Controlling exposures to hazards in the workplace is vital to protecting workers. The hierarchy of controls is a way of determining which actions will best control exposures. The hierarchy of controls has five levels of actions to reduce or remove hazards. The preferred order of action based on general effectiveness is:

Engineering controls reduce or prevent hazards from coming into contact with workers. Engineering controls can include modifying equipment or the workspace, using protective barriers, ventilation, and more. The NIOSH Engineering Controls Database has examples of published engineering control research findings.

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Engineering controls can cost more upfront than administrative controls or PPE. However, long-term operating costs tend to be lower, especially when protecting multiple workers. In addition, engineering controls can save money in other areas of the work process or facility operation.

Employers should not rely on PPE alone to control hazards when other effective control options are available. PPE can be effective, but only when workers use it correctly and consistently. PPE might seem to be less expensive than other controls, but can be costly over time. This is especially true when used for multiple workers on a daily basis.

Administrative controls and PPE require significant and ongoing effort by workers and their supervisors. They are useful when employers are in the process of implementing other control methods from the hierarchy. Additionally, administrative controls and PPE are often applied to existing processes where hazards are not well controlled.

You can find key information, privacy, and security settings all in your Google Account. We have created easy-to-use tools like Dashboard and My Activity, which give you transparency over data collected from your activity across Google services. There are also powerful privacy controls like Activity Controls and My Ad Center, which allow you to switch the collection and use of data on or off to decide how all of Google can work better for you.

To use the Controls addon, you need to write your stories using args. Storybook will automatically generate UI controls based on your args and what it can infer about your component. Still, you can configure the controls further using argTypes, see below.

By default, Storybook will choose a control for each arg based on its initial value. This will work well with specific arg types (e.g., boolean or string). To enable them, add the component annotation to the default export of your story file, and it will be used to infer the controls and auto-generate the matching argTypes for your component using Compodoc if you opt-in to use it, including first-class support for Angular's inputs, outputs, properties, methods and view/content child/children.

By default, Storybook will choose a control for each arg based on its initial value. This will work well with specific arg types (e.g., boolean or string). To enable them, add the component annotation to the default export of your story file and it will be used to infer the controls and auto-generate the matching argTypes for your component using react-docgen or react-docgen-typescript for TypeScript.

By default, Storybook will choose a control for each arg based on its initial value. This will work well with specific arg types (e.g., boolean or string). To enable them, add the component annotation to the default export of your story file, and it will be used to infer the controls and auto-generate the matching argTypes for your component using vue-docgen-api, including first-class support for Vue's props, events, and slots.

By default, Storybook will choose a control for each arg based on its initial value. This will work well with specific arg types (e.g., boolean or string). To enable them, add the component annotation to the default export of your story file, and it will be used to infer the controls and auto-generate the matching argTypes for your component provided by the framework you've chosen to use.

We can specify which controls get used by declaring a custom argType for the variant property. ArgTypes encode basic metadata for args, such as name, description, and defaultValue for an arg. These get automatically filled in by Storybook Docs.

Controls can automatically be inferred from arg's name with regex, but currently only for the color picker and date picker controls. If you've used the Storybook CLI to setup your project, it should have automatically created the following defaults in .storybook/preview.js:

As shown above, you can configure individual controls with the control" annotation in the argTypes field of either a component or story. Below is a condensed example and table featuring all available controls.

Since Controls is built on the same engine as Storybook Docs, it can also show property documentation alongside your controls using the expanded parameter (defaults to false). This means you embed a complete Controls doc block in the controls panel. The description and default value rendering can be customized like the doc block.

By default, controls are unsorted and use whatever order the args data is processed in (none). Additionally, you can sort them alphabetically by the arg's name (alpha) or with the required args first (requiredFirst).

Out of the box, Storybook will try to infer the required argTypes and associated controls for your stories based on the component's definition and the initial value of the args. However, in some cases, this may not be enough, and you may need to provide additional information to Storybook. To solve this, you can opt-in to use Compodoc, a documentation generator for Angular applications that can extract the metadata of your components and generate the required argTypes and controls for your stories.

Out of the box, Storybook will try to infer the required argTypes and associated controls for your stories based on the component's definition and the initial value of the args. However, in some cases, this may not be enough, and you may need to provide additional information to Storybook. To solve this, you can generate a custom-elements.json file with @custom-elements-manifest/analyzer if you're using the pre-v1.0.0 version of the elements file or @custom-elements-manifest/analyzer for newer versions and configure it in your Storybook UI configuration file (i.e., .storybook/preview.js|ts) to enable it.

Out of the box, Storybook will try to infer the required argTypes and associated controls for your stories based on the metadata provided by the @storybook/ember-cli-storybook addon. However, in some cases, this may not be enough, and you may need to customize your project configuration to provide additional information to Storybook to generate the required argTypes and controls for your stories.

Restart your application to generate the metadata file (i.e., storybook-docgen/index.json) and update your .storybook/preview.js file to include it, which will be used to create the controls and argTypes for your stories.

Tip: Parental controls for each type of content aren't available in every country. If you travel to a country where they aren't available, they might not work until you get back home.

The maps displayed through the Maps JavaScript API contain UI elements to allow user interaction with the map. These elements are known as controls and you can include variations of these controls in your application. Alternatively, you can do nothing and let the Maps JavaScript API handle all control behavior.

You don't access or modify these map controls directly. Instead, you modify the map's MapOptions fields which affect the visibility and presentation of controls. You can adjust control presentation upon instantiating your map (with appropriate MapOptions) or modify a map dynamically by calling setOptions() to change the map's options.

You may wish to tailor your interface by removing, adding, or modifying UI behavior or controls and ensure that future updates don't alter this behavior. If you wish to only add or modify existing behavior, you need to ensure that the control is explicitly added to your application.

Some controls appear on the map by default while others will not appear unless you specifically request them. Adding or removing controls from the map is specified in the following MapOptions object's fields, which you set to true to make them visible or set to false to hide them:

By default, all the controls disappear if the map is smaller than 200x200px. You can override this behavior by explicitly setting the control to be visible. For example, the following table shows whether the zoom control is visible or not, based on the map size and the setting of the zoomControl field:

Several controls are configurable, allowing you to alter their behavior or change their appearance. The Map Type control, for example, may appear as a horizontal bar or a dropdown menu.

Most of the control options contain a position property (of type ControlPosition) which indicates where on the map to place the control. Positioning of these controls is not absolute. Instead, the API will lay out the controls intelligently by flowing them around existing map elements, or other controls, within given constraints (such as the map size).

Note that these positions may coincide with positions of UI elements whose placements you may not modify (such as copyrights and the Google logo). In those cases, the controls will flow according to the logic noted for each position and appear as close as possible to their indicated position.

As well as modifying the style and position of existing API controls, you can create your own controls to handle interaction with the user. Controls are stationary widgets which float on top of a map at absolute positions, as opposed to overlays, which move with the underlying map. More fundamentally, a control is a element which has an absolute position on the map, displays some UI to the user, and handles interaction with either the user or the map, usually through an event handler. e24fc04721

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