Tip: CSVs or Comma Separated Values are file formats that enable software to process text information into neat rows and columns on your spreadsheet. CSV format enables your computer to easily export LinkedIn contacts to excel.

Would be very interested in hearing more about this type of direct sync from LinkedIn to HubSpot. However, introducing intimediate services into this sort of scenario is overly complicated and to great a risk to the integrity of the CRM IMHO.

Download Contacts From Linkedin

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The core issue to a proper solution is that LinkedIn does not want people pulling their data into other platforms, so they have made specific internal decisions in both their technology as well as the Terms of Service to make this difficult and a breach of T.O.S. with a permanent ban from LinkedIn as a potential penalty.

At LinkedIn, we are constantly evaluating our features and thinking about how we can best add value for our members and customers. As part of this process we may decide to upgrade or eliminate certain offerings so we can invest in the features that bring the most value. As a result of this we no longer support syncing contacts. All sources synced previously will stop syncing.

You then want to keep an eye on the "Recent source," "Recent source drill-down 1," and "Recent source drill-down 2" properties for existing contacts (and the "Original source" properties for new contacts). HubSpot will pull in the campaign and other UTM attributes, so you can create lists/reports that pull in contacts who converted after engaging with a LinkedIn post. You can also create lists/reports of contacts who viewed pages containing specific UTM elements to see which contacts clicked on LinkedIn posts.

For any offer-based LinkedIn posts (i.e., event signup, content download, quiz), use a landing page (and form) specific to your LinkedIn efforts. Then you'll know that the only way someone can get to that specific page and that specific form is through one of your LinkedIn posts. HubSpot will track the traffic sources and is pretty good at telling which traffic came from LinkedIn if you're using a single page across multiple channel efforts, but having a dedicated page can give you tighter LinkedIn-specific traffic metrics.

Separately, I've been creating UTMs using HubSpot's UTM Builder (tracking links.) The names of my campaigns always included a slash e.g., "2023/04 Campaign A" We used this for the date. Now when I try to create a 'list' using UTM links as a filter, I get an error. I THINK it's because I use a Slash in the UTM Campaign name. If I am correct, note that it would be helpful if HubSpot's UTM Builder prevented me from inserting special characters into the UTM Campaign name.

Yes, it looks and feels like social media but LinkedIn at its core is a business productivity tool like, say, Email or Slack. This is reflected in its business model as well. Most social media platforms are free to use and make money selling ads. However, LinkedIn has over 100 million paying customers and the majority of its revenue comes from selling premium access to its users followed by paid ads used by the businesses.

When LinkedIn was first introduced, most execs thought the idea of exposing your little black book was career suicide. After all, business contacts are supposed to be fiercely guarded and not shared openly. While at the time, they missed the larger picture (a globally connected business community), they did accurately recognize its core value: contacts.

Just so you know, the value of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube is derived from the content their users generate. Be it selfies, cat memes, or educational videos, the content that users upload attracts new users and generate engagement. You log on to Instagram or YouTube not to contact publishers, or even your friends, but to consume their content and see their latest posts.

You need all your contacts to be fed into the core marketing/recruitment engine. So once you shortlist your prospects, the ideal approach would be to first export those contacts into your CRM and then start prospecting.

If they are already in your network, exporting contacts is a fairly easy process. But this begs the question: if you already know them, why go through all the trouble? Just pick up a phone and call them!

For example, HR managers looking to fill a specific profile find candidates on LinkedIn (generally prospecting employees working at companies in a similar industry or vertical). Now if HR managers are already connected with these candidates, they can message or InMail them or even export their contacts. But what if they are not connected? How can they be contacted?

This is an entirely different ball game that enables you to export contacts of ANY LinkedIn users, irrespective of whether you are connected with them or not. With this workflow, you can visit any LinkedIn profile and not just see their contact details but also export human-verified data from a reliable data source directly to your CRM.

To take the earlier example, if a salesperson has shortlisted 50 people from 10 companies, they no longer have to rely on InMail. All they need to do is visit their profile, export their contact to their CRM or marketing automation platform, and run more effective outreach campaigns. This enables them to use all sorts of marketing strategies including but not limited to email campaigns, cold calling, or even ABM. So how do you do it?

After that, visit any LinkedIn profile you are interested in and click the SalesIntel icon in the toolbar. SalesIntel will list all of the available contacts associated with the page which can then be filtered to get the precise information you need. Watch this short video to learn how it works:

It is worth mentioning that SalesIntel only allows human-verified contact data to be exported to CRMs because we value the accuracy of your database. With over 85 million contacts in the SalesIntel database, you are virtually guaranteed to find what you are looking for.

Yes, you can import your exported LinkedIn contacts into many CRM and marketing automation software platforms. However, note that the process for importing may vary depending on the software you are using.

When it comes to business contacts, LinkedIn is a goldmine with almost endless supplies. And just as with mining gold, you need specific tools for extracting LinkedIn contacts. Tools that are simple to use, efficient and justify the ROI.

Once you export them into a spreadsheet file, you can use that list to retarget your contacts via an email campaign, use it as a backup in case your account is suspended, or pass them along to a salesperson from your team.

Then let it work its magic. This extension will extract personal and business emails and phone numbers from your direct connections. The significant part is that it will extract email from almost any LinkedIn contact (1st, 2nd, and 3rd+ connections.)

As I mentioned above, most of the other tools to uncover the email addresses of your LinkedIn contacts are similar enough that they can be grouped. These work best as lead generators rather than as archival tools.

In looking at this handful (and plenty more out there), they all essentially offer a similar outcome, with different tools along the way. What you're looking for will determine which LinkedIn tactics and services resonate best with you, how to export LinkedIn contacts with email, and other ways to maximize LinkedIn's value. Nota bene, Aspiration Marketing explicitly encourages you to follow the terms and conditions of each of the highlighted solutions providers.

You've put in a lot of work curating your LinkedIn network. It's likely full of professional contacts, such as past and current colleagues, mentors, and other people important to your career. That's why it's essential to protect your LinkedIn contacts by downloading them and storing them off-site.

You can export a list of LinkedIn followers and contacts from your profile anytime. LinkedIn lets you get a copy of your account data, including your connections, through the site's data and activity management page.

This will export all of your connections data to the email address connected to your LinkedIn account. The email will contain a link to access all of your contacts and the information they allow the platform to share.

Once LinkedIn has exported your contact list, the site will automatically generate a file containing all that information. You can start downloading LinkedIn contacts to a spreadsheet with these steps:

LinkedIn no longer provides a native way to export phone numbers for your contacts. You can access your connections' public phone numbers by visiting their accounts individually. You can also use web scraping programs like Scraping Expert to gather information from these pages on your behalf. ff782bc1db

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