Outlook is a personal information management application built by Microsoft. Outlook offers an emailing service that allows you to organize and prioritize emails, including the ones coming from separate accounts or even different providers, such as Gmail or iCloud. It also enables you to manage and share contacts, calendar, tasks, and files.

Outlook offers a series of resources that may vary depending on the type of account or Office365 version you are using. But in most cases, you'll see the option to create contact lists, contact groups, and categories.

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Contact lists, also known as distribution lists, allow you to create groups of contacts for sending emails to multiple recipients simultaneously. These lists are independent of your saved contacts and can be easily managed within Outlook.

Outlook allows you to create custom folders within your address book to organize your contacts. These folders are useful when you need to share a list of contacts with a colleague or keep certain contacts separate from others.

Since importing and exporting CSV files is not ideal, there are workarounds to have contact data from Outlook directly transferred into another app, and vice versa. Some business apps offer native integrations with Outlook.

I'm using Outlook for Mac version 16.64 (22081401) on MacOS Monterey 12.5.1, with the New Outlook interface option (as opposed to Legacy). I'd like to be able to create and use contact lists, which expand to a fixed list of other addresses, like an alias in other mail clients.

I've started having issues with my Outlook contact lists in recent weeks. When I add a contact list to my recipients in an email, and then click the '+' icon to expand and show the list's individuals, I receive the popup message, "Cannot perform the requested operation. The command selected is not valid for this recipient. The attempted operation failed. An object could not be found." Frequently, after trying this enough times with a group, if I switch to the My Contacts view and select that contact list, switching from the "About" tab to "Members" tells me "We couldn't find any members in [group name]," even though opening up the contact list shows me the full list of contacts I added to the group.

I have tried deleting and recreating the contact lists in question, both on the client-side application and on Outlook 365 in my browser, but neither has corrected the issue. I'm working with my IT department to solve this as well, but thought perhaps somebody else online has run into this and can help me troubleshoot this peculiar issue.

Contacts can be added by importing a CSV file or one-by-one. If you are moving to Microsoft 365 from another email platform, a Microsoft 365 Partner like us can help you make decisions about how to bring in contacts and contact history so you experience a smooth transition to Microsoft 365.

Utilizing Outlook contact lists and groups is going to help you manage your contacts. Create groups if multiple people need to be involved, or just make a contact list if you want to organize some of your contacts.

I am (and have been since upgrading to this version) unable to create a contact list or contact group. When clicking on file then new in outlook the "Contact List" is greyed out. I have tried to follow these instructions:

I am having the same problem. When Outlook upgraded to the New Outlook for Mac (2023), I lost my email lists and some of my notes in my contacts. If I go up to "File" and hit "new," the "new contacts list" is greyed out, even though I do NOT have the "hide on my computer folders" checked. This is a very simple thing to do with email, and it's maddening it doesn't work on the new Outlook for Mac.

@Faery Fu-MSFT There has still been NO resolution to this issue. The need for contact or distribution lists isn't just a nice to have....it is imperative. It should be standard issue. The fact that it has taken this long is not acceptable. It makes this program almost impossible to use. Please advise as to when this feature will be added back to the Outlook program.

What is going on with MS? This problem was identified in 2022 and has still not been addressed - I use contact lists to email a number of project teams and groups and so am forced to revert to the Legacy version each time MS moves me over to the new version.

This is absolutely unbelievable. I can't even drag contacts from Legacy into New Outlook. When I drag, only one stays. It means I have to reenter every contact. And no categories is ridiculous. And all the chatter from Microsoft about reverting to Legacy is wrong. I tried and I can't get Legacy to reopen. I use our domain email set up through gmail for security and to avoid any black ball issues the hosting company may encounter. The interface with gmail doesn't work any more with Legacy. So I'm stuck. Before the interface broke, I tried setting some things up in New Outlook for Mac, then reverted back to Legacy, Legacy was corrupted and when I went back to New, any data entered was lost. A cluster all around.

Once again, I received a "Try the new Outlook for Mac!" pop-up. Once again, for YEARS, the option of creating a contact list is unavailable. Why does MS continue to kick the can on this important feature? If it weren't for the fact I HAVE to use this for my business, I would stick with Apple products because they work.

Formally called a distribution list, contact lists are a collection of the screen names or real names and contact information for the individuals in a group to which you plan to send emails. To create one, open Outlook on the Web, then select the People icon (which can be found on the far left of your screen).

After completing these fields, click Create on the dialogue box, and your brand-new Contact List will appear! Also, you should know that when you create a contact list in Outlook on the Web, it will automatically appear in Outlook Desktop and vice versa.

To email your contact list, select Send email, which appears below the name of your list on your contact list page. An Outlook email will open up with your contact list prepopulated in the address field. All you need to do is compose your email and click Send.

To add or remove people, select the contact list you wish to revise and click Edit, which will take you back to an Edit contact list dialogue box. From there, you can add people by typing their email addresses in the Add email addresses field. Or you can remove others by clicking on the X to the right of their name and email address.

If you need to delete a list entirely, select the contact list in question and select Delete. Rest assured that deleting a list only deletes the list itself, not the individual contacts in it from your Contacts folder in Outlook.

To export your contacts, click Manage, then Export contacts. Select either the list you wish to export or All Contacts when prompted. Doing either will export the contacts you want into a CSV file that can then be uploaded to another email application or used as needed.

Within the CU System, you are able to communicate with everyone registered with a CU.edu email address. However, manually creating repeating lists of people to disseminate for each individual project can be monotonous and slow-moving. By sharing a contacts folder with a team, you can optimize collaboration.

Accessing contact lists is not supported in the Microsoft Graph. There's a UserVoice feature request for this at -feature-requests-and-feedback/suggestions/8560324-office365-api-allow-to-create-get-and-update-con and I encourage you to upvote it. We use this feedback as a way to help prioritize feature development and to communicate progress back to developers.

In some cases, distribution lists are managed centrally for the entire organization, and the emails sent to these lists are usually sent from an associated email address that internal communications or human resources owns, rather than a personal email address.

Selecting the Global Address List will ensure you are selecting contacts from the campus directory. Select Contacts listed under your mailbox account to see any contacts created in the personal contact list.

Changing the default selection from Featured people to Directory will allow you to search the entire campus directory of accounts, not just your personal list of accounts and contacts.

We created a separate special email account that cannot send and receive in the domain, called it Contacts. Added all the GAL and other company-wide contacts to it's own contact list. We populated - and keep the list updated - using a Powershell script that pulls the GAL contacts in at intervals. Each smartphone user gets this additional email account on their device so that their device contact list provides whatever information is in the "Contacts" address book. We've been doing this for several years and it has worked pretty well for us. The only issue early on was that users were mistakenly adding their own personal contacts to the shared contacts mailbox so we were seeing spouses, kids, boyfriends, girlfriends et cetera in the list for a bit. Everyone got a chuckle, but now people know better. Next step is to make it read-only but that's not as easy in Exchange as one would be led to believe.

we use outlook for iOS and people will search all contacts folders in the account but only add new contacts to the users default contacts folder so as long as you centrally update the shared list as we do users should get up to date contacts every day and not add there window cleaner to the shared list.

Joeseph that solution only has one problem, that contacts have to be imported into the shared mail box. Unless I am missing something the current hurdle is allow a 'sync' from the GAL to the user contacts folder. I am also looking for a solution to syncing the GAL to a user contacts folder but have not discovered anything yet without the use of a 3rd party service. e24fc04721

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