It has all the standard features that any file manager has, like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commander's big strengths are the special features that allow you to accomplish advanced tasks with ease. Tasks such as Auto-unpacking; Auto-sorting; Browsing inside archives; Editing the Windows Registry and accessing FTP; Searching for and Viewing files and pictures. There is also powerful, built-in Scripting support that allows you automate many tasks and expand its functionality. It allows you to do everything from the keyboard using shortcuts so that you can work quickly and efficiently.

This program doesn't attempt to be just a better-looking Windows File Explorer with tabs or a MacOS Finder for Windows with columns, but to challenge the existing workflows that remained unchanged since the '90s. That is where your feedback comes in, and with it, the program is constantly evolving. 

 If you are a designer, you can even improve the look by editing theme xaml files or creating your own icons for files, folders, or menu items.

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I decided to plug the drive directly in to the Unraid system and I used the "Unassigned Devices" free plug-in to mount the drive from the UI and then I spawned a shell and I am using Midnight Commander (the command 'mc') to copy the files. Takes me back to the early DOS days.

Not sure where to make suggestions but turning on "safe delete" and "safe overwrite" in the default midnight commander config might be worth considering. That exposes the option for the various overwrite "yes/no/if different size/if zero size" etc.

For "config" I see all all files and folders, but for the others not, with the exception, that I can see the "Downloads" path in the "Share" drive (without contents). The difference I saw, that "config" had read/write checked for user docker...I changed that for "share" but no change. (see below read/write is set for everyone).

File Commander Manager & Cloud is a file management tool for Android that lets you access and manage files on your device, as well as files stored by external services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and SugarSync.

Thanks to File Commander Manager & Cloud, you can copy, paste, cut, and move any file on your Android's memory, as well as work using a local network and even an FTP, all from the same minimalist and simple interface. On the app's main screen, you can browse through the various file categories. Once inside the folder you want, you'll find all the features you would expect from a solid file manager like File Commander Manager & Cloud. This includes thumbnails for images and videos, the possibility to select all files with a single gesture, and the option to sort files according to different criteria.

File Commander Manager & Cloud is a complete file management tool that stands out for its simple and attractive interface. It's not the app that offers the most features, but it certainly has everything you need to manage the files stored on your Android device in a competent and effective way.

I use crostini to ssh into another box. In mc, I'm unable to use CTRL+T to tag files, since it opens a new browser tab. Is there a way around this besides for using a standalone ssh program? I prefer to ssh from my Crostini container. The issue still remains when using mc inside Crostini itself, also.

If you're like me, you constantly move and rename files and directories. You are also an extremely productive person with evangelical ideals of making every task as efficient as it can be. In this tutorial, I will use my favorite must-have file manager called Total Commander (formerly, Windows Commander) and its brilliant Multi-Rename Tool.

Let's say now that my files have a .xlsx extension that was introduced in Excel 2007. There are actually a few ways I can think of renaming them in Total Commander, the easiest being selecting all files, pressing Shift-F6 (inline rename) and then entering *.xls. BAM! All files are now .xls. The problem is that this wouldn't work if I had a mix of .docx and .xlsx files, for instance. Another solution would be to use regex, but I want to try something different. Here goes:

There are plenty of other tasks Total Commander lets me accomplish very efficiently, like dealing with archives, files in subdirectories, checksums, copying lists of files to clipboard, comparing directories, FTPing, searching, etc, etc, etc. Maybe I'll write about them some day. So go out there, download it, and I guarantee it will change the way you think of file management forever.

With this dialog box, you can rename a list of files selected in Total Commander. Instead of * and ? wildcards, this function uses placeholders in brackets []. The new names are immediately shown in the result list, but the files are not renamed until the Start! button is pressed.

Extension Definition string for extension. In principle, all placeholders can be added to either of the two definition boxes. The rename tool will create a rename string like this: Fields in name mask + "." + Fields in extension mask. The reason why the two fields are separated is to prevent the accidental removal of file extensions, which would remove the association of files with a certain program.

Define counter [C] Allows to define the counter for the [C] field(s).

Start at: Number of the first file. The files are always numbered the same way as they are shown in the result list. You can sort the result list just like in the main Total Commander window. Additionally you can reorder individual items using drag&drop, or Shift+Cursor keys.

<File list header> Allows to sort by old names, extensions, sizes or time stamps

<File list> Shows a list of all files being renamed. The modified names are shown in the New name column. All changes to the above fields are immediately shown in this column, but the files are not actually renamed until the Start! button is pressed. If the rename mask contains an error, the string <Error!> is shown.

(next step) Loads the rename results for the next rename step. Useful if you want to apply multiple rename rules to the same set of files. Shortcut: F5.

Start! Starts to rename files. There will be a warning message if there are name conflicts.

Undo Tries to undo the rename operation in reverse order (last renamed file first). This also works AFTER closing the Multi-Rename-Tool! Just re-open it with any file(s).

if it's from some AUR .

Otherwise "uninstallation" is going to be some hassle, basically look up the mc package and then look for everything it puts into /usr in /usr/local. Ensure the files aren't owned by some other package and remove them.

When I saw that the mc version is 4.8.7 I checked the /var/cache/pacman/pkg folder for it. There was not one.

Then I checked my drive for such package. Luckily there was a folder named mc-4.8.7. There was not such package either. But all the installation files were there.

For four days I get no access to the content of my files using Total Commander and the plugin TotalDrip on my Android 11 phone. In Total Commander App I see all folders and files, but it is impossible to open or copy any file. Using the Browser everything is fine. I use no VPN or firewall. I also checked different Networks (WLAN, mobile).

Has anythings changed? Is the access by Android app Total Commander not ans longer supported?

Best regards


We all know Total Commander is a great tool to manage files. However one day I was stuck with its search tool. My case was I wanted to search 2,000 files in a folder which contained 10,000 files, then copy the 2,000 files in question to another place. There were mess of extensions, prefix and suffix, so I couldn't use: abc*.rar, *123.*, *.pdf or something like that. What I only have is a list of 2,000 file names I need, was stored in a txt file in separate lines

Here is the trick. Put your txt file in the same folder we search in, type @drive\filenamelist.txt, exmaple: @D:\list.txt. Total Commander will filter only the files in txt, then we feed them to list box,a nd copy them to a new place as usual

In the 1980s, the popular DOS file manager Norton Commander demonstrated how to manage files graphically without a graphical toolkit. As a Linux user, you might be accustomed to managing files in a terminal, but there's a difference between the feeling of typing in commands to browse files and the act of navigating a filesystem.

If you want the experience of "walking" through your filesystem but don't want to leave the comfort of your terminal, you may enjoy the open source file manager Midnight Commander (that's the mc command).

The design of mc emphasizes efficiency. Most file management tasks involve a source location and a destination, so it makes sense that your file manager has a persistent view of one location where your files are now and another location where you want your files to be. If you try it for a while, you may wonder why this isn't the default configuration of every file manager (especially considering how much wasted horizontal space there often is in the typical file listing). e24fc04721

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