NOTE: I am a Marvel comics reader of nearly 40 years and what has prompted this post is how noticable many first-time and casual readers have been over-complicating the process of just getting into comics. That should never happen.

This has been bugging me all year, especially since 'Endgame' came out and I wanted to gain some insight from others. I really feel like the comics industry as I have always known it is on extreme life support and I'm not basing that on numbers but just how I gauge interest from my surroundings. Now to be clear, when I say "as I have always known it" I don't mean to illicit conversation about diversity or any of the recent fandom/toxic fandom conversations that have been going on. I literally mean the livelihood of floppies, trades, graphic novels, digital comics, and just an overall mainstream interest in sequential story telling.

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It bothers me that the highest grossing film of all time (excluding inflation) is a comic book based property yet the source material is a mistreated stepchild. It bothers me that Vertigo and MAD Magazine were just erased because of the AT&T merger. It sucks that this medium isn't seen as a medium but as a genre. You would think that with comic based properties having a stranglehold over the mainstream's attention that you would see an increase in comic sales, a healthier direct market, or, shit, even a kid on the bus reading a floppy.

To give you some context of my per view....I am a mid 30's African American male that has been going to my local shop since I was about 6 years old. I had my periods of dwindling interest in my teens, but I came back in my twenties and the interest has only grown thanks to....I dunno....the MCU maybe...oh and a growing interest in indies. I live in Los Angeles which has one of the top 20 population counts in all the world, so I come across people of all walks of life and I never see a random citizen reading an issue of 'Spider-Man' at a Starbucks or whatever. Now yes maybe they have them on a tablet or hidden but my bigger point is based on the mainstream's insatiable appetite for comic related properties and the lack of the source material out in the world. It doesn't make much sense.

I understand that industries evolve and things will never be like they were when I was a kid, but my confusion really comes at the irony that this material isn't niche anymore at least not like it was when I was a kid. This may be the only industry known that shows growth in their byproduct by whoring out it's source material without ever growing it -- HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? The public has shown that it wants this material, yes, maybe they don't want to venture out to get it at a brick and mortar, and maybe they don't want it in print but they DO want it. How has their never been any advertising for comics on a mainstream level? How is it that after seeing Captain Marvel in the theater I'm not bombarded with copies of Kelly Sue Deconnick's trade paperback run in the lobby of the theater? How is it that comics are now just merchandise for the movies, but they continually lack growth?

These are just a few examples, but I see that kind of shit all the time in old comics. I'd be one thing if a few writers did that, but you find that kind of dialogue in allllll kinds of old comics. It seems like all the writers did, at least for Marvel and DC.

I have been in the comics world for 1.5 years now. I own over 1000 comics between DC and Marvel. However, I can't compel myself to read anything I own a second time. I always have this deep guilt that I need to continue forward, because there is so much to explore.

Nothing you can do about it! KDP since the beginning of this year, is blocking all comic books sent to review, no question asked, it doesn't matter if it's from a series that the publisher has already confirmed copyright 6 times this year.

I sent you an email earlier before sending the books to review process to review and publish it yourself because I don't know why I always get blocked, every single time for unjust "copyright issues".

I can guarantee you 100% big publishers are dumping manga and comics all week and they just approve them right away. When they see a "peasant" like myself who self-published, they can't even bother to look at my publishing history, they just assume I'm a thief, even though I have provided the same copyright info 6 times this year for the same series.

Any form of hate speech (including slurs), bigotry (including but not limited to racism, sexism, ableism, and homophobia), support of hate groups (such as comicsgate), threats of violence (against users or creators), and erasure will result in a permanent ban.

I'm looking to start selling my collection and want to hear from people experienced with selling comics. What are some of the best ways to go about selling a collection? I've got a few good keys and long boxes full of complete runs. I've been looking into Ebay but want to know if there are alternatives I should be aware of.

