Whenever you sign in with your Apple ID on a new device or browser, you'll confirm your identity with your password plus a six-digit verification code. There are a few ways you can get a verification code. You can use the code displayed on your trusted device, get a text or phone call, or generate a code from your trusted device.

*The notification might include a map of the approximate location of the sign-in attempt. This location is based on the new device's IP address and might reflect the network that it's connected to, rather than the exact physical location. If you know that you're the person trying to sign in but don't recognize the location, you can still tap Allow and view the verification code.

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Whenever you use WhatsApp web, the extension creates a hash of the code the browser receives and matches it with what WhatsApp has. When the codes match, the icon on the browser will turn green. If there is an issue, it will turn red. You can then take actions, including pausing other extensions, switching to WhatsApp mobile, or downloading the source code for other third-party organizations to analyze.

The icon turning orange means another browser extension interferes with the app's ability to verify. It can also mean that the request is timed out, and the page needs refreshing. As mentioned, Firefox automatically pins the extension to the browser. Unlike the Chrome version, you don't have to do it manually. However, you may need to disable or pause other extensions to get better performance.

I am new to Square. I am in the US and am wanting to use Square to process 3 recurring credit card transactions per month (total $4,000). I have signed agreements from each customer. When I try to add the card to their customer records, I get "Please verify the Zip Code" on every account. I know the zip codes are good because they are the same cards I was processing at PaySimple for the past 3 years. What other factor(s) could be blocking me? --- Thanks in advance for your help.

i get same error code to the point if i cant get it fixed i will drop square which is sad my family has used it for 7 years my father then me. if anyone truly knows how to fix please explain these were all usa customers same clients for years.

The best course of action is to have your customer double check the zip code they're providing to you with their card issuing bank, or get in contact with our CS Team directly so they can look at the payment details with you.

Why is a system bug that doesn't accept Zip Codes an 'account specific issue' (when the same zip code works when the customer enters it)? This appears to be a general bug that needs addressed at the code level but seems to be ignored by Square as I have seen many people complain about this for years...

You're missing my point... If *I* enter the card information, through the Add Card interface, it doesn't work. If the customer enters the exact same card information thorugh the Invoice function, it does work. So there is a bug in the code. (Note: I'm a web business system software developer, so I speak out of a position of knowledge...).

There could be a different issue happening, but we would have to walk through this with you to see your exact steps to find out what might be the cause of the error you're getting if it's not an incorrect zip code.

I stuck in one process . I want that when any one register the app , the account should verify from email code that will be send . When the 4 digit code send to mail , the user enter that code and then the account will verify . I created the screen , but I am puzzle how to verify by entering the code. Can any one help me to sort out this issue and if any one have example how it can do. Thanks

Disclaimer: USPS cannot guarantee that the address shown here is the actual location of the business. Please verify the address before sending your mail. If more than one address matches the information provided, try narrowing your search by entering a street address and, if applicable, a unit number. Edit and search again.

This problem doesn't really have anything to do with javascript. It's simply not possible for any server application (web or otherwise) to ensure that processing on a client machine was performed by known/trusted code. The use of javascript in web applications makes tampering relatively trivial, but you would have exactly the same problem if you were distributing compiled code.

Everything a server receives from a client is data, and there is no way to ensure that it is your expected client code that is sending that data. Any part of the data that you might use to identify your expected client can be created just as easily by a substitute client.

If you're concern is substitution of the client code via a man-in-the-middle attack, loading the javascript over https is pretty much your best bet. However, there is nothing that will protect you against direct substitution of the client code on the client machine itself.

I have read that one of the advantages of Haskell is that it makes it easier to formally verify code. Also, part of the standard library seems to have been formally verified.

Suppose I wrote a mergesort in Haskell. How can I formally verify that such functions actually do what I expect them to do? Also, do you have any references to how the formal verification was done in the standard library?

I would like to write a library (even a very simple one) and verify it formally.

The big difference between the two areas is that for the first area it is essential that you verify the entire toolchain, compilers and runtime systems included. For this reason, the only languages which work in that field are very low-level languages: Assembler, C and the Spark subset of Ada. You cannot use a language like Haskell here, because in order to guarantee what those scenarios need you would also need to first verify the entire GHC compiler and the GHC runtime system, and this is currently impossible and would also directly go against most of the other goals of Haskell. (You would have to throw out almost all optimizations, throw out almost everything which is not Haskell98, massively simplify the RTS and throw out all performance optimizations there too, etc.)

In contrast, for a language like C there is a verified optimizing compiler (called compcert) which guarantees that it does not introduce bugs during compilation. So what you do in that field is that you write your code in C (or Ada), annotate it with massive amounts of pre- and post-conditions for every function, generate proof obligations from those annotations, and then solve those proof obligations using either automatic tools or proof assistants like Coq or Isabelle. Afterwards you can compile the now verified C code with compcert and have a program that is guaranteed to not have integer overflows and is for example guaranteed to run in constant space.

An interesting question is whether we will be able to use high-level languages for formal verification in the first sense in the future. I think something like is very interesting. CakeML is a compiler for StandardML which is formally verified, so you can write high-level functional code and also have strong guarantees about the compilation to machine code. But projects like this are still in the academia stage, so you would have to wait some time for those to become practical in the real world.

We would like to verify that initUpto returns a vector whose first n elements are equal to x. In a first-order setting, we could achieve the above with a loop invariant that asserted that at the ith iteration, the first i elements of the vector were already initalized to x. However, in our higher-order setting we require a means of abstracting over possible invariants, each of which can depend on the iteration index i. Higher-order logics like Coq and Agda permit such quantification over invariants. Alas, validity in such logics is well outside the realm of decidability, precluding automatic verification.

We received an Illinois Individual Income Tax Return, filed with your Social Security number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification number (ITIN). In order to protect your identity, we are requiring you to verify your information to ensure that you are the individual who filed this return.

Hello! I would like to ask if how can I solve my problem in shopee. My first phone broke and I cant manage to open or restore the files there. So I got a new phone and tried logging in to shopee to pay my shopee paylater bills. But the problem is I need to verify the account by scanning the qr code but I cannot scan the qr code because I cannot log in to my account. Any ideas how can I make this work or just by pass the two way authentication? Thanks!

If the sign-in window prompts you to confirm your identity with a code, and you select this option, open Okta Verify on your device. Read the code and enter it in the sign-in window to access your Okta-protected account.

This error appeared yesterday out of the blue. I'd been on appstoreconnect.apple.com working on an app update and later in the day when I tried to log in again I immediately get the error, "Failed to verify your identity. Try Again". No verification code is sent and it's not a password issue, as that's a different error.

I'm able to log in to iOS devices and Apple's apps, like the App Store Connect App. I was even able to log in to the Apple Support App and change my password, but I still couldn't access any Apple websites. If I try to log in to icloud.com, searchads, appstoreconnect.apple.com, developer.apple.com, or appleid.apple.com I immediately get the same error and no 2FA code is sent.

I've seen online that others have had this issue and some resolved it by appending a verification code to the end of their password, but that hasn't worked for me. (Even though Apple's sites fail to send the 2FA I was able to get a code by going into iOS Settings->iCloud->Passwords & Security->Send Code). ff782bc1db

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