Since they are effectively queries, Injection Points may return no results. For example, imagine that in the example above we had specified RETURN as our query with an ordinal value of 2. Since there are only two RETURN opcodes in the method, the Injection Point will match no opcodes. You can specify acceptable upper and lower limits for injections using constraints.

The error code shown on "Monitoring" is 0x87D00664. After some research I've found that it has timed out. Then I change the package's maximum runtime to 120 minutes and press the "Install" button in Software Center again. I've noticed that the package was stuck at "Downloading (0% complete)" and WUAHandler.log never updated after "Download progress callback:Download result oPCode=1". Checked UpdatesHandler.log and it says "No download info associated with update ..." and I suspect the issue to be right here, but idk how to fix it.

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This callback will be invoked 0+ times.Each time, data will contain a bit more of the payload.Once all frame.payload_length bytes have been received(or the network connection is lost), the on_incoming_frame_completecallback will be invoked.

The BRM MTA framework provides function and opcode hooks that you implement to create customizable multithreaded applications. Each callback function and policy opcode is called at fixed places during application execution. For information about these execution stages, see "MTA Stages".

This layer is implemented at the application tier in the BRM four-tier architecture. This layer implements the main thread that controls application workflow. The main thread performs database searches, distributes jobs to worker threads, and calls the callback functions in the Application layer and the custom policy opcodes in the Customization layer.

This layer is implemented at the application tier. This layer consists of the MTA callback functions. You use callback functions to implement your application business logic, such as calling billing opcodes to perform billing or generate invoices.

After worker threads have been notified of an available job in the job pool, the main thread waits for notification back from the worker threads that their assigned jobs are completed. When all results from the main search have been processed and the job pool is empty, the next search cycle is executed until there are no more search results remaining in the database.

After worker threads have been notified of an available job in the job pool, they receive their assigned batch of search results and then call the main opcode to process the work. The input flist for the main opcode is prepared here prior to the opcode call.

The BRM MTA framework includes a global flist that stores information specific to the application, such as configuration settings, search flists, and search results. Information stored in the global flist is accessed by the MTA callback functions and custom policy opcodes.

The BRM MTA framework provides callback functions that you can implement in your application to display application help information. The usage callback function is called by specifying the -help parameter in the command line or when the application fails to configure or initialize because the command-line options specified were invalid or incomplete. When an error occurs during application configuration, the MTA framework sets the PIN_FLD_FLAGS field in the PIN_FLD_APPLICATION_INFO substruct in the global flist. For a list of all predefined flags, see pin_mta.h.

These policy opcode hooks are called by the BRM MTA framework at fixed places during the application execution. Unlike the MTA callback functions, the MTA policy opcode hooks must be configured using the /config/mta object.

This policy opcode is called by the MTA framework at the MTA_JOB_DONE execution stage. This is after the worker threads have completed their assigned jobs, there are no more search results to process, and the job pool is empty. This policy opcode is called after pin_mta_job_done. See BRM Developer's Reference.

This policy opcode is called by the MTA framework at the MTA_WORKER_JOB execution stage. This is when the worker thread has received a batch of search results to be processed and the worker thread prepares the input flist that is passed to the main opcode responsible for processing the search results in the batch. This policy opcode is called after pin_mta_worker_job. See BRM Developer's Reference.

This policy opcode is called by the MTA framework at the MTA_WORKER_JOB_DONE execution stage. This is when the worker thread notifies the main thread that it has completed processing the batch of search results and is waiting for the next batch. This policy opcode is called after pin_mta_worker_job_done. See BRM Developer's Reference.

This function is called after application configuration. It is a hook to implement custom functions that are required after configuration, such as validation, providing results from the configuration policy opcode hook, and logging.

This is the last function called when the application is about to exit. It is a hook for implementing functions that are required, such as validation of results from the application exit policy opcode hook and logging.

This function is a hook for implementing functionality that is required after the search flist is prepared, such as validation of results from the search initialization policy opcode hook and logging.

This function is called after all worker threads have finished processing the jobs assigned to them. It is a hook for implementing functionality that is required, such as validation of results from the application job-completion policy opcode hook and logging.