I love all reading. Many of my friends respect prose reading but don't consider comics as "real" reading. Do you guys consider comics as fun reading or a legitimate form reading? Do you schedule time for prose reading as well?

I have been thinking, the next generation of kids have been entertained and grew up with comic book characters in movie form. Do you all think comic book keys will be exponentially more valuable than they are already now by future collectors?

I know that now a days being into comic books is now accepted due to the popularity of the MCU and the increase of comic book based movies and TV shows that give exposure to mainstream audiences. But why was being into comics I'm the past frowned upon and considered nerdy?

Hey people,

So I've for a while now wanted to get into superhero comics. I love all the movies and watched all of them. So I feel like I know the characters, atleast the movie versions. The issue is, where do i start with reading the comics? Seems there exists millions of spiderman, batman etc comics

thanks in advance

In your opinion what is it? It could be a dedicated story like Crisis on Infinite Earths or Infinity War, or perhaps a few issues in a weekly release like Ultimate Spider-Man? What has the best writing and art and makes it the best comic book story.

I'm living in France and I still have to improve my French specially my reading skills so I was wondering if maybe buying a few French comic books like Asterix would be a good place to start. I want to begin with something really simple, then go to short stories/books and evolve from there.

Not looking for anything dark and gritty but also not "comedic" (ie The Goon). I want some escapism. Stan Lee's Spider-man, Sage, Ultimate Spider-man, and the new Daredevil would be a good example of just a fun comic.

Tons of different media formats have notable things that have been lost to history. For example, there are no known surviving copies of several episodes of early television (most notably, early Doctor Who) because the master tapes were reused. It's estimated that as many of half of the movies made in the silent era have been lost forever. And who can even begin to guess the number of books and written works that have been written but no longer exist in any format.

So, basically. I've never actually read comics other than a few captain America and Iron man comics, but I've always loved them, and I've always wanted to get into reading them more, particularly DC, comics that go for ages like batman or justice league and maybe Spider-Man in the Marvel universe. As someone who is completely new, where do I start? I don't know how long it'd take me to read original issues to catch up to the one's coming up these days, is it even recommended to start with older issues? What would you recommend somebody who wants to start reading your favorite comic?

I'm going through my collection and wondering what the value is of some of the issues I have. Often I will check mycomicshop but if its not in stock there is no price. It's been hard to track down so I was wondering if anyone had a place to recommend? Thanks in advance!

I was wondering if anyone knew of/could recommend any sort of medieval/dark ages comic books either new or old. Something like LoTR or GoT, but in a comic book format of course. I have not really seen anything in that setting and was wondering if there was anything out there I could read.

Been wondering besides putting an actual shelf unit into the wall what I can do to display my comics, as of now(and I know I'll get yelled at for this) I use push pins and put them through the bag and board to the wall with the 8 comics I do have up. And I know if I did a shelf unit I'd be afraid of their spine ticking but I guess it is inevitable.

I've always wanted to collect comics, but I've never had the time to do it. But I really wanna start collecting now, but I don't know how to start. I wanna start with spiderman, but there are so many universes and comics that I don't know which one I wanna start with. Any advice would help a lot. Thank you!

I just recently started collecting a small number of comic issues and volumes and I noticed some of the issues i'm collecting already have volumes out. I kinda felt like I was wasting my money on issues when I could just buy a volume and not have to go through the trouble of getting the issues in order.

Long story short, I would like to get an iPad for media consumption: graphic novel and comic book reading, plus a bit of Netflix / Plex here and there. Some work apps might be a thing occasionally (notion, email, Drive...) but not the main focus.

Why has there never been a Harry Potter series of comic books? It seems like such a rich world with infinite possibilities, I look at stuff like the current Dune comics, Ghostbusters, all the Disney animated stuff, Gargoyles, the Alien franchise, Indiana Jones and Star Wars and wonder why no Harry Potter comic universe? It has to be a rights issue, right? Seems like such a misfire from WB and DC comics. Just curious if anyone has info or just thoughts about it. 2351a5e196

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