to arrange the final details of; to conclude negotiations about; complete or settle: Your sales team also needs to understand their audience properly to be able to close a deal to everyone's satisfaction.We close the sale of the house next week.

to complete or reach an agreement, usually as a contract: The builder closed with the contractor after negotiations.They're closing on the lease for the office now, but we won't be ready to move for a few weeks.

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(of a haircut or shave, the mowing of a lawn, etc.) so executed that the hair, grass, etc., is left flush with the surface or very short: The mower delivers a smooth, close cut to leave your lawn looking great every time.

(of a delimiting punctuation mark) occurring at the end of a group of words or characters that is set off, as from surrounding text: close parentheses;close quotes;close brackets.: Compare open (def. 32).

the act or fact of closing; the end or conclusion: At the close of day, we like to wind down with a cup of tea and a book.He seemed distracted during the close of the speech, and ran off the stage as soon as it was finished.

close ranks, to unite forces, especially by overlooking petty differences, in order to deal with an adverse or challenging situation; to join together in a show of unity, especially to the public: When the newspaper story broke suggesting possible corruption in the government, the politicians all closed ranks.

Close (/klos/) is a 2022 coming-of-age drama film directed by Lukas Dhont, and written by Dhont and Angelo Tijssens, reteaming after their first feature film Girl (2018). The film stars Eden Dambrine, Gustav de Waele, milie Dequenne and La Drucker. It follows two teenage boys whose close friendship is thrown into disarray when their schoolmates notice their intimacy, causing a rift between them.

One day, after a school trip from which Rmi is absent, the class is informed that Rmi has died by suicide, which Lo believes his withdrawal caused. However, he closes off his emotions from everyone else, unable to talk to anyone about it during the class therapy sessions offered by the school. The fact that his classmates describe Rmi in obituaries as a happy and friendly boy triggers a defiant opposition in Lo. Lo unsuccessfully tries to suppress his inner pain and cover it up by resuming ice hockey and gardening work with his family. Although none of his new friendships come close to the deep connection he had with Rmi, Lo is able to confide in his older brother Charlie for comfort.

On 19 December 2018, it was announced that Lukas Dhont was developing a follow-up feature film to his 2018 Cannes Film Festival award-winning directorial debut Girl. Co-writer Angelo Tijssens and producer Dirk Impens were attached to re-team with Dhont for the then-untitled film, with Dhont stating that "It's going to be different but also in the style of Girl", and that "At the centre of it is a queer character."[10] In writing the film, Dhont was inspired by psychologist Niobe Way's book, Deep Secrets: Boys' Friendships and the Crisis of Connection, which documents her study of intimacy among teenage boys.[9] Dhont named the film after a "close friendship," a recurring term in the book.[11]

Principal photography began on 9 July 2021. Alongside the start of production, it was also announced that milie Dequenne and La Drucker were cast in main roles. Speaking about the film, Dhont said: "Three years after the overwhelming trip of Girl, it's incredibly good to be back on the set, with this hugely talented cast and crew, especially as this story is close to my heart."[16]

The close() function shall deallocate the file descriptor indicated by fildes. To deallocate means to make thefile descriptor available for return by subsequent calls to open() or other functionsthat allocate file descriptors. All outstanding record locks owned by the process on the file associated with the file descriptorshall be removed (that is, unlocked).

If close() is interrupted by a signal that is to be caught, it shall return -1 with errno set to [EINTR] and thestate of fildes is unspecified. If an I/O error occurred while reading from or writing to the file system duringclose(), it may return -1 with errno set to [EIO]; if this error is returned, the state of fildes isunspecified.

[OB XSR] If a STREAMS-based fildes is closed and the calling process was previously registered to receive a SIGPOLL signal forevents associated with that STREAM, the calling process shall be unregistered for events associated with the STREAM. The lastclose() for a STREAM shall cause the STREAM associated with fildes to be dismantled. If O_NONBLOCK is not set andthere have been no signals posted for the STREAM, and if there is data on the module's write queue, close() shall wait foran unspecified time (for each module and driver) for any output to drain before dismantling the STREAM. The time delay can bechanged via an I_SETCLTIME ioctl() request. If the O_NONBLOCK flag is set, or if thereare any pending signals, close() shall not wait for output to drain, and shall dismantle the STREAM immediately.

