The official Facebook colors are blue, grey, black and white. We recommend using the Facebook color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, Hex for web and the Pantone colors can be seen below.

So this is something I just a beginner so i dont really know a lot about color formats....and i know that the orange color is too much brighter here....its actually very light almost brownish orange in inkscape....and on my phone its a different story.....the blue looks purple-y and the orange is too reddish....i know that it very much also depends on color accurate screens....can anyone help me?

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I know an answer has already been accepted. But for the sakes of other visitors, I believe the best authority on this issue is Facebook!! According to them, the official background colour is #3b5998. I quote here from -login/best-practices#buttondesign : "If you use a color, make sure it's the official Facebook blue; 3b5998. Otherwise stick with black and white. Color is one of the best ways for people to recognize something quickly."

Recently, in our tech news Slack room, you lobbed an accusation at me. You said that you thought that I "have been abusing the color block fb post." This was a reference to those colored backgrounds Facebook now lets people put in their status updates. They started off as, I think, simple colors. Then came gradients. Now, there are bold patterns and prints that you can write text over.

While I'll admit to using these a lot recently, it's because I find them delightful! They visually segment and break up the news feed nicely, and I suspect they are having the effect of getting people to post more status updates, more frequently. (Which was probably the entire intent.) And besides, I've noticed that when I do a colorful status update, more people ~engage~ with my posts. Which in turn makes me want to do more of them! What's the harm?

Well, here's the thing. It's partly the Facebook color blocks, but it's also partly you. You have been abusing them. I agree with you that they are probably designed to make people use them more, and it's a great way to make your post standout if someone is scrolling through their news feed which might be full of photos and videos that are much more eye-catching than a standard text status. But that's precisely your problem. You are abusing the potent power of the eye-popping, scroll-stopping color blocks. These should be reserved for important updates.

I've been editing some casual photographs of a party, intending to post them on facebook for my friends to see, and today I uploaded these shots only to find color is horribly off (in firefox, as chromium seems unaffected - I couldn't test other browsers). Reds and blues go purplish, greens get saturated to the point most detail in grass and trees is lost.Of course I didn't bother with re-uploading the shots, as I knew I had done all that was possible against this problem. Also I thought 99% of people don't give a .... about color and anyway nobody could know how my pictures were supposed to look as opposed to how they actually look. Just hoping everyone is using chrome :-) Ok, enough babbling.

Now see what's funny: as I had already had this kind of problem (uploading photos for an answer here on photo.SE) I knew how to avoid it. The profile I had photoshop assign to those shots, sRGB IEC61966-2.1, was not interpreted correctly by firefox, which theoretically should color manage images which have their color profile embedded, but practically likes only those with no profile at all.

When I was doing the editing for the party photographs I wasn't aware of this issue, so today I used imagemagick to resize all the shots I wanted to upload, at the same time stripping them of any embedded information, just to be safe. At this point my shots had no color profile and looked perfectly good and just the same opening them in firefox or any other program.

As soon as they were uploaded to facebook the shots showed the color issues I mentioned at the start of my question. Trying to understand what was going on and if facebook changed something, I downloaded one of the shots, one that has some nice color variation and easily allows to spot the differences in rendition. It looks fine in my image viewer (and chromium and photoshop), I can see in its properties that it has no embedded color profile nor any other exif information, but if it's viewed in firefox those bad annoying color issues won't go away, even disabling color management in about:config.

Is facebook applying a color profile that is invisible, handled correctly by all applications, but it's enough to mess up firefox? 

Update: Yes, it does. It's not really invisible, but it doesn't show as metadata in three different image viewers I tried.

New question: What can one do? Why is firefox refusing to render correctly every image tagged with a color profile? Can this problem be related to different versions of firefox made for different OSs?

Undoubtedly firefox (I'm using version 13.0.1) has some problem with color that probably can be fixed with proper configuration, but this is not a solution. First, one can't ask everyone one knows to mess with (for most people) exotic settings if they want to see some photos correctly. Then, as I have proved with many experiments that firefox can display images the way I want it to, if only I leave them without profiles, and that's ok with me, why should this behavior be broken by facebook, or any other similar service, for that matter, which apparently is not doing any (absurd) management or correction of color?

This thread on the Firefox support forum's is by someone with a similar problem, and mentions needing to potentially restart your computer after disabling color management in Firefox to get it to stick. I also tested (on Windows7 64-bit in case it makes a difference) Firefox and Chrome using this link and it says that Chrome does not support ICC profiles while Firefox supports ICC v2 profiles, have you checked that your color management is setup correctly in Photoshop? If you were editing JPEGs that were already in sRGB and told Photoshop to convert to sRGB (rather than assign an sRGB profile) that double-handling could be a cause of the problem.

UPDATE: It looks like the problem is that the images were taken using Adobe RGB rather than sRGB since manually assigning the Adobe RGB (1998) profile to both of them in Photoshop has got the color to match for me. The desaturated look in the second image is a common sign that the image was originally recorded in a wider gamut color space than the one it is currently being displayed in.

Before we dive into the research, here are some awesome experiments that show you how powerful color alone really is. Based on just the colors of the buttons, can you guess which company belongs to each of them:

Especially if we also take a look at what the major brands out there are using, a lot of their color choices become a lot more obvious. Clearly, everyone of these companies is seeking to trigger a very specific emtion:

On top of that, especially when we want to buy something, the colors can play a major role. Analytics company KISSmetrics created an amazing infographic on the science of how colors affect our purchases.

It might sound complex, but it really is not: I download JPEGs from the camera (X100F) to my iPhone using the Fujifilm Camera Remote app, in full resolution and sRGB. When I post the given photo on Facebook, theres a clear color shift towards red (especially in the lighter tones), which quite frankly ruins the skintones, etc. If I copy the very same photo from the iPhone to my PC (for example via e-mail) and post it from there, the colors are correct, as is the jpeg file itself. Does anyone have a similar experience or an idea what could cause this? Since theres no iOS trickery involved (I make sure I am comparing the very same file on both PC and iPhone) and its in sRGB profile already, I dont understand where the color shift is coming from and quite frankly its making it impossible for me to post photos from my phone. Strangely, it it doesnt seem to affect snaps I have taken with iPhone to begin with, only the X100F photos I transfer from the camera. Comparison bellow....

my friend i get a bit of color difference between computer and phone (huawei) too. but i thought it was due to the color bit depth difference between computer and phone screen . so i started adjusting it while processing raw to match the good appearance in the phone screen (since it has more color depth). but if i find a solution ,i will let you know . have a nice day !

i read a few articles now . it says that the issue maybe caused by color spaces . the default color spaces of screens are sRGB , but our camera's can capture images in adobe rgb or prophoto rgb etc.. which has lot more colors than srgb and that data is stored in the image file data. so when a image is transferred to different devices the data in the image file which says it is in adobe rgb or in prophoto rgb is recognized by the device and it's automatically converted to display in the rgb color space of most device screens (there is high end screens which display more color spaces). but while exporting the image or while copying the image or while converting etc....the image data is lost ! which stores the color space information . so when the image file which lost the color space data (which tells the device that it is in adobe or prophoto rgb) , without color space information the device doesn't convert to the color space of the image file before displaying screen , so the displayed image looks bad and color shift's etc... so my guess is the conversion/compression process by facebook in phone and computer is different and one of it is removing the image data from the image file . so test this by taking pictures in camera in "RGB" color space !. let me know the results !. have a nice day ahead to you ! ff782bc1db

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