Last time I was able to use it (am building coverity report for Blender) was in late October, with 8.5 version (iirc). When I tried again in late November, cov-build command crashes immediately reporting a segfault, even with mere cov-build --help command. Tried to update to latest version then (, same result, and tried today 8.7.0 release, same result.

The real problem occurs when I run the cov-install-gui command to setup the defect manager and the database, I am not sure what to input for the --datadir option. When I passed in an empty directory (as a mere attempt), it complains saying that coverity_db does not exist within the empty directory.

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About Coverity

Coverity, Inc., a Synopsys company (Nasdaq: SNPS), is a leading provider of software quality and security testing solutions. Coverity's award-winning development testing platform helps developers create and deliver better software, faster, by automatically testing source code for software defects that could lead to product crashes, unexpected behavior, security breaches or catastrophic system failure. The world's largest brands rely on Coverity to help ensure the quality, safety and security of their products and services. For more information, visit, follow us on Twitter or check out our blog.

Linux Kernel Software Quality and Security Better than Most ProprietaryEnterprise Software, 4-Year Coverity Analysis FindsStanford computer science researchers analyze 5.7 million lines of software,identify 985 software bugs most already fixed by open source communitySAN FRANCISCO, December 14, 2004 Coverity, a software engineering companyfocused on developing a better way to build software, today announced resultson Linux security compiled over four years of source code analysis of theLinux kernel. The recent 2.6 Linux production kernel now shipping inoperating system products from Novell and other major Linux softwarecompanies contains 985 bugs in 5.7 million lines of code, well below theindustry average for commercial enterprise software.Commercial software typically has 20 to 30 bugs for every thousand lines ofcode, according to Carnegie Mellon University's CyLab Sustainable ComputingConsortium. This is equivalent to 114,000 to 171,000 bugs in 5.7 millionlines of code. The former director of cybersecurity for the U.S. Department of HomelandSecurity, Amit Yoran, this month told a Washington, D.C. conference onHomeland Security and Information Assurance that automatic code debuggers arerequired to make software secure.The Linux source code analysis project started in 2000 at the StanfordUniversity Computer Science Research Center as part of a massive researchinitiative to improve core software engineering processes in the softwareindustry. The initiative continues on at Coverity, a commercial softwarecompany started by five of the lead Stanford researchers. Coverity customersinclude the top vendors in networking, electronic design automation andstorage, among others. As a public service, Coverity will start providing bug analysis reports on aregular basis and make a summary of the results freely available to the Linuxdevelopment community."This is a benefit to the Linux development community and we appreciateCoverity's efforts to help us improve the security and stability of Linux,"said Andrew Morton, lead Linux kernel maintainer. "We've already addressedthe top priority bugs that Coverity has uncovered. It's a very useful systemfor high quality code." "Key Linux developers can now use the same tools that many of the world'slargest commercial IT vendors have integrated into their software developmentprocess," said Seth Hallem, CEO of Coverity. "Our findings show that Linuxcontains 0.17 bugs per thousand lines of code, which is an extremely lowdefect rate and is evidence of the strong security of Linux. Many securityholes in software are the result of software bugs that can be eliminated withgood programming processes." Coverity found Linux bugs in five areas: crash causing defects, incorrect program behavior, performance degradation, Improper use of APIs, security flaws Of the 985 bugs, 627 are in critical parts of the kernel and are broken downas follows: Crash causing: 569 Buffer overruns: 25 Performance degradation (resource leaks): 33 Security: 100A summary of the bugs is available at members of the Linux kernel development community can obtain detailedbug reports by contacting Coverity.About Coverity's ProductsSWAT's core technology is unique amongst source code analysis solutions inboth its precision and scalability. Unlike many competing technologies, SWATsimulates the effects that the operations in the source code might have inthe runtime environment, rather than searching the source code for known,dangerous coding patterns or potentially sloppy coding constructs. The resultis that the defects detected by SWAT's analysis platform are potentiallydisastrous runtime errors that must be fixed in the source code. In addition,SWAT is designed to integrate easily into existing software developmentpractices without any changes to existing build systems or existingdevelopment tools.About CoverityCoverity, Inc. ( is a software engineering company focusedon developing a better way to build software. While hardware design hasalways been considered a difficult task that merits significant investmentsin automation and verification, the notion that building software is just asdifficult has only recently gained credibility in the marketplace. Coveritywas founded to meet that insight with a solution: analyze source code withsophisticated, automatic tools that allow software developers to identifydefects that could cause catastrophic failures or security breaches withoutimposing any additional burden on the development cycle. (Log in to post comments) Coverity's kernel code quality study Posted Dec 14, 2004 18:14 UTC (Tue) by southey (subscriber, #9466) [Link]

The cov-analysis-* files are large. For example, Linux's package is cov-analysis-linux-, and its 480 MB compressed. Within cov-analysis-* is cov-build. You only need the bin/ on path to ensure cov-build is accessible. The instructions below provides recipes for Unix, Linux and OS X.

Coverity Analysis must be accessible through your local file system. Either install it locally, or use an nfs mount to access as a local directory. Then, you can either configure access directly in Eclipse in the General -> Analysis Tools section, or you can specify the Coverity Analysis location in a coverity.

To create a new stream just navigate your browser to Coverity connect and create one. Make sure you actually have permissions to add streams to your project. In coverity connect you have one option like configuration in right most top corner.In that you can find Projects and stream which already created.

Hi NXP, Actually as part of my project I want to run valgrind and coverity on my project. I checked google and I tried to install valgrind (help -> install new software method). It is not installing on s32ds ide. 2351a5e196

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