Visit any web page and click on the Cookie Quick Manager button on the Firefox toolbar to view the add-on's menu; it displays six options. The first one is Manage All Cookies which opens the manager dashboard in a new tab in the browser. The dashboard lists each and every cookie that has been stored by your browser. Use the search bar to quickly find a particular website's cookie to manage it.

The Context option indicates whether the cookie is stored in the default container or your custom container. Yes, it works with Mozilla's Multi-Account Containers extension (which if you aren't using already, you really should consider for protecting your online privacy).

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Select a cookie on the left panel to view its information, domain, context, and other information. You can edit the cookies to use only http or secure, or set them to expire at a specific time and date of your choice. Right-click on a cookie to view a context menu. You can use it copy the cookie information to the clipboard or save it to a JSON file. The Protect option is a whitelist mode that protects selected cookies; useful if you don't want certain cookies, e.g. those that handle session information, to be deleted. If you wish to clear the protected cookies, select them and click on the Unprotect option.

Warning: If you use Firefox's Options to delete the browsing data, it will delete all the cookies. The extension does not prevent the deletion, so if you wish to protect the cookies, you should use the extensions cookie deletion option.

The delete option can be used to clear a site's cookies directly from the dashboard. The copy to container menu lets you save a cookie from one container to another. For e.g. if you have logged in to Google, Twitter, Amazon or other sites, you can use the option to copy them to a different container (use Mozilla's add-on to create more containers) before selecting the cookie's context (container) and delete the one(s) you don't need (for e.g. default, Personal, etc). The toolbar at the bottom left lets you delete all cookies, export/import cookie and domain date. The buttons on the right essentially perform the same functions as the options in the context menu.

Cookie Quick Manager has a Settings page that you can access from the menu, or from the Firefox add-ons page. There is a setting which you can enable to delete cookies automatically when you restart the browser (Options > Privacy), but remember you'll have to manually "Protect" the cookies that you wish to preserve.

The only cookie extension which works correctly for me is cookie exterminator in pale moon.When i leave a domain i want everything deleted,local storage the lot.Only cookie auto delete comes close in firefox.

I have looked at Cookiebro and it seems that it has the same problem as all cookie webextensions: the per-domain cookie blocking managed by the extension does not translate into an actual change of the cookie/storage permission in the native per-domain permission manager, because (for no good reason) webextensions are not allowed to do that. As a result, per-domain cookie block by webexts typically relies on often unreliable tricks like clearing cookie headers and trying to outrun site javascript code in deleting cookies before they are used when they are created through javascript. And while the native storage permission affects many forms of storage beyond cookies, even blocking service workers, those webextension unreliable tricks work for cookies only.

The only unremovable (by Cookie AutoDelete) cookie i have found is set by mozilla ( and after changing the deletion to instantly it worked (the site too so it is absolutely unnecessary).

By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising.

I need to add a cookie to get access to a site, that's the only way to "login" to that site. Never needed to do that on Android, googling how to do it in Firefox didn't get me anywhere. So I'm asking for help. Thank you.

I have been looking for at least something that could import cookies in this format for a very long time, but all I found are extensions that can only be imported from json. And if I'm not mistaken, older versions of Firefox had the ability to import cookies, but apparently Mozilla got rid of that. Are there any solutions?

I am using Multi-Account Containers, and am unclear on how it interacts with the other cookie and storage management features of the browser. If I clear cookies from Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Cookies and Site Data -> Clear Data, does that clear all cookies in all containers, or just in "No Container"? Is there a way to delete/manage cookies within just a single container? Is there a way to delete/manage cookies for just "No Container"? Is there a plugin to help with this, or a manual means of editing cookies (editing text file or sqlite database)?

I am using TB as feed client, I want to ask, is there a way to import cookies or logins from Firefox to Thunderbird? so that when reading an article that needs login, it can actually read such article?

I installed it in both FF and TB (by downloading it and then dragging it to the extensions open tab); I selected the specific cookies I needed, exported / imported them and voila, TB is logged into the websites I needed.

I want to move cookies of and and from one container to another in Firefox, I used the addon "Cookie Quick Manager", it lets you copy cookies from a container to another and it normally works (I tried with but it doesn't with these two websites; my question is: Do I need to move something else apart from cookies and is it possible?

However, I am using multiple Firefox installations on different PCs with Multi Account Containers and Temporary Containers. From time to time, I would like to export all cookies from a certain container into a file on one PC and import these cookies into a certain container on another PC.

The former (export cookies from a certain container) is a no-brainer since some extensions are able to do that out of the box (e.g., Cookie Quick Manager). But I couldn't find a solution for the latter (import cookies into a certain container).

A successful technique is to create a permanent container with the same name in both the source and target Firefox profiles. Use that permanent container to store your desired cookies. You will then be able to easily transfer the cookies in that container between profiles.

You can also implement the above technique with multiple permanent containers that are duplicated across multiple Firefox profiles. This allows for isolation between several sets of cookies.

Cookie-Editor is a browser extension focused on productivity that helps you manage your cookies with the least amount of clicks possible. You can access the list of all the cookies on the current page, create or modify an existing cookie and delete a cookie in a maximum of three clicks. Cookie-Editor also gives you the option to import cookies or export them directly to your clipboard for easy sharing or saving of your cookies.

This extension is ideal for a wide range of application. It can optimize your development time when working on a web page, it can be useful to test a website when doing software quality assurance and it could event benefit a SEO expert. It can also be used to manually manage cookies.

Cookie-Editor is available on most major browser. You can install it on Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge and on all Chromium based browser, like Google Chrome, Opera and Vivaldi. It is even available on Firefox for Android and Safari for iOS, with an interface optimised for touchscreens, so you can even manage your cookies directly on your phone or tablet.

This extension offers a toolbar button to view and edit all the cookies that are related to the current page. Note that this extension also lists those cookies that are accessed by subframes located on the current page. Cookies are categorized into different sections based on their origins.


1. Import and export cookies from and to a JSON file

2. View all related cookies to the current tab even sub-frames

3. Delete, edit or create new cookies right from the toolbar panel

4. Open the cookie editor in a new browser tab for wider view.

Is there a similar add-on for FireFox that'd provide a cookie whitelist for Tor Browser? All the ones I've tried appear to work by deleting the cookies themselves, so they cannot save cookies in Tor Browser.

Don't use the Tor browser; use Tor and proxy Firefox through it.There's nothing special with Tor, it has just a different TLD.The regular cookie management extensions should work except you're using an old version of the browser which doesn't support the newer WebExtensions API.Hope you find Cookie Autodelete useful.


I run Popup maker on my website from many years with satisfaction. I recently switched to GDPR Cookie Consent (cookie-law-info) by WebToffee for the GDPR management and Popup maker stop to store the cookie of opened popup evenif I set it to functional.

Out of this small, random sample, then, the star prize for being Most Deceptive Shits goes to the Evening Standard for setting a stonking total of 41 cookies and LSOs after I asked them not to set any.

Global Cookie Manager is a cookie manager extension for Google Chrome with advanced global search, editing and import/export features that act on all browser cookies. e24fc04721

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