LoadFrom with a for each file.

PS I was wondering if there is a way in the Revit APIs to get the status of the linked file (i.e. Status = Not Loaded). This would help me in selecting for reload only the files that actually need to be reloaded and avoid useless calculations.

The problem was that my revLinkType parameter was not pointing to the right thing so the script didn't know what to reload. I fixed the issue by pairing the ModelPath and the RevitLinkType through the Zip and Tuple.Create methods. I think it might be a bit of an overkill but I'm not much of an expert right now so I'm just glad it works. Any suggestion/comment is more than welcome

PS do you know if there is a class/method to get the status of a linked file? (as it appears in the Manage Links window inside of Revit where it says Status = Not Loaded). This would help me optimise the script so I could reload only the files with the Not Loaded Status and avoid useless calculations for the files that are already correctly loaded.

1) I found it confusing as well but I was taking it from another script and I copied as it was because I thought it was the way of doing it...I know it's a very bad way of doing and learning things. I'll try to avoid it in the future

Although, now I modified the program with your suggestion of using the IsLoaded method (thanks for that one as well!!) and I'm now it's a lot more efficient cause I can select whatever file from the browser but Revit is going to reload only the ones that are Not Loaded skipping the ones that don't need reloading. But to use the IsLoaded I need a RevitLinkType object otherwise it says that the method doesn't exist for other types. Is it correct?

2) I might have overworried for this last part but the reason why I Zipped a tuple and then loaded by items at the same index is because I was worried that my program could have associated the wrong file path to the file to be reloaded, hence finding that, for example, it was reloading the file named Link1 from the path C:\user\Links\Link2.rvt...does it make sense?

Looking at how you did this last part I believe it actually does the same thing without Zipping. I swapped my code with yours and it actually works as expected without mixing up files and file paths. The only problem is that it gives me an exception saying: "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index" Even though it then works correctly. 152ee80cbc

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