This function is a hook for implementing functions that are required after the search results have been preprocessed, such as validation of the results from search results tuning policy opcode hook and logging.

This function is called for each thread at thread startup. It is a hook for implementing functions that are required after worker thread initialization, such as validation of results from the worker thread initialization policy opcode hook and logging.

Feel free to modify gapbondmgr.c to react to pairing requests (GAP_PAIRING_REQ_EVENT) by checking if a bond already exists. There may be a placeholder for this depending on your SDK version; search for gapSendBondLostEvent. This doesn't seem to be documented, but if enabled should result in a GAP_MSG_EVENT with opcode GAP_BOND_LOST_EVENT and type gapBondLostEvent_t.

The ResultRow opcode causes thebytecode engine to pause and the corresponding sqlite3_step()call to return SQLITE_ROW. Before invokingResultRow, the bytecoded program willhave loaded the results for a single row of a query into a seriesof registers. C-language APIs such as sqlite3_column_int()or sqlite3_column_text() extract the query results from thoseregisters. The bytecode engine resumes with the next instructionafter the ResultRow on the next callto sqlite3_step().

Some opcodes are self-altering.For example, the Init opcode (which is always the first opcodein every bytecode program) increments its P1 operand. SubsequentOnce opcodes compare their P1 operands to the P1 value forthe Init opcode in order to determine if the one-time initializationcode that follows should be skipped.Another example is the String8 opcode which converts its P4operand from UTF-8 into the correct database string encoding, thenconverts itself into a String opcode.3. Viewing The BytecodeEvery SQL statement that SQLite interprets results in a programfor the virtual machine. But if the SQL statement begins withthe keyword EXPLAIN the virtual machine will not execute theprogram. Instead, the instructions of the program will be returned,one instruction per row,like a query result. This feature is useful for debugging andfor learning how the virtual machine operates. For example:

This opcode is initially coded as OP_AggStep0. On first evaluation,the FuncDef stored in P4 is converted into an sqlite3_context andthe opcode is changed. In this way, the initialization of thesqlite3_context only happens once, instead of on each call to thestep function.AggValueInvoke the xValue() function and store the result in register P3.

P2 is the number of arguments that the step function takes andP4 is a pointer to the FuncDef for this function. The P2argument is not used by this opcode. It is only there to disambiguatefunctions that can take varying numbers of arguments. TheP4 argument is only needed for the case wherethe step function was not previously called.AndTake the logical AND of the values in registers P1 and P2 andwrite the result into register P3.

This opcode is identical to Null. It has a different nameonly to make the byte code easier to read and verify.BitAndTake the bit-wise AND of the values in register P1 and P2 andstore the result in register P3.If either input is NULL, the result is NULL.BitNotInterpret the content of register P1 as an integer. Store theones-complement of the P1 value into register P2. If P1 holdsa NULL then store a NULL in P2.BitOrTake the bit-wise OR of the values in register P1 and P2 andstore the result in register P3.If either input is NULL, the result is NULL.BlobP4 points to a blob of data P1 bytes long. Store thisblob in register P2. If P4 is a NULL pointer, then constructa zero-filled blob that is P1 bytes long in P2.CastForce the value in register P1 to be the type defined by P2.

If the OPFLAG_LENGTHARG bit is set in P5 then the result is guaranteedto only be used by the length() function or the equivalent. The contentof large blobs is not loaded, thus saving CPU cycles. If theOPFLAG_TYPEOFARG bit is set then the result will only be used by thetypeof() function or the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL operators or theequivalent. In this case, all content loading can be omitted.ColumnsUsedThis opcode (which only exists if SQLite was compiled withSQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_USED_MASK) identifies which columns of thetable or index for cursor P1 are used. P4 is a 64-bit integer(P4_INT64) in which the first 63 bits are one for each of thefirst 63 columns of the table or index that are actually usedby the cursor. The high-order bit is set if any column afterthe 64th is used.CompareCompare two vectors of registers in reg(P1)..reg(P1+P3-1) (call thisvector "A") and in reg(P2)..reg(P2+P3-1) ("B"). Save the result ofthe comparison for use by the next Jump instruct. 2351a5e196

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