GNOME Clocks should work fine if it's set up correctly. However, if you have installed the application from the (GNOME) Software application, there is a chance that you have installed the snap version of Clocks. You can verify that by running snap list and checking whether the output contains gnome-clocks.

@pomsky answer (replacing snap package with apt package) works for me as well. In addition, I also like to use gnome extension panel-world-clock-lite to make it always visible on the task bar:

Download Clock On Ubuntu

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Operating systems store and retrieve the time in the hardware clock located on your motherboard so that it can keep track of the time even when the system does not have power. Most operating systems (Linux/Unix/Mac) store the time on the hardware clock as UTC by default, though some systems (notably Microsoft Windows) store the time on the hardware clock as the 'local' time. This causes problems in a dual boot system if both systems view the hardware clock differently.

The advantage of having the hardware clock as UTC is that you don't need to change the hardware clock when moving between timezones or when Daylight Savings Time (DST) begins or ends as UTC does not have DST or timezone offsets.

When this happens on a dual-boot system, it's usually because one operating system thinks the hardware clock tracks local time, while the other operating system thinks the hardware clock tracks UTC.

Instead, the best solution is probably to reconfigure Ubuntu to treat the hardware clock time as local time (then you can leave your Windows configuration, and your hardware clock time, alone).

The /etc/rcS fix did not work on my Win7 / Ubuntu 14.04x64 installation, nor did any fixes through the clock GUI. Because the root of the problem is BIOS time VS UTC time, and Windows is a pain in the butt when it comes to using UTC, I just picked a point on the map that uses UTC+0 (no change between BIOS and UTC time).

I had a similar problem on Dual Boot PC (Win 10 & Ubuntu 18.04). The issue was that Windows tries to keep hardware clock (a.k.a BIOS clock) at the local time, but Ubuntu tries to keep it at the UTC time. So the OSs fight each other, changing the hardware clock time each time they boot.

I had a similar problem with a dual boot Windows 10 and ubuntu machine. Even though the clock was correct in the BIOS, and the time zone was correct in Windows, the clock was always one hour behind in Windows after rebooting. The only thing that reliably fixed it for me was to change the internet time server to Neither nor worked after reboots. I'm in the UK.

Oddly when I install dconf-editor (in UB 18.04 64bit) - I can change (in org|gnome|desktop|interface) whether the clock in the top bar displays date or seconds can be changed, but the setting for displaying the weekday is ON but the day of the week is not showing (toggling this setting makes no difference).

Thanks but this just produces a loop of problems:

sudo apt install budgie-welcome

Running it produces this:

Ubuntu Budgie Welcome is now a SNAP package.

To complete the installation the budgie-welcome package

needs to be removed and the ubuntu-budgie-welcome snap package needs to be installed

An automatic reboot will complete the installation.

Clicking Yes will complete the upgrade - continue?

A very weird thing is if I run dconf-editor I can show the date and time fine in the top bar - and even toggle whether seconds are displayed - however clock-show-weekday has no effect. This would have been a simple solution.

Reposition the clock any place on your desktop, and tweak the typography to suit your tastes. While the widget inherits your system font by default (and displays time and date on separate lines) you can configure it easily:

I have an Ubuntu 9.10 server running as a KVM host with ntpd installed on it. The host system has the correct system time. At the moment I only have a single KVM guest, also Ubuntu 9.10 server. I do not have ntpd installed on it, and I just discovered the clock is about 6 minutes slow. It wasn't that way when it was installed about a month ago.

I thought that I only needed to keep the host clock synchronized and that the guests used the host clock. But maybe that is a memory from using OpenVZ. I believe the reasoning was related to only the host could modify the physical system clock.

I am running Ubuntu as a guest OS using VMware player on my Windows 7 machine. The problem I have is syncing the clock in the Ubuntu machine. This happens only when I close the VMware player and open the suspended session. For example if I close my VMware player running Ubuntu at 4:15 PM and then restore it at 5:45 PM, it still shows 4:15 PM. (This does not happen when I shutdown the Ubuntu OS.)

Hello, I just transitioned to Ubuntu MATE from Windows, so I beg your patience with me! I am looking for an easy to install transparent analog clock that I can add to my desktop. Is there any such app available? If not could someone tell me how to install one via the terminal? Many Thanks!

