Note: The clipboard is a data buffer that is used for short-term, data storage and/or data transfers, this can be between documents or applications. It is usually implemented as an anonymous, temporary data buffer, sometimes called the paste buffer, that can be accessed from most or all programs within the environment via defined programming interfaces.

This snippet fetches the text from the clipboard and appends it to the first element found with the class editor. Since readText() (and read(), for that matter) returns an empty string if the clipboard isn't text, this code is safe.

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\n Note: The clipboard is a data buffer that is used for short-term, data storage and/or data transfers, this can be between documents or applications.\n It is usually implemented as an anonymous, temporary data buffer, sometimes called the paste buffer, that can be accessed from most or all programs within the environment via defined programming interfaces.\n

To get to your clipboard history, press Windows logo key + V. From the clipboard history, you can paste and pin frequently used items by choosing an individual item from your clipboard menu. Pinning an item keeps it from being removed from the clipboard history to make room for new items.

To get to your clipboard history at any time, press Windows logo key  + V. From the clipboard history, you can paste and pin frequently used items by choosing an individual item from your clipboard menu. Pinning an item keeps it from being removed from the clipboard history to make room for new items.

The good news is that clipboard.js gracefully degrades if you need to support older browsers. All you have to do is show a tooltip saying Copied! when success event is called and Press Ctrl+C to copy when error event is called because the text is already selected.

Is there any way, within icfb (say schematic editor), to be able toaccess text in the xwindows clipboard?

Here is my end goal :

Iwant to select text in my text editor (such as NEdit - outsideicfb)

Then, in my schematic editor, I want to execute a bindkey that will:

search for instance name matching the selected tex

zoom to theinstance

Any ideas will be great.

To my knowledge there is no programmatic (API) interface to any clipboard or copy-paste buffer in SKILL. However there appears to be a Linux command called "xclip" that may provide such access externally, and then perhaps this could be invoked/interacted with using the ipcBeginProcess and related commands in SKILL.

In my program, my users can copy a string of text from anywhere and paste it into my program. I use the simple QApplication::clipboard()->text(); function and everything works as expected. However, several of my users are having problems when trying to copy and paste on Windows 8.1

But if the text was copied from Notepad or Chrome, the text is ALWAYS empty. Windows 7 users have not had any problems. Not ALL Windows 8 users have this issue, it's only a handful but the issue it consistent. When copied from some other random places or within my program itself, the clipboard works fine.

EDIT: With this version, When the user copies text and text gets to clipboard, a function copies the text this time to an internal text file not directly to your program, using QFile. Another function copies the text from the internal text file to your program. By this way, i think your program wouldn't have to directly deal with text in the clipboard

I have a simple programme that take a screenhshot of the front panel Page by using Get Image. The result of this function is an Image Data that I can export to a file. However, I'd like to copy this image to clipboard so that I can paste it in a Microsoft Word file. I've tried the Invoke Node Write to Clipboard, but it doesn't allow to copy the Image Data (it needs a String).

Basically, I want to be able to COPY many different items from Premiere, like presets, transitions, and clips... into the clipboard, one at a time, and then SAVE all of that clipboard information somewhere where it won't get overwritten when the next thing is copied onto the clipboard.

I've tried using autohotkey's clipboardAll() function, (Clipboard and ClipboardAll) but it doesn't work for items copied in Premiere... only for text and pictures and things like that. It looks to me like Premiere has its own special clipboard that it uses for more complicated things like copying effects or clips off of the timeline.

So again, my question is, how do I access the Premiere Pro clipboard? Where is that file located in Windows? I searched through all the Premiere AppData files and I didn't see anything that looked like clipboard information... I'm not even sure if that's the right place to look.

So is there any way you can think of that I can HACK Premiere so that I can save a transition preset? Perhaps using the clipboard, perhaps not? Or, hey! Is it possible to control Premiere actions from the command line? Or is it possible to VIEW all of the changes that Premiere is making to the computer as they happen? I'm just looking for anything I can use, here!

Sniffing the OS clipboard doesn't give you 'presets, transitions, and clips', which is what you requested, above. Glad your solution works, for you; seems very susceptible to any change to the data PPro puts on the OS clipboard.

There are usually two additional options on news sites called Copy and Nearby Share. If there was a Paste from Clipboard option on the three-dot menu, I could Copy the article to clipboard and then Paste it into a note. Would it be feasible to add this? thx/panterazero

I agree completely with @PinkElephantthat the webclipper is by far the best option. If that doesn't work for some reason (local html files are where it lets me down) there is already a global shortcut for "paste to EN". That means that pressing Alt+Ctrl+V (Windows) will paste the contents of the clipboard into a new note in EN without you having to go to EN, open a new note and paste. It also has the advanatage that it will make a sensible stab at what the title of the note should be. You get a nice little pop up meesage to say it's worked, so no need to maximise EN to check.

Returns an Object containing title and url keys representing the bookmark inthe clipboard. The title and url values will be empty strings when thebookmark is unavailable. The title value will always be empty on Windows.

Hey, Matt... Just got off the line with tech support. The workaround is this: if you are using keyboard shortcuts to copy (Ctrl-C), hit the C two or three times, instead of just once, to give the clipboard time to load what you are copying. If you are right-clicking and choosing copy, you should not have the problem at all. I wouldn't know, though, because I never use right-click to copy.

You can get access to the clipboard in two ways: the first is through Gboard, a keyboard app by Google. The second is by using clipper, a third-party app that lets you manage copied items in a slightly more efficient way.

Sometimes you will see the clipboard icon right away in the menu alongside settings, GIF, and others. But if you don't see the icon, tap the three dots at the right to reveal the hidden icons. There you will see the clipboard icon.

FlavorListeners may be registered on an instance of the Clipboard class to be notified about changes to the set of DataFlavors available on this clipboard (see addFlavorListener(java.awt.datatransfer.FlavorListener)).

If there is an existing owner different from the argument owner, that owner is notified that it no longer holds ownership of the clipboard contents via an invocation of ClipboardOwner.lostOwnership() on that owner. An implementation of setContents() is free not to invoke lostOwnership() directly from this method. For example, lostOwnership() may be invoked later on a different thread. The same applies to FlavorListeners registered on this clipboard.

This is an interesting idea! Other users have brought up the idea of implementing a kind of click to copy system in the past as well. Since you're looking specifically for a button next to the column, have you tried using the button column type with a copy to clipboard event handler? Curious if something like this might work:

Yes I have opened a support case. The clipboard error goes away when uninstalling the Cortex Agent. We are only seeing the issue on Windows 10 clients after the upgrade to so I suspect the fix CPATR-17723 that was for Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2 has introduced the issue to a new clipboard issue to Windows 10 endpoints.

I am not familiar with Greenshot but there are some default key combinations under Xenial Xerus LTS which should help you out. Note in particular the 3 sets of key combinations that send directly to the clipboard:

This document describes APIs for accessing data on the system clipboard. It provides operations for overriding the default clipboard actions (cut, copy and paste), and for directly accessing the clipboard contents.

As an example, consider a screen reader application that provides a more accessible interface to a standard web browser. While the reader can display content and allow the user to interact with it, actions like clipboard copy need to occur in the underlying browser to ensure that the clipboard content is set correctly (with any metadata added by the browser during copy). 2351a5e196

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