If the implementation supports STREAMS-based pipes, and fildes is associated with one end of a pipe, the lastclose() shall cause a hangup to occur on the other end of the pipe. In addition, if the other end of the pipe has been namedby fattach(), then the last close() shall force the named end to be detachedby fdetach(). If the named end has no open file descriptors associated with it andgets detached, the STREAM associated with that end shall also be dismantled.

[XSI] If fildes refers to the master side of a pseudo-terminal, and this is the last close, a SIGHUP signal shall be sent to thecontrolling process, if any, for which the slave side of the pseudo-terminal is the controlling terminal. It is unspecified whetherclosing the master side of the pseudo-terminal flushes all queued input and output.

When there is an outstanding cancelable asynchronous I/O operation against fildes when close() is called, that I/Ooperation may be canceled. An I/O operation that is not canceled completes as if the close() operation had not yet occurred.All operations that are not canceled shall complete as if the close() blocked until the operations completed. Theclose() operation itself need not block awaiting such I/O completion. Whether any I/O operation is canceled, and which I/Ooperation may be canceled upon close(), is implementation-defined.

If a memory mapped file [SHM] or a shared memory object remains referenced at the last close (that is, a process has it mapped), then the entire contents of the memory object shallpersist until the memory object becomes unreferenced. If this is the last close of a memory mapped file [SHM] or a sharedmemory object and the close results in the memory objectbecoming unreferenced, and the memory object has been unlinked, then the memory object shall be removed.

If fildes refers to a socket, close() shall cause the socket to be destroyed. If the socket is in connection-mode,and the SO_LINGER option is set for the socket with non-zero linger time, and the socket has untransmitted data, thenclose() shall block for up to the current linger interval until all data is transmitted.

The following example closes the file descriptor associated with standard output for the current process, re-assigns standardoutput to a new file descriptor, and closes the original file descriptor to clean up. This example assumes that the file descriptor0 (which is the descriptor for standard input) is not closed.

An application that had used the stdio routine fopen() to open a file shoulduse the corresponding fclose() routine rather than close(). Once a file isclosed, the file descriptor no longer exists, since the integer corresponding to it no longer refers to a file.

Implementations may use file descriptors that must be inherited into child processes for the child process to remain conforming,such as for message catalog or tracing purposes. Therefore, an application that calls close() on an arbitrary integer risksnon-conforming behavior, and close() can only portably be used on file descriptor values that the application has obtainedthrough explicit actions, as well as the three file descriptors corresponding to the standard file streams. In multi-threadedparent applications, the practice of calling close() in a loop after fork() andbefore an exec call in order to avoid a race condition of leaking an unintended filedescriptor into a child process, is therefore unsafe, and the race should instead be combatted by opening all file descriptors withthe FD_CLOEXEC bit set unless the file descriptor is intended to be inherited across exec.

Usage of close() on file descriptors STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO, or STDERR_FILENO should immediately be followed by anoperation to reopen these file descriptors. Unexpected behavior will result if any of these file descriptors is left in a closedstate (for example, an [EBADF] error from perror()) or if an unrelated open() or similar call later in the application accidentally allocates a file to one of thesewell-known file descriptors. Furthermore, a close() followed by a reopen operation (e.g., open(), dup(), etc.) is not atomic; dup2() should be used to change standard file descriptors.

The use of interruptible device close routines should be discouraged to avoid problems with the implicit closes of filedescriptors by exec and exit(). This volumeof POSIX.1-2017 only intends to permit such behavior by specifying the [EINTR] error condition.

The standard developers rejected a proposal to add closefrom() to the standard.Because the standard permits implementations to use inherited file descriptors as a means of providing a conforming environment forthe child process, it is not possible to standardize an interface that closes arbitrary file descriptors above a certain valuewhile still guaranteeing a conforming environment. e24fc04721

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