This is not a big problem, just update the system clock and the command will work. However, if the Linux system in question is running inside WSL2 on Windows, then it's not quite as straightforward to fix as it ought to be and you're likely to encounter this error more often than you might expect, especially if you're using nested virtualisation.

Hyper-V is a great virtualisation environment and I've got it running on an old Dell PowerEdge R720xd in my home lab. One of the nice things about Hyper-V is that I can shut down the physical host server (e.g. through the web interface of Windows Admin Center) and it will save the state of any virtual machines which are running. When I start the server again, those same virtual machines will automatically start running again (this is all configurable, of course, but this is how my system is configured). And their system clocks are synchronised with the host machine, which is something that most hypervisors do.

Cutting a long story (slightly) short, I have a Windows 10 virtual machine running inside Hyper-V server. Then I'm running WSL2 inside Docker inside that virtual machine, so we're talking nested virtualisation (I can't be the only one who's thinking, "It's turtles all the way down"). If I turn off my Hyper-V server for any reason then, when I switch it back on and the virtual machines start running again, my Windows 10 VM has the correct system time, but my WSL2 environment (in my case Ubuntu 20.04) doesn't. The clock restarts from whenever I shut it down. To illustrate this point, I powered off my server just over a day ago. When I switched it back on and logged in to my dev machine, I opened Windows Terminal and ran the following command:

In order to fix this without having to enter the correct date and time manually, you need to install the ntpdate command in your WSL2 environment (e.g. via sudo apt install ntpdate). I tried various ways of setting the system clock automatically and this was the only one that I found worked reliably (I was unable to synchronise it to the host machine). As you might realise, the ntp in the command refers to Network Time Protocol and it means we're going to set the system time from a network time server. I'm using, but you can use any ntp server you like.

Hypervisors are great, but nested virtualisation can have some unexpected challenges. If you're running WSL2 inside a virtual machine then, if you hibernate that parent virtual machine, your WSL2 system clock will not update automatically when you restart your system. This will cause all sorts of problems and can be painful to fix. By creating a simple menu command for Windows Terminal you can correct your WSL2 system clock with almost no effort and also see how far it had drifted (in my case, this shows me how long I'd had my system switched off).

The SW Power Cap indicates that the GPU has observed that its own power consumption exceeds either the designed maximum for the GPU or the user-supplied power cap setting (not relevant for GeForce GPUs), and so the GPU intends to limit its power consumption by limiting its clocks.

Both high-end CPUs and high-end GPU can create significant power spikes due to changes in workload and dynamic clocking. For long-term rock-solid operation I therefore recommend that the total nominal power consumption of the system should not exceed 60% of the nominal power rating of the PSU by much. At present, you have:

Training starts fine, even after Ubuntu reinstall it loads up data to memory and then starts training procedure. Afer one or two batches it just limits clock to 225 MHz or 210 MHz and keeps it that way with SW Power Cap: Active all the time.

I agree that maybe 1000W 85+ Plus would be comfortable, however most of the online resources recommended 1kW ATX3 PSU for this kind of configuration, therefore I believe it should work, or it should in the worst-case-scenario limit clock on some reasonable - usable value.

GPU power management regulates the voltage along with the frequency, with high frequencies requiring higher voltage. I do not know the available voltage range for the RTX 3090 Ti specifically, but for recent NVIDIA GPUs it is roughly in the 0.7V to 1.1V range. At the low 215 MHz idle frequency setting we would thus expect to see around 0.7V and at the highest possible boost clock of 1987 MHz we would expect to see close to 1.1V. The output of nvidia-smi shows 0.92V, which probably corresponds to about 1650MHz -1700 MHz.

So it was an intermittent hardware issue after all. It makes perfect sense that the GPU clocks down to minimum speed if it can only get power through the PCIe slot (which is officially rated for a maximum of 75W, but most NVIDIA GPU limit themselves to around 40W).

Just installed Ubuntu 22.04. This is first time I have used Upgrade To. Have always made a CD/DVD. There is NO clock on screen. Also only one half of the X (click out of). Only one half of the vertical bar with icons for files, internet browser, terminal, LibreOffice and others. The icons that should be round are football (American) shaped.

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